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Messages - dilbot

Pages: 1 2 3 4
General chat / Re: New song?
« on: September 02, 2009, 02:19:12 PM »
I'm worried at how fast Yoshiki is making these songs. How long has Yoshiki been working on this "best" album? Hopefully he isn't scrambling to make "X" many new songs to fulfill some sort of contract agreement.

Albums/Singles / Re: JADE
« on: September 02, 2009, 02:13:48 PM »
Doesn't everybody know this is about hide? Why the need for speculation? Yoshiki openly said that when he visited hide's grave he received the inspiration to make JADE.

hide / Re: Random hide facts!
« on: September 01, 2009, 01:21:34 AM »
Source for hide having the record for furthest toss of a tv out of a hotel window?

The Concerts / Re: Best Live versions of ALL songs?
« on: August 24, 2009, 05:53:22 PM »
I have found it, in my opinion, the best, most complete version of X to date:

X-Bakuhatsu Sunzen Gig 1989


awesome quality with subs! What do ya think?

X JAPAN World Tour / Re: X Japan in Paris - 10th October?
« on: August 24, 2009, 01:29:48 AM »
Too bad the audio is cut. Well, it sounds better. Toshi sounds really whiny on one part due to the synthesizing.

Albums/Singles / Re: Voiceless Screaming
« on: August 23, 2009, 03:52:25 PM »
Why has nobody commented in this thread? This is bar none my favourite acoustic by X. Best part of the song is Toshi and Taiji screaming together at the end. So much emotion, such a sense of longing, sadness and aging hope and desire for something better.

Albums/Singles / Re: Standing Sex
« on: August 22, 2009, 05:20:27 PM »
The riff is just like a trance to me, whenever it plays I twist my head round and round and round and violently nod twice to the beat of the drums!

Albums/Singles / Re: TEARS
« on: August 22, 2009, 05:12:29 PM »
Hey have you guys heard the tears 1993 version on the Dahlia single album? It's just...too perfect. Do you think they may have edited toshi's vocals like they did to Art of Life?

General chat / Re: Yoshiki is getting repetative...
« on: August 05, 2009, 03:52:57 PM »
Yea that's true. If he's truly happy with what he's doing now then it's fine by me. Whether I like it or not, I don't want him to change his style in a way that isn't real to him. Artists like that don't last very long.

 Though if he ever gets a case of writers block I hope he doesn't waste the wonderful resources he has been blessed with for over a decade.

General chat / Re: Yoshiki is getting repetative...
« on: August 05, 2009, 03:02:18 PM »
No doubt about it. Hopefully Yoshiki realizes this too. This time around X really needs to work together as a team, each with their own worthy contributions to the new album.

General chat / Re: How did you discover X Japan?
« on: August 04, 2009, 03:43:45 AM »
Back on another forum I created a thread where people discussed what songs get them into playing instruments, some person posted es dur no piano sen but I didn't really think much of it back then.

Then one day about a year ago I was on songmeanings.com and I saw x-japan as one of their top artists under the "X" assortment and I checked out Art of Life through Limewire. Though I only got the 4 min version. I liked it and what-not, I thought they were a pretty cool band, until, I saw the 34 min EPIC on youtube and I was hooked.

I was mesmerized with the way Yoshiki put so much energy and force into his playing, as well, this was the first time I've ever seen a pianist use arm clusters (technical term for banging on keys with your arm XD) in a piece. So obviously this guy Auto-became my idol as a passionist as well as a pianist.

General chat / Re: Bands that X fans will like.
« on: August 04, 2009, 03:26:33 AM »
Oh no anything is fine, j-rock/j-metal that kinda stuff.

Though I'm not really into that melodic death metal stuff like GreenMachine or Shadow. Sorry not much of a screamo person. I can only handle it in small doses.

AION isn't bad. Are they any good live?

General chat / Bands that X fans will like.
« on: August 02, 2009, 01:15:38 AM »
I've been a long time scavenger of music. I know where to go, when to go, and who to go to when I'm on the search for something to sex my ears up. But there is one thing that I have very rarely found: Another J-rock band that I actually like. I'm sorry but I've tried Dir En Grey's last album (I think it had to word "dark" in it, either that or it had a dark album cover) which made me turn it off the very moment the second track started playing. I've tried Versailles, Hizaki Grace Project, and some other VK band that I forget... they all sound exactly the same to me, from the guitar work to the Enka voices these bands are two shits on the same log. I could go on and on about the bands that I tried and don't like...

long story short, there are very very very few rock bands from Japan that I like. X is soo awesome because their music can send blood rushing through your veins either because of a rough, edgy badass breakdown (ala Kurenai) or because of a high-strung straight from the soul to your ears ballad.

I created this topic for the purpose of recommending fellow fans of X to suggest bands/artists that other X fans can/may appreciate.

There is only one other japanese band that I give my props to, and that is a little band named MUTYUMU. Their sound is something I've never heard before, it's something beautiful hard and jagged at the same time. Their songs truly haunt me in a way no other band has ever done to me before. Their mixture of white,innocent operatic vocals and self-inflicting, vengeful screams makes me shake in disbelief and smile at how perfect and EPIC the band is. So without any further delay: Mutyumu


Albums/Singles / Re: JADE
« on: July 08, 2009, 08:52:56 PM »
The sound of the music and the way the riffs and solos are written does not always have to reflect what the lyrics are about, Standing Sex could easily have lyrics that aren't about sex but still work with the sound of the song, so I'm sorry but that's not a good reason for why the band's changed their style.

what's your point?
Also You're acting as if just because they're getting older they have to make music which represents their age/maturity, that's not true, also I feel Jade's & I.V's riffs are the only ones that feel immature of X' songs because they sound like they're trying to be cool.

You misunderstood me. I'm not saying that because their older they MUST make songs that reflect their maturity. I'm merely observing and making inferences on why X is not making any songs reminiscent of their earlier years. The evidence which I have already provided through the sound progressions of their albums.

I should probably stop commenting around the forums about this or it'll seem like I'm spamming or getting on a lot of people's nerves.

You're getting on nobody's nerves bud, don't worry about it.

X JAPAN World Tour / Re: Live in Taipei - May 30
« on: June 15, 2009, 08:28:24 PM »
Has anyone ever concluded that the members just don't have that endurance anymore?

And weekend isn't that good of a song anyways... ;p

*twitch twitch*
Week End is a classic... I'm sorry but I really can't agree with you on any of this...
about the stamina issue: take a look at their various solo projects... plenty of energy to go around there

I don't think X chooses their songs on a basis of what they physically can play, but rather on what they want to play, and that's their right as a band to do so
Just as everyone has the right to like it or not

It's a mix of both I think. But moreso about their stamina, particularly Yoshiki's. You can't deny that they don't have the same endurance as they used to. That's what comes with age. I mean, Yoshiki fainted at the reunion concert. That's why they have cut art of life for the rest of the concerts. I'm just interpolating at this point, but I also think that the fashion show is used in part to let the members rest as well.

heh, I dunno I'm just not particularly fond of Week End. I think it's cause I don't like the intro. The rest of the song isn't bad I guess. Chorus never really cut it for me.

The Concerts / Re: Best Live versions of ALL songs?
« on: June 15, 2009, 01:47:26 AM »
OKay now for the toughy.... Which. in your opinion, is the best version of X?

X - On the Verge of Destruction Concert
(can't find the video :p)

I just have this version on my Mp3. No real reason why. Still looking for the best X.

X JAPAN World Tour / Re: Live in Taipei - May 30
« on: June 15, 2009, 01:40:55 AM »
Has anyone ever concluded that the members just don't have that endurance anymore?

10 years is a long ass time. Could you still do the same things you could 10 years back, today? Can you wake up at 6 in the morning anymore? The last thing we need is one of the members fainting from fatigue in the middle of a concert >.>

And weekend isn't that good of a song anyways... ;p

Albums/Singles / Re: JADE
« on: May 31, 2009, 02:30:30 PM »
X Japan has grown too old to make songs about having sex and orgasms unfortunately. It'd be too weird to see them make a song about it now. It makes sense.

VV and BB were albums that were made when the band was relatively young, maybe in their twenties. Art of life came along and their sound matured. Then Dahlia came along and their sound changed a lot.

So it is only an inevitability that they would song different almost fifteen years after Dahlia. So we shouldn't set our hopes up for something in the vein of BB or VV, something along the lines of their last album is good enough.

Albums/Singles / Re: Week End
« on: May 22, 2009, 12:09:14 AM »
Never liked Week End. The song never really stuck out to me as anything special. So I never listen to it.

Albums/Singles / Re: Vote for songs to the X Japan Best Of album
« on: May 22, 2009, 12:03:42 AM »
Voted for Voiceless screaming. Taiji was a member too!

So yea I was watching a few songs of X Japan and I happen to stumble upon this little number. I'm no fan of skating, but a few things caught my attention. Apparently this is a 1st place performance. The skater performed an extremely difficult triple axel move. And, the one that most obliged me to watch the video - She performs to X-Japan's very own Rose of Pain. SHE FUCKING USES A ROSE TOO!


We can all learn from Midori Ito, 1st place is nice. But What's first place without winning it in Xtyle? I will remember this for my next performance/piano festival. You have never won until you have won it with X. Midori Ito, you are my fucking idol.

EDIT: Just did a search and found a post with this video posted by Hypno already. But I still think this video deserves a thread of it's own.

The Last Live / Re: The Best of The Last Live
« on: May 08, 2009, 01:17:54 AM »
2 points for Kurenai

THE best live version of Kurenai. I get chills when I here Toshi scream KURENAI-DA!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 points for scars
Best intro

1 point for Crucify my Love

I LOVE this version. Perfect.

Albums/Singles / Re: JADE
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:23:24 AM »
Well a "rough" first performance is all we have to base our opinions on. I for one am sure that they will make this song better in the studio as well as the lives. There definitely room for improvement on the song, and I'm sure Yoshiki is aware of this and will do his best to make the song better.

Heh I think after crucify my love I'm gonna try and play Voiceless screaming on piano... Man I just found a good arrangement yesterday!

General chat / The X song you are currently learning how to play
« on: May 06, 2009, 01:03:42 AM »
I'm sure all of us at some point have gotten the urge to learn how to play an X song.

Heh, thanks to a certain website I'm learning how to play Forever Love, Amethyst and Crucify My Love on piano. Mainly focusing on Crucify my Love though, the arrangement I have is really good.

And if you don't know how to play an instrument, what would be the X songs you would want to learn how to play?

If I knew how to play guitar, I would definitely learn how to play orgasm first. The bridge into Guitar solo is complete WIN.

Albums/Singles / Re: JADE
« on: May 05, 2009, 10:10:40 PM »
Yea I hope the album has atleast one song written/composed by other members. I think through that, we could get some cool songs.

Hopefully through these songs about hide this has lifted some burden off of Yoshiki's shoulders. Hopefully he will move on from making songs of mourning to songs of celebration in remembrance of the great times he had with X and hide as well!

Albums/Singles / Re: JADE
« on: May 05, 2009, 08:36:28 PM »
More delays on top delays...

And don't feel alone magucathy, I think all of us want new songs in the vein of their work in VV and BB. Though we have to come to terms with the fact that that most likely will not happen. With hide gone and all... man if hide were still alive I can only imagine what his career would've been like, what kind of new songs would be out now... and the band would've been much happier as a whole.

Art of Life Live aka X Japan Returns / Re: The second pianist...
« on: May 05, 2009, 08:28:16 PM »

If it really was her or some other person that just makes Art of Life THAT much better and complex. Nice teamwork.

Albums/Singles / Re: JADE
« on: May 05, 2009, 12:44:51 PM »
Yoshiki stated in his interview in Shezuan that the album will be released in the summer.

Art of Life Live aka X Japan Returns / The second pianist...
« on: May 05, 2009, 12:18:29 AM »
Okay when Yoshiki's piano solo in art of life starts there's another person. Cosplaying as Yoshiki/IS Yoshiki that plays the beginning interlude until Yoshiki appears, this person or the second Yoshiki then fades into the stage...

Who the hell is this person? Is it a Cosplayer? A pre-recorded scene? WTF is goin on? Why has nobody asked this question?!

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