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Messages - Uncontrol

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Merchandise / eBay stuff I have found
« on: June 08, 2008, 08:01:14 AM »
Quote from: "leria83"
Thanks Hollywood. They are out of print though. I don't mind bootlegged versions just as long as it's good quality. I just want it to look real and not look like it was taken with a crappy video recorder. Hmm I guess I could wait a bit and look around more too if I want.

No, they look fine. They're DVD copies.

Though, The Last Live isn't great quality as it is.

Merchandise / eBay stuff I have found
« on: June 07, 2008, 09:39:46 PM »
it's a good quality bootleg though

it's not a burnt DVD in a blank jewel case or anything

Toshi / I like Toshi because...
« on: June 06, 2008, 08:40:48 AM »
I like the fighter pilot look he had going on in the reunion concerts.

I also like when he puts his foot on the speaker and sings.  :D

hide / Rocket Dive meets KISS
« on: June 06, 2008, 07:43:30 AM »
Does Ace Frehley really say that in Kiss meets the Phantom of the Park?

I just watched that movie last night and I don't remember him singing Rocket Ride in that scene.  :shock:

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 05, 2008, 11:13:39 AM »
It doesn't matter what album it's from. Sharing copyrighted material is sharing copyrighted material. Whether it's sharing the Dahlia album or a bootleg from the Dahlia tour.

Both are still copyrighted.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 05, 2008, 08:48:19 AM »
Why don't I leave? Because I like this website. I don't have a problem with any of the other members or staff. Just Panthere Noire.

Almost every time I see something stupid happen here, Panthere is behind it. Almost every attack on a user, almost every bullshit moderation..it's always her. So I sat here and I thought "Why?" Why is it always Panthere? I came to these conclusions:

A. Panthere is making up these rules as she goes along, which is why she's the only one making these moderation.
B. These rules exist, but the other admin/moderators :roll:, so Panthere picks up their slack.

But hey, these rules actually DO exist somewhere and Panthere is constantly refreshing XF, looking for posts to moderate and wrongs to write. At least she's dedicated  :wink:

And I do disagree about it "not being the members choice", admins are people too, they can fuck up. Sometimes people are too close to the situation to see what's actually going on and that's where the members should step in. So yeah, I do disagree with your "an admin shouldn't be de-admin because they're an admin" statement.

So yeah, Panthere and her actions are my only problem here, why should I leave because of one person?

And one more thing, Lucs. You're an admin for a GNR forum that's 10x the size of this one and even though I know you opinion on this situation, I have to ask: If this exact situation happened on your forums, this large of an outcry against one of your admin/moderators, on what is a normally peaceful message board...what would you think? Would you find a nice way to tell your members to fuck off? Would you re-write the rules to suit the tastes of your rogue staff member? what would you do?

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 05, 2008, 08:07:55 AM »
I was waiting for someone to bring up the dolls. :lol:


It seems this situation gets more and more ridiculous each day. I remember there being plenty of Yoshiki Mobile updates through out the website that have gone unmoderated. Panthere just keeps adding more and more rules and moderates who ever and how ever she pleases. She is regarded as some sort of X scholar, yet she says lots of things that don't add up. And after seeing someone say something like "Panthere doesn't need proof. She lives in Japan", I imagine that's how a lot of people ignorantly think. Just because someone lives in Japan doesn't mean they have some sort of spiritual bond with X Japan. I mean, I live in America, but that doesn't mean that I go have breakfast at Denny's with Kiss every Sunday. She is always first to mention how she was somewhere "at an official capacity", I mean how pretentious can you get?

I mean, look here - http://www.x-freaks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2372

Check out the exchange between Panthere and Ryo. My understanding is that Ryo didn't take Panthere's word as some sort of word from God like some people here do. And he is told to be very careful as to what he says? Panthere, as much as she probably hates hearing this, is not an official source of anything.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 03, 2008, 09:22:14 PM »
That topic was made two weeks before Panthere's topic. It's okay for admins to lock a thread and remake it for themselves? :lol:

As far as XF growing (not that I've seen much growing, but OK), no other forums have ANY of these problems. Forums like Something Awful are much, much larger than X-Freaks. They don't have any of these problems. Neither has any other forum I've posted on regularly.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:33:41 PM »
Quote from: "Uncontrol"
Hypno, Panthere...I don't understand.

You have two topics in covering the span of 4 days with over 150 posts between the two of them. And most of those posts are saying the exact same thing. Panthere is fucking up and she should not be admin anymore.

I mean, how many times do you guys need to be told before you think "Huh. Maybe I should listen to the guys." or "Hey, maybe I am wrong"? It's not like the majority of the message board pits against a different admin/moderator each week in hopes of having them de-admin'd. And apparently, this is an ongoing problem as has been an issue before.

I guess I'm just irritated because it's very obvious what is going on here and I find it ridiculous.

This one.

I would also like to add that it seems like some of the other moderators seem to have the same opinion that Panthere shouldn't be an admin also. I'm not trying to put words into anyone's mouth, but it's implied throughout the course of the two topics. I mean, aren't these the same people that you have trust in, more so than random users like me?

Shouldn't that speaks volumes?

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:17:23 PM »
And it's my understand that Panthere is some kind of "journalist" for this site?

Am I the only one seeing a pattern here

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:09:04 PM »
On that Jrock Revolution site, you can't discuss old X Japan songs?


Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 09:59:12 PM »
I'm aware of what happened, but I don't think that's why he left.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 09:55:25 PM »
Pan/darkcat left the forum?

See? Look what you guys did.

I always got the impression that she actually knew what she was talking about, unlike a certain other user who pretends to be more important than they are. :(

Now this IS a loss.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 09:28:35 PM »
Why does darkcat need to hide?

I didnt know Pan was darkcat. That's like finding out Bruce Wayne is Batman or something

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:59:41 PM »
Quote from: "Matthias"
I wonder why  :wink:  just kidding.

This was before all of this. I don't expect to get in after all of this. <_<

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:54:34 PM »
I did apply to be a member, but I was denied. Lol.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:51:01 PM »
Wait, now we aren't allowed to post pictures in the on site? We have to go to post them in the pictures subforum? :lol:

If someone wants to add that picture to the subforum, then let them, but don't move their topic to a private board. That's shitty.

Also, Hypno..please reply to my last post.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 02, 2008, 07:12:33 AM »
Hypno, Panthere...I don't understand.

You have two topics in covering the span of 4 days with over 150 posts between the two of them. And most of those posts are saying the exact same thing. Panthere is fucking up and she should not be admin anymore.

I mean, how many times do you guys need to be told before you think "Huh. Maybe I should listen to the guys." or "Hey, maybe I am wrong"? It's not like the majority of the message board pits against a different admin/moderator each week in hopes of having them de-admin'd. And apparently, this is an ongoing problem as has been an issue before.

I guess I'm just irritated because it's very obvious what is going on here and I find it ridiculous.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 01, 2008, 11:01:56 AM »
Yes, but that's just hearsay, really. Either way, it can very easily be misconstrued as an "order" from an admin.

It might sound petty, but it's just another drop in the bucket for Panthere.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:20:16 AM »
Yes, but that's part of life, as unfortunate as it is. And I'm sure Yoshiki knows that. Yoshiki has to deal with this stuff each and every day, I'm sure he's come to terms with it.

If you started saying "OMG u cant say this because <insert X member here> or any of his affiliates might not like that!", that's a very slippery slope. If we all thought like that, this board would be nothing but "OMG X IS THE BEST BAND EVER! YOSHIKI CAN DO NO WRONG!". Do you guys really think that's what Yoshiki wants? Mindless drones for fans?

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: June 01, 2008, 07:24:59 AM »
Panthere is an admin.

She PMs a user and says something like "I'm going to have to ask you to modify your post", which is exactly like a cop asking you to step out of the car. Except the cop isn't pulling you over for speeding, he's pulling you over because he doesn't like your blue car and he thinks you should get a red one.

It is ridiculous that an admin would ask a user to edit a post like that. I think she is forgetting that this is an X Japan forum and not a Britney Spears official message board that pre-teens post in. I mean, who knows how many people she has asked to do stupid things like this? It is ridiculous and petty.

And I do agree with Hollywood, it's unfair of Panthere to user Hypno as her proxy. She can PM users and ask them to edit their posts for her, but she cannot tell us her side of the story? She has to tell Hypno to do it? She's not making this any better on herself, she's making it worse.

As far as Yoshiki and co having knowledge that the board exists, I really doubt they visit it, unfortunately. But if they do, I doubt they really care what we post as far as "multiorgasmic death-sex" drumming or whatever it was called. I'm sure that they don't have an immature, unrealistic idea of what the Internet is. But that's just an excuse anyways, there's plenty of batshit insane rumors and X gossip on this site, she just chooses to go on a crusade against the ones that she doesn't agree with.

And like radicalblues said, it's very silly to even be discussing matters like that when we have many mp3s and videos on this site.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: May 30, 2008, 05:50:14 AM »
Worried of legal threats? :P That's silly.

No one will sue anyone here for says about Yoshiki's personal life. No one is likely to sue anyone on this board for anything, some people don't understand how the internet works.

If anyone will take legal action against anyone, I would imagine it would be someone from Masaya's camp taking the death threats that Panthere made seriously. Especially considering how close she is to X. :lol:

Edit: This post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.

Suggestions / Suggestion: let people talk
« on: May 30, 2008, 02:13:19 AM »
Meh. There's plenty of repetitive topics around here.

The hide death topic has been going for two years. And that's all just a bunch of "He killed himself" and "No!! that is untrue how can you say that!" and on and on. That is repetitive. So, two years worth of "He did it" and "no he didnt" isn't enough, but apparently my two day discussion topic was?

All I saw my topic as was a discussion. Was it repetitive? Sure. Part of that was because a lot of people were saying the same things, they all had to the same problem, which is something I don't think was paid enough attention to. But all in all...I thought it was a GOOD discussion and I didn't see anything wrong with it.

I mean, I don't really see much conflict between any of the other users, everyone seems to get along with everyone. Except for Panthere and what seems like the majority of this board. If so many people dislike the things she does, why keep her around as admin? I guess I'm just not seeing what she brings to the table here. Maybe someone can enlighten me.

General chat / NEWS: Taiwanese OHP
« on: May 27, 2008, 10:01:30 AM »
Where is their English one? *taps foot*

General chat / X Japan Quiz
« on: May 26, 2008, 09:34:20 PM »
Quote from: "PanthereNoire"
For casual fans, I wouldn't worry about not having been able to answer it. That one took more than just listening to their music and thinking hide or Yoshiki are cute.

Yeah, it took reading Japan's version of Tiger Beat from 1991. As if "hide said it's OK to call Yoshiki princess" is knowledge only for the hardcore fans.  :roll:  More like fan girls.

Help / would it be okay if i had a vagina for an avatar w/ examples
« on: May 24, 2008, 08:42:24 AM »
Well, my logic was if the vanishing vision cover is OK, why not my image?

i mean it's just the reverse of it essentially. Except mine was more nice and light hearted, while the X cover was vile looking and had the scent of rape.

Help / would it be okay if i had a vagina for an avatar w/ examples
« on: May 23, 2008, 11:10:20 AM »
what? why?

Help / would it be okay if i had a vagina for an avatar w/ examples
« on: May 23, 2008, 10:59:02 AM »

General chat / The "I dont like ..." Thread
« on: May 23, 2008, 10:38:13 AM »
Quote from: "Hollywood"
The girl in the Celebration video.

Sorry but eww, having an 8-year-old girl in that ruins the video for me.  WHY OH WHY couldn't they have some hot 18-or-older babe instead?  Change the kid to a sexy young lady and that video instantly becomes 50 million times greater.

Come on, it's a metal video!  Babe please! :mrgreen:


I just hate the fuckin' mom, man.

Every time she rips up the daughter's X stuff, I get this awful feeling in my stomach. Ugh

Quote from: "YusamiUne"
Not to want to be a target, I thought the vocalist of Dragonland did a good job on Rusty Nail...

are you serious

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