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Whatever happened to...

BizKiTRoAcH · 59564

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Offline matsumoto

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Reply #60 on: July 17, 2008, 02:09:44 PM
The forum is starting to feel a bit restricted and I'm (we're?) not so comfortable with the atmosphere anymore. I'm not saying I don't support the decision to remove those pointless thread showing up recently, but things are just too strict. I find it a bit regrettable that it turned out like this.

It wasn't my intention to even make my appearance on this thread but I felt like, as a user of this forum, that I had to agree with alex. I believe I am too, starting to feel uncomfortable. I'm starting to think and rethink a lot about what I say before I actually say it (or might I break some rule or disturb somebody's peace of mind) and that's not good. Result: lack of activity from a lot of people who share this insecurity and increase of the number of 'neutral' observers. In practical terms, I'm starting to consider the option of not even logging in anymore, but staying as a mere sneak-peaker for the news and dicussions without actually participating.

I don't agree when people say that user A or B was the origin of this disturbance. In my humble opinion, up to this point, everyone is equally guilty in their own way. It's just been pushed too far. Some people have different personalities, different theories, different views. I don't think we should immediately label controvesial/polemic posters as disasters who can't bring anything of good to the forum. Diversity (as long as it's not worthless) makes it interesting.

We have to keep one thing in mind, though. Hypno is the administrator of this forum. He created it and he has the legitimate right to do whatever he wants with it. Authority is authority, nothing can be done against it. This way, people who don't agree with the ongoing rules (and I am NOT, in no way, saying that I agree or disagree with them) should simply not join and/or leave the forum and create their own. After, of course, having exposed their point and made their suggestions. I'm being this blunt and radical for the simple reason that I don't see a way out of these recent arguments. Two «teams» have been created and the ideologies are incommensurable. There's nothing to be done about each one's personal opinions and convictions. Nobody, and I emphasise nobody in here, has the right to change anyone's mind. Nor to force them (even if subtly) to believe a certain theory or follow a certain line of thought.
I am absolutely neutral in this thread; I don't take anyone's side, don't share any opinion, don't mean to deffend/attack anyone at all. I simply share the umcomfortable feeling. This way, here's my suggestion: everyone, read the rules again. If you find yourself offended by them, if you don't agree with them or think they impose limits on one's freedom of expression, leave or quit being an active member.

On a brighter note (because I hate to sound this drastical in a place like this), we should not forget that this is a MUSIC forum. Let's make it what it is. We're not here to argue about anyone's fanatism, anyone's theories, anyone's lifestyle. You're entitled to be who you are and nobody should gag anyone just because they disagree with them. This is for the discussion of the music and activity of a band and we all should make an effort to coexist with fellow fans, much cliche as this might sound.

Woah, I can haz admin colour.

Offline Lucs

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Reply #61 on: July 17, 2008, 02:23:03 PM
Very good post in my opinion mastumoto.

I think that if we stop talking about how this forum is now and how it was before, everything would just be fine.

As I said before, if you don't post useless or offensive post, there is no need to worry about anything. You won't get warned or anything else. Everything will just be fine !

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Reply #62 on: July 17, 2008, 06:07:15 PM
Quote from: ferret
And you know that how exactly? Show me exmaples please.
There are some on either that thread you removed from public view or the one I opened after that one was locked; for one thing, I vividly remember Hurley saying he didn't want any additional rules (this was before the rules were announced).  And all through the whole thing, Hypno has spoken so as to imply that ALL the staff are in favor of all the changes that have happened here.

Another, more recent example is the "rules poll" fiasco.  Camicat, Hurley, and Lucs all supported that.  So where's the poll?  Oh, right-- "we're discussing it".  Just like changes to the rules are also being "discussed".

I opened that poll thread on June 29th.  It's now July 17th.  And yet, the new rules were, according to Hypno in the last post of the "Suggestion: let people talk" thread, enacted after five days.  How long was the staff given to discuss the final draft of the new rules before they went live?  (I'm asking because I honestly forget, someone remind me of this one?)

And out of curiosity, how long was the staff given to discuss the changing of the board software before THAT went live?

Nothing new here, this is X Freaks business as usual: changes, no matter how sweeping, can be-- and are-- enacted nearly overnight.  But any discussion about modifications to those changes is eternally delayed in hopes that people will give up and forget about it.  How much discussion is needed to put a damn header at the top of the page that says "photos are property of their respective owners" or whatever, since Hypno supposedly wants that?  That's a lot easier to do than switching the entire forum over to new software, you know.  This whole thing is so transparent it's become like a running joke (and a pretty amusing one at that).

@Lucs, "trying to avoid trolls" by enacting new rules is a complete fallacy.  You do realize that no one (other than PN) was trolling or being abusive UNTIL the PN and new rules drama began?  I've said this before and I'll say it again: thanks to the new rules and new administrative style, you've created your own monsters here.  Congratulations.

color=darkred]STAND UP!  FUCK UP![/color]

Offline Lucs

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Reply #63 on: July 17, 2008, 06:20:49 PM
@Lucs, "trying to avoid trolls" by enacting new rules is a complete fallacy.  You do realize that no one (other than PN) was trolling or being abusive UNTIL the PN and new rules drama began?  I've said this before and I'll say it again: thanks to the new rules and new administrative style, you've created your own monsters here.  Congratulations.

The only three persons that "suffered" the rules are Darkcat, Miscast Dice and Radical Pan. Nobody else has and will as long as they behave like they behave now, so I really don't see what the problem is.

About the new forum, I took MY time to install it, transfer the datas etc... it's my free time. The other things your are talking about aren't things I can actually do. But well, once again, we make some changes, but still, you are not satisfied... it's why I really doubt that when the poll is created and the photos rules changed you'll stop complaining...

Offline Sander

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Reply #64 on: July 17, 2008, 07:09:46 PM
Even though there were some moderators who didn't manage to voice their opinions yet, I have changed rule #12.

This is my administrator color.

Offline Hollywood

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Reply #65 on: July 17, 2008, 07:15:50 PM
Quote from: Lucs
The only three persons that "suffered" the rules are Darkcat, Miscast Dice and Radical Pan. Nobody else has and will as long as they behave like they behave now, so I really don't see what the problem is.
You're avoiding the issue.  The point is, the rules are unnecessary.  The only reason you've offered for why the rules exist is, basically, "to keep people from behaving like darkcat/MD/Pan".  That's not a valid reason, because those three people were not troublemakers until AFTER all the recent drama.

I love how many different reasons I keep being given for why the new rules exist at all, I really do.  It's more or less a new excuse every week.  Let's see if I can remember them all:
1. They're there because of PN's behavior.
2. They have nothing to do with PN, they're there because Hypno always meant to make new rules anyway and the timing is just an incredible coincidence.
3. They're there because PN told Hypno he could get sued if he doesn't make new rules.
4. They're there to keep normal users from turning into trolls, nevermind that this had never happened before and the "trolling" users are only "trolling" out of anger at the new rules.

Did I forget anything?

Quote from: Lucs
About the new forum, I took MY time to install it, transfer the datas etc... it's my free time.
So?  That's your choice, you certainly didn't have to spend your free time doing that.  I also have spent a lot of my own free time generating content and discussion for this forum, and out of my own free will: I didn't have to do that any more than you had to install the new software.

Quote from: Lucs
But well, once again, we make some changes, but still, you are not satisfied...
What changes, the new forum?  Are you serious?  When the hell did I-- or anyone else who is dissatisfied lately-- say "everything would be better if only we had new forum software"?  No one asked for that, just like no one asked for new rules.  It's like someone ordering a cheeseburger and you bring them a hat.  And then get all indignant that they still want a cheeseburger.  So you also bring them an umbrella.

Quote from: Lucs
it's why I really doubt that when the poll is created and the photos rules changed you'll stop complaining...
Oh, so is this the new excuse for why there won't be a poll and the photo rules won't be changed?  I don't think you get it.  The poll is not about me.  The poll is about finally giving people an opportunity to easily and publicly voice their opinion, whether for or against, on what they think about the new rules and the direction this forum has taken.

Why would you NOT want that?  How can you possibly find that harmful or inappropriate?  And why has it taken over two weeks to "discuss" this, while sweeping changes that no one wanted happen nearly overnight?

The new rule #12 is much better, thanks Hypno.

color=darkred]STAND UP!  FUCK UP![/color]

Offline Matthias

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Reply #66 on: July 17, 2008, 07:18:12 PM
"everything would be better if only we had new forum software"? 

Well, you can merge now threads, so I think that's an improvement to the situation where when double-threads existed one had to be closed.

Offline ferret

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Reply #67 on: July 17, 2008, 07:24:29 PM
The poll is about finally giving people an opportunity to easily and publicly voice their opinion, whether for or against, on what they think about the new rules and the direction this forum has taken.

You've already had enough opportunities to do that in SEVERAL threads but they turned into a "why PN is Hitler, (later) Hypno Mussolini and ferret Stalin and should be stopped before there is forum holocaust" topic, and I have the feeling this poll will turn out exactly the same way.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 07:26:55 PM by ferret »


Offline Lucs

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Reply #68 on: July 17, 2008, 07:27:42 PM
Before writing my reply, I just want to know why you are being so aggressive ? I try to answer politely giving you my opinion of what is going and why the staff made certain changes. I think this conversation would be much better without this "aggressivity", just you asking, me replying, talking about stuffs etc...

You're avoiding the issue.  The point is, the rules are unnecessary.  The only reason you've offered for why the rules exist is, basically, "to keep people from behaving like darkcat/MD/Pan".  That's not a valid reason, because those three people were not troublemakers until AFTER all the recent drama.

Well, why did they start acting like that anyway ? There're no good reason to do so. Even though, in my opinion, some members weren't acting good before the rules (that's just my opinion).
At least, even though I think you complain a lot, you haven't started acting like an idiot when we made the new rules (I say we, but I wasn't in the staff when it was done). You discuss them, and I, personnaly, appreciate that much more than trying to see what happens if we broke a rule.

I love how many different reasons I keep being given for why the new rules exist at all, I really do.  It's more or less a new excuse every week.  Let's see if I can remember them all:
1. They're there because of PN's behavior.
2. They have nothing to do with PN, they're there because Hypno always meant to make new rules anyway and the timing is just an incredible coincidence.
3. They're there because PN told Hypno he could get sued if he doesn't make new rules.
4. They're there to keep normal users from turning into trolls, nevermind that this had never happened before and the "trolling" users are only "trolling" out of anger at the new rules.
I personally haven't heard at any moment that these new rules were related in any way with PN. I just think they are necessary for a forum that is growing like this one. Again, this is my opinion.

Quote from: Lucs
About the new forum, I took MY time to install it, transfer the datas etc... it's my free time.
So?  That's your choice, you certainly didn't have to spend your free time doing that.  I also have spent a lot of my own free time generating content and discussion for this forum, and out of my own free will: I didn't have to do that any more than you had to install the new software.

What changes, the new forum?  Are you serious?  When the hell did I-- or anyone else who is dissatisfied lately-- say "everything would be better if only we had new forum software"?  No one asked for that, just like no one asked for new rules.  It's like someone ordering a cheeseburger and you bring them a hat.  And then get all indignant that they still want a cheeseburger.  So you also bring them an umbrella.
I think you misunderstood me, cause I really don't understand why you take it like that. But the comparison is fun ;D

What I wanted to say is that it was me who made the new forum, and the others things you said that had to be done didn't "belong" to me. I wasn't saying that I was a so generous person because I gave my free time, I like doing that, it's a passion, it's my job.
And again, the reason we upgraded the forum were :

- New options (like merging topics, which is very important and useful)
- Security reason (the other forum was old, getting lots of bots and could get hack very easily)

Oh, so is this the new excuse for why there won't be a poll and the photo rules won't be changed?  I don't think you get it.  The poll is not about me.  The poll is about finally giving people an opportunity to easily and publicly voice their opinion, whether for or against, on what they think about the new rules and the direction this forum has taken.
It's not an excuse, it was just my opinion about that. I still think making a poll would be a good idea. First make a lock topic so people can only vote, then, after we have some results that seem representative, we talk about it and take actions.

Please, if you have any more question or anything else to add, don't be so aggressive (maybe you weren't, but while reading, I was feeling like you were being aggressive, but it's always hard to know as I can't "hear" you, I can just read you). Thanks !

Offline Madjhatter

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Reply #69 on: July 17, 2008, 07:30:45 PM
Thank you for altering Rule #12, much appreciated.

~Live boldly. Take risks. Make somebody say, "what the hell was that all about?"~

Offline Sander

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Reply #70 on: July 17, 2008, 07:46:46 PM
Quote from: Lucs
The only three persons that "suffered" the rules are Darkcat, Miscast Dice and Radical Pan. Nobody else has and will as long as they behave like they behave now, so I really don't see what the problem is.
You're avoiding the issue.  The point is, the rules are unnecessary.  The only reason you've offered for why the rules exist is, basically, "to keep people from behaving like darkcat/MD/Pan".  That's not a valid reason, because those three people were not troublemakers until AFTER all the recent drama.
Just a random example, I'm sure there were plenty in the past few years, but there was an incident where Darkcat called PN a 'puta' (I'm sure you know enough Spanish to understand). What did we do? Nothing really! I still don't understand what's wrong with the rules we have. 'We don't want them' is not an argument. I didn't want the underage alcohol prohibition law when I was underage, but did I have a choice? (Ok I actually agreed with it, but that's just an example, so imagine I didn't).

I love how many different reasons I keep being given for why the new rules exist at all, I really do.  It's more or less a new excuse every week.  Let's see if I can remember them all:
1. They're there because of PN's behavior.
2. They have nothing to do with PN, they're there because Hypno always meant to make new rules anyway and the timing is just an incredible coincidence.
3. They're there because PN told Hypno he could get sued if he doesn't make new rules.
4. They're there to keep normal users from turning into trolls, nevermind that this had never happened before and the "trolling" users are only "trolling" out of anger at the new rules.
1. Partly. You didn't agree with her behavior, I did, arguing about it was pointless, so I set up the rules that more or less strictly told what is ok and what is not.
2. Timing was bad, the rules would have been needed before the March concerts even. I was just lazy.
3. Oh I knew that I could get sued before PN registered here actually. One reason for the rules, though, is indeed to lessen those risks (which are small anyway).
4. As mentioned above, we have had incidents before. Some older members should also remember hyderix?

What changes, the new forum?  Are you serious?  When the hell did I-- or anyone else who is dissatisfied lately-- say "everything would be better if only we had new forum software"?  No one asked for that, just like no one asked for new rules.  It's like someone ordering a cheeseburger and you bring them a hat.  And then get all indignant that they still want a cheeseburger.  So you also bring them an umbrella.
Actually, the new software was not installed because of you...

Oh, so is this the new excuse for why there won't be a poll and the photo rules won't be changed?  I don't think you get it.  The poll is not about me.  The poll is about finally giving people an opportunity to easily and publicly voice their opinion, whether for or against, on what they think about the new rules and the direction this forum has taken.
I didn't want to make the poll before I had made the global photo disclaimer and some moderators hadn't spoken on that topic yet but I guess you were right, it has taken a bit too long.

And ferret, why do I have to be Mussolini? I wanted to be The Shōwa Emperor Hirohito!

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Offline ferret

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Reply #71 on: July 17, 2008, 07:50:29 PM
And ferret, why do I have to be Mussolini? I wanted to be The Shōwa Emperor Hirohito!

I knew you'd ask that. I wanted the third fascist be an European, too, so it's either Mussolini or the Spanish dude  :P You can still he Hirohito, though.

And I miss hyderix, he was pretty entertaining.


Offline MiscastDice

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Reply #72 on: July 17, 2008, 11:16:12 PM
Here's the rules I have issues with:

3. Please try to watch your language. There are minors on this board, so avoid the use of profanity as much as possible, specially against other members of the board.

NO. There shouldn't be a rule like this, especially with X's own lyrics and the language the band members use (honestly, what next, asking Yoshiki not to post to his blog lest a minor learn of his love for the word "fuck"?) Minors shouldn't even BE in X fandom unless they are mature enough to understand OR their parents are OK with it (and by minors I mean anyone under 15 or 16, not the US law of 18 as the age of majority). Honestly, there are no X concerts, few PVs, few lyrics that would qualify as kid-appropriate, at least according to American culture. WHY should we have to make our discourse on the band something that the band itself is not?

I'd say this rule needs to be deleted and subsumed into the no personal attacks rule. Use whatever fucking language you want to, but don't swear at other users unless they're ok with it. "This song is fucking kickass" should be fine, "you are a fucking asshole" should be covered under personal attacks.

8. Do not post news not confirmed by official sources as facts. Official sources are official homepages and MySpaces of the band and the members, press conferences, interviews, also JRR.

News exists beyond the artists' sources. I would say that as well as the artists, we need to include major broadcast or print media (since their fact-checking is better than JRRs or the artists' and they're often first on the story if it's something like a death or an arrest). For example, if something has made the NHK, the Daily Yomiuri/Asahi Shimbun/Japan Times in Japan, or a news broadcast on MSNBC/CNN/local news stations or the Los Angeles Times in the US, it is no longer a "rumor." It is legit news and should be treated as such. Unless you really are convinced that JRR is more trustworthy than a major newspaper. :lol:

10. No news from sources that are subscription only, that require the subscribers to sign a nondisclosure agreement. In less legal terms, they agree not to repost anything they learned from the subscribed to source. This includes YoshikiMobile.

This rule needs to be thrown out. It's the user's own responsibility if they choose to break the YM TOS, for example, NOT the board's.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 11:17:54 PM by MiscastDice »

Offline Kasparek

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Reply #73 on: July 17, 2008, 11:25:38 PM
another thing i find sort of ridiculous, not about the rules, but about miscastdice's argumentation:

nobody understands the song's lyrics, unless they're english or the people in question speak japanese (and i doubt that lots of people here do), so dont try to back up your arguments with this lyrics thing. that rule just needs to be loosened without any reason, swearing is human nature.

nothing personal dude, i do love swearing too and think swearing fuck and shit and cunt shouldnt be a problem here.

Offline MillieQOF

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Reply #74 on: July 17, 2008, 11:38:30 PM
3. Please try to watch your language. There are minors on this board, so avoid the use of profanity as much as possible, specially against other members of the board.

+ rambling

We're not the band.
If they were misbehaving when they were youths, that has nothing to do with the order of the forum.

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Reply #75 on: July 18, 2008, 07:35:48 AM
Thank You for the poll.

Pony rocks!

Offline friday

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Reply #76 on: July 18, 2008, 08:42:14 AM

Rule 3 says TRY to watch your language, not "You aren't allowed to swear on this forum." Nobodys saying you can't swear. You aren't going to get warned for saying "Wow, IV fucking rules!" Or "Fucking hell, i broke my nail." i mean, nobodys going to care! But if you say "Fuck" in every post, well, thats where "TRY to watch your language" comes in. Common courtesy you know? And obviously of course if you're going to swear at a certain member, well... You know what happens. ;)

I dunno... It just seems to me that you guys want a laid back forum yet you bring up all these complex arguments and points about the rules that really AREN't that complex. If you guys just chillax, everything will work out, just give it time. :) I'm not saying its not a case of "If you can't beat them (admins, mods, or whoever) join them." its a case of just accepting and following these rules that are in place for a TRIAL PERIOD and may be changed in the future. So yeah... Just stop complaining and instead of wasting all your energy on long, repetitive posts talk about other things, like for example... X Japan? :P


Offline Sander

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Reply #77 on: July 18, 2008, 09:05:35 AM
Here's the rules I have issues with:

3. Please try to watch your language. There are minors on this board, so avoid the use of profanity as much as possible, specially against other members of the board.
Shit man, please read the rule 3 more times. As much as possible! Have we ever warned anyone for saying fuck? It's just that I believe that mature people can have a normal discussion/conversation without swearing after every three words.

8. Do not post news not confirmed by official sources as facts. Official sources are official homepages and MySpaces of the band and the members, press conferences, interviews, also JRR.
If you consider Nikkan Sports a major newspaper, then good luck. You are allowed to post those articles, discuss about them, but not as facts, when they might not be.

10. No news from sources that are subscription only, that require the subscribers to sign a nondisclosure agreement. In less legal terms, they agree not to repost anything they learned from the subscribed to source. This includes YoshikiMobile.
If you are really dying to know what Yoshiki had for breakfast, you'll find YM messages posted elsewhere also. The important news that are sent there usually are made official in a few days anyway. Or they will be printed on the sports pages of a newspaper, which means you can post it here as a rumor.

These were quick answers, so you wouldn't say I'm ignoring you or anything. This topic, however, is not for discussion about the rules. If you want to talk about them, wait until the poll ends.

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Offline Hollywood

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Reply #78 on: July 18, 2008, 09:32:47 PM
Quote from: Hypno
'We don't want them' is not an argument.
Why isn't it?  Judging by the poll so far, clearly I'm not the only one who takes issue with at least some of the new rules.

And thanks for the poll by the way!  I'm glad to see it and really appreciate that.

Quote from: Hypno
I didn't want the underage alcohol prohibition law when I was underage, but did I have a choice?
This is part of the problem right here: users are being treated like children, when in fact many of those who dislike the new rules are in the 20-30 range (and some above).  And regardless of age, everyone here has been exposed to adult material via X and would most probably like to be treated as an adult.  (I share MiscastDice's opinion that kids and young teens shouldn't be on an X board anyway.)

Quote from: Hypno
This topic, however, is not for discussion about the rules. If you want to talk about them, wait until the poll ends.
This thread is in the offtopic section, why does it matter what people discuss on it?
And... uh, what?  People are not to talk about the rules until the poll ends?  Why the hell not?  Please don't twist the poll into another shut-up tactic.

But this one takes the cake:
Quote from: MillieQOF
We're not the band.
If they were misbehaving when they were youths, that has nothing to do with the order of the forum.
So, if somehow the X members were to join the forum and act like themselves, they'd be banned?  From a forum about X?

Best one EVER.

This isn't a Hannah Montana forum.  X was about breaking rules, shocking the masses, doing your own thing, being provocative, and just generally saying (to borrow a line from Attitude) "fuck the system".  What in the fucking world makes anyone think that fans of this type of band would appreciate a prim, restrictive, rule-obsessed forum?  It's a mockery of X, frankly.  And as someone who loves the band, it breaks my fucking heart to see this ridiculous attempt to "clean up" X and its fans.

"We're not the band."  That's for goddamn sure.  RIP X Freaks, that was a coffin nail if I've ever heard one.

color=darkred]STAND UP!  FUCK UP![/color]

Offline BizKiTRoAcH

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Reply #79 on: July 18, 2008, 09:51:01 PM
Quote from: BizKiTRoAcH
Rule number 10 is complete BS. As i've said in the past, this forum cannot be held responsible for what the users post. When you first sign up, that is in the registration terms.
If it's in the sign up terms, it can't hurt being in the forum rules as well ;)

Rule number 10 says you cant post information from somewhere like YM. The sign up terms dont. The sign up terms say that forum owners cant be held responsible. Therefore posting stuff from YM or any other subscription based site/whatever cannot get you in trouble, so why not let people post the information? If someone has a subscription and wants to break the agreement that THEY agreed to, only that user can be held responsible. We should be allowed to post the information for the non-Japanese users.

The point I was trying to make is that YOU cannot be held responsible for any information posted here so having a rule saying we CANT post information from a legit source is silly.

I don't agree when people say that user A or B was the origin of this disturbance. In my humble opinion, up to this point, everyone is equally guilty in their own way.
Not sure who said this but I just want to state that I agree with this. I stated it in my original post and we all have a part in this. I believe some caused more grief than others but everyone had a part in it.

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Reply #80 on: July 18, 2008, 10:05:05 PM
Okay, I'll have to post here now ... :/
I didn't read EVERYTHING in here, but the most ... so ...

First: I don't really see any problem here atm. Unless all this needless fighting around ... well, PN, the forum atmosphere, the rules ... blah. While IMO this things don't create problems themselves, the all time complaining DOES. Just what I think.

Otherwise ... I don't really think this forum is rule-obsessed and over-strict and god knows what. And the argument, that X is/was provoking and rule breaking and whatever, too and this is a forum about the band ... Yeah, that's true. But still I don't think a forum about such a band would be good if there was nonstop swearing in every single post. o_o WHAT ISN'T THE FACT, I know. But it isn't that terrible to have a rule about this ...? What's your problem? I don't see it.

I am tired, so I forgot half of the things I wanted to write, but I hope I could get a bit clear nevertheless. x_x

Oh, and btw ... Just because we are X fans doesn't mean we all are ... some outlaws, swearing all the time, drinking beer and destroying hotel rooms or something xD; And that's not just an info page about X, it is a discussion forum. It's not only about the band, but also about the people here. They want to get along well with each other. Therefore the rules exist.
does anybody understand what I'm trying to say here? XD (serious ... *tired*)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 10:27:13 PM by Maya19 »

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Reply #81 on: July 18, 2008, 10:05:56 PM
This isn't a Hannah Montana forum.  X was about breaking rules, shocking the masses, doing your own thing, being provocative, and just generally saying (to borrow a line from Attitude) "fuck the system".  What in the fucking world makes anyone think that fans of this type of band would appreciate a prim, restrictive, rule-obsessed forum?  It's a mockery of X, frankly.  And as someone who loves the band, it breaks my fucking heart to see this ridiculous attempt to "clean up" X and its fans.

I don't really see what that has today with anything. I mean, a band like Pagan Altar (to name my favorite band, haha)  used to be all about occultism and shit, but I don't think the mods of the official Pagan Altar Fanclub board (and the band members themselves) would appreciate it if some psycho occultist comes online to tell us all that Satan is coming and the end is nigh and shit.

That said, I do agree with some of the things people mention in this thread, but seriously, does it bother you THAT much? I haven't really noticed a big difference since I started posting here, but that could be me.... Seems to me that this all started with the MiscastDice/PN shit.....


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Reply #82 on: July 18, 2008, 10:24:12 PM
drinking bear
You crazy german lol :D :D :D

I totally agree with you though.

A forum doesn't have to be like the attitude of the band. Yeah, in the 80's X Japan's member where some hard rocker motherfucker's and all, so ? Do you really see the members of the band NOW swearing all the time and acting like crazy hard rocker ? Come on, now they are all cute, hugging each others with plushies on stage ! Which is much better in my opinion.

This forum is about people liking the same band, it's not about people acting like if they were member of that band. We are here in a community, like any other. The staff of this community choose how they want to deal with it. If we don't want porn and insults here, just respect it.

I also think that we reached a point where all your complaints are just USELESS. YOU are ruining the atmosphere of the forum with that. People just want to come here and have fun, they don't wanna see people arguing and all about some rules or wathever. So, really, if you don't like it so much, LEAVE ! Create your own forum with NO rules (funny that nobody chose this option in the poll as some here seemed to say that there should be no rules :P, but well). But please, pleaaaaaaaase, stop with all the complaints, it's really useless. It's really not as if you were trying to find solutions or what, you're just complaining to make the staff look stupid or I don't know what you want...

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Reply #83 on: July 18, 2008, 11:35:27 PM
drinking bear
Yeah, in the 80's X Japan's member where some hard rocker motherfucker's and all, so ? Do you really see the members of the band NOW swearing all the time and acting like crazy hard rocker ? Come on, now they are all cute, hugging each others with plushies on stage ! Which is much better in my opinion.

This topic has now turned into a petition to ban Lucs. The worst kind of X Japan fan.

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Reply #84 on: July 18, 2008, 11:40:46 PM
A forum doesn't have to be like the attitude of the band. Yeah, in the 80's X Japan's member where some hard rocker motherfucker's and all, so ? Do you really see the members of the band NOW swearing all the time and acting like crazy hard rocker ? Come on, now they are all cute, hugging each others with plushies on stage ! Which is much better in my opinion.


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Reply #85 on: July 18, 2008, 11:46:24 PM
"A forum doesn't have to be like the attitude of the band. Yeah, in the 80's X Japan's member where some hard rocker motherfucker's and all, so ? Do you really see the members of the band NOW swearing all the time and acting like crazy hard rocker ? Come on, now they are all cute, hugging each others with plushies on stage ! Which is much better in my opinion."


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Reply #86 on: July 18, 2008, 11:55:54 PM
"A forum doesn't have to be like the attitude of the band. Yeah, in the 80's X Japan's member where some hard rocker motherfucker's and all, so ? Do you really see the members of the band NOW swearing all the time and acting like crazy hard rocker ? Come on, now they are all cute, hugging each others with plushies on stage ! Which is much better in my opinion."


Congratulations are indeed in order for Lucs. In one paragraph, he has summed up the problems with JRR and X-F and placed the last "rusty nail" in the coffin of this forum for many of us. Great job, man, great job.

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Reply #87 on: July 19, 2008, 12:59:25 AM
(funny that nobody chose this option in the poll as some here seemed to say that there should be no rules  :P, but well)
That's likely because no one in the history of these discussions has ever said "I think we should have no rules".  Ever.  Seriously, if you can find one single post where someone has suggested that, please show me.  It's also worth noting that no one has ever complained about the old rules.

But mostly I wanted to comment on this:
A forum doesn't have to be like the attitude of the band. Yeah, in the 80's X Japan's member where some hard rocker motherfucker's and all, so ? Do you really see the members of the band NOW swearing all the time and acting like crazy hard rocker ? Come on, now they are all cute, hugging each others with plushies on stage ! Which is much better in my opinion.
I was going to cite some examples that disprove these statements, but honestly, I'm still completely speechless.
Well, like I said, I know the sound of a coffin nail when I hear one-- and as of now I also know the sound of about ten coffin nails all at once.

RIP X Freaks.  You were so fucking cool, once upon a time.

color=darkred]STAND UP!  FUCK UP![/color]

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Reply #88 on: July 19, 2008, 05:34:13 AM
So if you say RIP X-Freaks that means that you're leaving right ? Or you'll just stay here, on a forum you dislike, and complain forever ? I'm sure you have better things to do, and so do I.

Btw, I was just makin' fun of your statement man, it's so ridiculous, in my opinion, to think that a forum about a band should be just like the "attitude" of the band. I can't believe you took that seriously ;D ;D

But once again, you're complaining about the rules, but have you seen a lot of rules broken till we added them ? ??? Only MD and DC went all swearing everywhere which is unappropriated. Check any other forum (on music or any other theme) and tell me how many allows swearing (I'm not actually asking you to do that as, in my opinion, it would be a waste of time, I'm just saying that it's forbidden almost everywhere and it's a good thing).

And if you judge a forum just on my opinions, I'm really sad for you.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 05:37:26 AM by Lucs »

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Reply #89 on: July 19, 2008, 06:09:02 AM
Check any other forum (on music or any other theme) and tell me how many allows swearing (I'm not actually asking you to do that as, in my opinion, it would be a waste of time, I'm just saying that it's forbidden almost everywhere and it's a good thing).

I can think of many forums that don't care, more than those that do anyways. Every forum that I visit regularly doesn't really care and there isn't a problem with it. As far as the ones that do care goes...I don't know, I stopped visiting Neopets years ago.