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Some things we can all do to support Toshi

MiscastDice · 6415

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Offline MiscastDice

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on: January 19, 2010, 03:54:39 AM
Abuse reports to Myspace and Ameba!

Yes, engaging in fraudulent activity and compromising accounts/pretending to be someone else is against the TOS of Myspace and Ameba, so.... if we work together we can accomplish a little bit of internet justice here in getting Masaya and Kaori banhammered at the least and possibly getting Toshi his own myspace/Ameba back under his own control.

I'm not registered on Ameba, so I did my thing on Myspace:

Reported http://www.myspace.com/masaya-kmn and http://www.myspace.com/wankukkumyspace as "scams," with additional information that http://www.myspace.com/masaya-kmn and Healing World have compromised and are pretending to own http://www.myspace.com/toshioffice. Also asked that http://www.myspace.com/toshiwithtearth be removed because it is currently misrepresentation.

Oh and this board needs to remove the T-Earth ad. :)

If anyone else has any suggestions, post them here.  :)

Offline radicalblues

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Reply #1 on: January 19, 2010, 06:31:03 AM
Well, even if it's not done with justice, Home of Heart/Healing World DOES own Toshi Office, didn't Toshi said they are even the same staff? If Toshi presents a lawsuit that might change, but it will all really depend if he signed a contract completely giving Toshi Office rights to Home of Heart, or if it was just a verbal contract. If he signed, Toshi office is pretty much screwed, or it will take a lot of Yoshiki lawyers to get justice done. :P

Edit: Anyway, the best thing I think we can do, is not buy any Toshi material until we know who the money is really going to.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 06:33:59 AM by radicalblues »

Offline MiscastDice

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Reply #2 on: January 19, 2010, 07:27:18 AM
Well, even if it's not done with justice, Home of Heart/Healing World DOES own Toshi Office, didn't Toshi said they are even the same staff? If Toshi presents a lawsuit that might change, but it will all really depend if he signed a contract completely giving Toshi Office rights to Home of Heart, or if it was just a verbal contract. If he signed, Toshi office is pretty much screwed, or it will take a lot of Yoshiki lawyers to get justice done. :P

Edit: Anyway, the best thing I think we can do, is not buy any Toshi material until we know who the money is really going to.

Hmm, then maybe that part of the complaint should be edited to "shut this down and offer him a new Myspace" or some such. That said, I do think trying to get Kaori and Masaya banhammered as the scammers they are is a worthy cause..... and yeah, you have a good idea in not paying a cent into stuff until we know it's going to Toshi.

Offline radicalblues

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Reply #3 on: January 20, 2010, 01:20:08 AM
Bad news, maybe.


"An exclusive contract had remained for about one and a half years, and it might be unquestionable for the management of the homepage".

Seems HoH has complete control over his official website. But I don't know MySpace policies on these kind of issues, maybe Toshi has the right to take control of his own space as an artist, even if HoH was controlling it before. Or Toshi could open a new MySpace on his own for contacting with his fans by himself, even if he's not releasing any more solo material for now. Maybe Yoshiki could manage it and upload audios from the upcoming Toshi solo concert with X members? That'd be sweet, and would help give the concert some voice.

Sorry, got too excited with ideas instead of actions. Does anyone know MySpace policies on artists? Does the MySpace have to belong to the artist, or to his record label?

Offline obi325

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Reply #4 on: January 20, 2010, 01:24:48 AM
he should be able to make his own page, myspace profile etc. without a problem, just ignoring the old one, he just need to let the public know that the old ones are fake.


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Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 02:13:03 AM
He could easily make a new official website or a new official Myspace profile, and post a link on the official X Japan page and report it in Japanese media sources or through his official blog as needed to verify that it is his

Offline Wearex316

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Reply #6 on: January 20, 2010, 04:19:14 AM
maybe this helps with the myspace thing.

MySpace Music Musician Profiles are for Musicians:
Uploading music you did not create or have rights to redistribute is a violation of MySpace’s Terms of Use and may be against the law. Even if you lawfully own a copy of the music (you bought a CD or downloaded it from an Internet service), you do not necessarily have permission to upload the music to a MySpace Musician Profile. If you are not the Musician who created the music or that Musician’s agent, do not upload music. If you violate this rule, your Musician Profile may be suspended and/or deleted. If you would like to show support for a Musician, search for or create a Musician fan club in MySpace Groups.

If you upload copyright protected music and are not cleared for uploading, you may be blocked:
If you distribute your music commercially, your record label and/or publisher may have already registered your music to prevent copyright infringement. If you are blocked during an upload, contact your record label representative to be cleared to upload your music to your MySpace Musician Profile.

Offline radicalblues

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Reply #7 on: January 20, 2010, 08:20:36 AM
I don't think it helps much, since Masaya owns the rights to his stuff... for now.

But as they said, he can probably just create a new one and make it popular. Toshi the person's MySpace versus Toshi the label's MySpace, I guess the personal one would win, since people use MySpace to actually contact the artist, not their record companies.

On the topic on what we can do to support Toshi... we decided to start at XRD some little blog-like space to keep people informed on the situation, including which webpages are outside Toshi's control right now and such, I hope this helps the cause a little:


After sitting through this stuff and seeing all the scandal that generated, we decided to throw our two cents to try to settle things up, but at the end the choice is yours.

Offline radicalblues

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Reply #9 on: January 20, 2010, 08:43:26 AM
Thanks, I thought of that one, but decided not to include it since it has only videos of Masaya presenting himself, even if there's some Toshi in the background screen. That's the same reason why I don't include any Masaya or Wanku blogs, since they're not directly compromising Toshi's interests.

Offline Wearex316

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Reply #10 on: January 20, 2010, 01:45:37 PM
I don't think it helps much, since Masaya owns the rights to his stuff... for now.

But as they said, he can probably just create a new one and make it popular. Toshi the person's MySpace versus Toshi the label's MySpace, I guess the personal one would win, since people use MySpace to actually contact the artist, not their record companies.

On the topic on what we can do to support Toshi... we decided to start at XRD some little blog-like space to keep people informed on the situation, including which webpages are outside Toshi's control right now and such, I hope this helps the cause a little:


After sitting through this stuff and seeing all the scandal that generated, we decided to throw our two cents to try to settle things up, but at the end the choice is yours.

thats awesome. great job on the page.

Offline Ryo-Ohki

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Reply #11 on: January 21, 2010, 06:41:02 AM
Spamming and trying to get certain pages shut down due to "TOS Violations" when said parties actually do own rights to the videos/music/ect won't accomplish much.

Boycotting said labels, sites, media..ect will.  I think it's a shame that this whole thing has gone down like it has but it has.  And I do believe that Yoshiki will be a force to be reckoned with if HoH, Wanku and Masaya try to claim rights to any more of Toshi's X royalties.

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Offline Wearex316

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Reply #12 on: January 21, 2010, 12:49:30 PM
i wanna see that a pissed off Yoshiki. they need to watch it.

Offline Beauty/Broken

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Reply #13 on: January 21, 2010, 01:20:54 PM
While I want to see these bastards put to the sword as much as anyone, I have a feeling in the back of my head that whilst they will probably go down for fraud (both tax and taking out loans in Toshi's name behind his back) I don't think the X Japan and solo royalties Toshi is owed will be recovered, he probably signed his life away 12 years ago without thinking.

Offline MiscastDice

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Reply #14 on: January 21, 2010, 06:18:32 PM
Solo ones probably won't be. X Japan ones, quite possibly will be.

Masaya could argue that he wrote/produced Toshi's solo work. That said, I have the distinct feeling that if the money's available (and not used to pay off the taxes and loans  :o )..... that Yoshiki and his lawyers will definitely pursue Masaya for anything related to X Japan, especially if the rumor that I heard that Masaya tried to get his hooks into Heath when Heath was with T-Earth as well is true.....

Offline Beauty/Broken

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Reply #15 on: January 21, 2010, 07:49:43 PM
Solo ones probably won't be. X Japan ones, quite possibly will be.

Masaya could argue that he wrote/produced Toshi's solo work. That said, I have the distinct feeling that if the money's available (and not used to pay off the taxes and loans  :o )..... that Yoshiki and his lawyers will definitely pursue Masaya for anything related to X Japan, especially if the rumor that I heard that Masaya tried to get his hooks into Heath when Heath was with T-Earth as well is true.....

Masaya has all writing and producing credits on Toshi's healing work, so it wouldn't be unusual for Toshi not to recieve any royalties - but as a performing musician he is still required to earn a fee every time he performs live or records in the studio for Masaya's label. You can't hire someone for 12 years, pay them nothing and fiddle their tax returns so it looks like they are. That's worse than slave labour, it's exploitation. While there is no doubt in my mind that Masaya is going to down for this he can't pay back Toshi money he doesn't have, has already spent, owes to the tax-man or is tied up in property. Toshi is financially screwed either way without Yoshiki's help, he may even goto jail himself for neglecting to act on his concerns earlier, in the eyes of the law 12 years is a long time to be party to fraud.

As for the Heath rumour, I don't think there's an ounce of truth in that. Masaya works with a lot of studio musicians legitimately. Heath didn't really want to be a part of T-Earth, he was only schedualled in for a couple of shows as a "featured" musician.

Offline radicalblues

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Reply #16 on: January 21, 2010, 11:16:19 PM
Spamming and trying to get certain pages shut down due to "TOS Violations" when said parties actually do own rights to the videos/music/ect won't accomplish much.

Boycotting said labels, sites, media..ect will.  I think it's a shame that this whole thing has gone down like it has but it has.  And I do believe that Yoshiki will be a force to be reckoned with if HoH, Wanku and Masaya try to claim rights to any more of Toshi's X royalties.

I don't condone trying to shut the sites down, as I've said before, they do own the rights to them. But Toshi can always get a new MySpace and such.

What I tried to do over at XRD is just to let people know which sites aren't controlled by Toshi, in case the X community wants to contact him. All you write to him in those sites he will most surely have no chance to read or reply.

For example, if the Facebook group wants to send motivational letters to Toshi to cheer on him, we know it won't be any good to do it at these sites. If the situation changes, however, I'll make updates to write which sites Toshi can actually read and reply to fans. I smell that the official X JAPAN website will soon have some sort of fan contact for him.

Think of the links I used as "these sites aren't useful for contacting Toshi", and not "omg thez sites are EBIL flame them and shut em down!1!". I probably should clarify this. But I've already written that justice should be left up to courts.

Oh, and Heath was in T-EARTH as much as Shinya was, so don't worry about it.

Offline MiscastDice

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Reply #17 on: January 22, 2010, 07:06:04 AM

Right now, until the concert, I think the best thing we can do to help Toshi is to support the band and Yoshiki... since right now, from all I hear, Toshi is depending on Yoshiki.....

Offline Ann1958

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Reply #18 on: January 24, 2010, 06:08:46 PM
Does anyone knows if he wrote another blog in that mixi thing?
I tried to take a look on it, but I don't understand Japanese, so I couldn't log in on that mixi thing. I don't understand what I have to do to log in on that mixi thing.

I hope a pissed off Yoshiki can do something for the money that Toshi earned with X japan reunies concerts, and didn't receive. But still, I think that's work for the lawyers and will take a certain time. Only thing we can do is write about us supporting them and being happy for the reeel friendship and being happy for Toshi's choice.

Very excited about the solo Toshi concert with X Japan members produced by Yoshiki to happening in february. Hoping we will see something online of that concert!!!

Offline MiscastDice

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Reply #19 on: January 25, 2010, 09:51:03 PM
Does anyone knows if he wrote another blog in that mixi thing?
I tried to take a look on it, but I don't understand Japanese, so I couldn't log in on that mixi thing. I don't understand what I have to do to log in on that mixi thing.

I hope a pissed off Yoshiki can do something for the money that Toshi earned with X japan reunies concerts, and didn't receive. But still, I think that's work for the lawyers and will take a certain time. Only thing we can do is write about us supporting them and being happy for the reeel friendship and being happy for Toshi's choice.

Very excited about the solo Toshi concert with X Japan members produced by Yoshiki to happening in february. Hoping we will see something online of that concert!!!

He did, according to a post I saw on XRD. He was apologizing for it all, again (poor baby) telling people who felt cheated to take their case to Masaya and Kaori, and saying the only place he could speak for himself is his Mixi (his other sites are NOT under his control.)

So basically if you want to support him, get it to his Mixi or post it to Yoshiki or the X site