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Messages - Radical Pan

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Other Bands / Enough with the word "Jrock"!
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:53:25 AM »
Quote from: "Hypno"
Ummm not really... I believe there are many people who are fans of only 'j-music' mainly because of the language...

Well, that depends of people, because I totally hate hate HATE Portuguese, not the people, just the language, and I've heard a couple of Portuguese bands that sound neat, I like their music, but the language-- I prefer to avoid it. Saying that a band is more of less just because of it's nationality or language, if you ask me, is imbecile.

Quote from: "Hollywood"

Pan and Blues, wow... you guys really rock.  I actually never knew that story about J-Wave, I had always assumed that the "J-" prefix was something that got stuck on by overseas fans.  You guys seriously need to publish an article on all this, not just in English but also in... hell, every other language you can. :P  People need to know this shit!

About "visual" vs. "visual kei", I first found out about Japanese rock (including visual) in about 1996 or so, and at the time the English-language internet fan community was calling it "visual rock" or sometimes "visual shock".  Or just "visual", yeah.  I wish I could remember the first time I saw the term "visual kei", but I can't remember really.  All I remember for sure is that it wasn't until years later-- I'd estimate around 1999-2000 or so, I suppose.

The rumor I've heard is that Mana from Malice Mizer claims he "invented visual kei" (ha... :roll:)-- I've never seen the supposed interview so I have no clue if that's true or not, but you guys might want to do some research in that direction.  It seems possible he had something to do with the invention of the term "visual kei" anyway, the timing would be about right (considering there would have been, at the time, some delay between when the term came into use in Japan and when it became popular among English-speakers).

Well, that article Blues talked about, I wrote it for the first time about 4 years ago with the help of the friend I told you, and since then we've never stopped researching about the topic, interesting thing you always find more and more.

We have already covered the Mana part, and indeed, there's a notable difference between Visual and Visual Kei, and yes, Mana was the one who named this neo Visual as Visual Kei, let me explain.

In Japan, Visual started on middle 70's by copying Black Sabbath's looks and Glam attitude and clothing, bands like Murbas and Visual Scandal were the first ones to do this, because they wanted to attract more people to their lives, wanted to be noticed, so they transformed those looks into what turned to be Visual, something to impress the audience and that had some kind of relation with their music style. Why make up? to avoid people calling them "copy cat". Visual was just a nickname they used to be identified by their looks.

Later, Seikima II joined, but they were into another level because they were a little bit more traditional, y'know that KISS make up came from Japanese theater Kabuki, when only men can perform, so they use make up to cover up as women and show expressions. But they used armors, this was a common thread on Visual back then, which X also copied, and so did a bunch of other bands like SAVER TIGER and Urgh Police!!.
X were the ones who made Visual go mainstream though, they were the first band of that circle to ever made it to TV Stations, but that DOES NOT makes them what ignorant people call them "fathers of Visual/Visual Kei".

This Visual thing was a huge boom, but everything that goes up gotta fall someday, so when X decided to quit this Visual style (say 94), most of the bands in it did it as well, they were already known and the style wasn't that popular anymore. That's when Mana comes, at that time he had MALICE MIZER with Tetsu, they dressed like Visual, but when Gackt came Mana decided he couldn't let that style die, and that's when he transformed the concept of Visual and gave it the name of Visual Kei in magazines, because that's how MALICE MIZER wanted to be called about their looks. He mixed barroque looks with French maids of XV Century, also known as Lolita, but he twisted all those pop cultures and meanings to his own way (this was also the birth of his clothing store, Moi-même-Moitié). At the end Visual Kei was an aesthetic movement that complemented music; if they were singing about death, at their concerts they had this huge scenario of a gothic church and clothing that made easy to tell that story by their music.

LAREINE also followed MALICE MIZER path, but there weren't much bands that respected VK main point, nowdays being VK means to wear weird clothing and some make up, but most of them don't represent anything by it, but well, you can't avoid it, clothing brands like h.Naoto and SeX PoT ReVenGe have bought bands entirely, what else can they do?

...wow that was long XD lol, but yeah, the "J-" thing article and the Visual/VK one are the ones we're been working on for years.
Sorry for making the post this long and thanks to anyone who read it.

Toshi / Help needed about this Toshi album..
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:15:45 AM »
Btw apparently the physical version of the one that has 6 tracks and the DVD could be bought at the Tokyo Dome 3 Days.

I already uploaded the single, both versions, so please click on the links of my signature to download it.

And don't worry Hypno, I know your rules about sharing :P

Toshi / Help needed about this Toshi album..
« on: April 15, 2008, 07:53:46 AM »
Y'know I think it depends of where you buy it, because apparently you can only get the CD with 6 tracks and the DVD in a physical store in Japan, but if you buy it via Toshi Store in internet (like me), you'll get the CD with 4 tracks, no DVD and an autographed postcard.
Another way of getting the 6 tracks is via CD Baby, buying mp3.

Toshi / Help needed about this Toshi album..
« on: April 15, 2008, 04:19:03 AM »
I just wanted to let you know ben, that my single I bought through the site I told you DID come with the autograph apart in a postcard :D

Other Bands / Enough with the word "Jrock"!
« on: April 15, 2008, 02:43:41 AM »
Hollywood, man, every time I like you more and more, seriously.

I'm SICK and TIRED of the goddamn "J-" tag, why do people has the need to separate Japanese stuff from the rest of the world? only because it's Japanese it doesn't makes it better or anything, and if you like music for what it is, MUSIC, which actually is a language by itself, then why is this need? I don't see the rest of the world tagging their bands with a prefix of their country. If you like Rock, then you'll like ANY kind despite the language.

What people don't understand is that this "J-" thing has this enourmous clever background, and I've been able to research deeply about it thanks to a friend who knows a shitload of people of Japanese music industry (that includes some X indie members as well), and this whole thing started with a Japanese Radio Station called "J-Wave", they started creating publicity using the "J-" on everything they could air, and in all their promotions; also, that station is really popular.

Media also had a lot to do with the development of this term and it was before J-Wave dug in. As we all know, because of the WWII in Japan the only thing people listened to was Enka, after US won, they started bringing their music to Japan, and some Japanese artist, resigned by the loss, started copying their style, adding English lyrics to their own songs, so Media started calling any kind of music that wasn't Enka by the term "J-Pop", which means Japanese Pop Culture, not the genre. So you could go in at any records store, and they had "Enka", "J-Pop" and "World" separations to attract people's attention, just as a mere label.

Smart marketing crew J-Wave had, took advantage of the Media and their own name, that's how the "J-Rock" tag was next. Of course artist are not going to miss the opportunity to make more money, so why change buyers mentality? instead, they took advantage of it. They will sell more under those labels.

In the end, this "J-" tag thing is just an incredibly awesome business strategy. And J-Pop is a term referred to culture, popular, not a genre.

Forum Games / Your names, please?
« on: April 15, 2008, 02:27:16 AM »
I love Russian ;_;


Well, my name it's not common at all, but it's not weird to hear it either, I was named after my grandmother Trinidad (Spanish for Trinity, bible thing), who passed away when my dad was about my age. I don't like people to call me that, so if you're going to refer to me by my real name, please use Trini. When I was a child I despised that name until my teens, because it's a grandma sounding name. And of course, people just CAN'T hold themselves and ask me "where's Tobago?", but well...

Nice to meet you :)

Offtopic / Pets
« on: April 14, 2008, 02:13:18 PM »
Quote from: "VioletCamicat"
What? No! No Persian! :shock: Just a normal European Short Hair... as far as I know... XD

lol! mine's 1/2 Persian and she looked a lot like yours, funny XD

Bwah, I want a cat again :( maybe I'll get one when I move with Blues, I need something to hug that prrrs and give you mean looks.

Offtopic / What do you do ? (Job, studying, hobbies etc...)
« on: April 14, 2008, 02:09:43 PM »
I am on the last year of my Marketing & Advertising career, I will lfinish subjects on December and graduation is on June (yup, I'm finishing earlier because I took more subjects than I had to and so I'm a quarter ahead). After that I plan on studying a master abroad (haven't decided where yet) related to Advertising as well, more propaganda like (propaganda is not the same as ads!).

Hobbies? music, pets, videogames, watching cool TV shows and Japanese Dramas, and I love cars! XD

Offtopic / Pets
« on: April 14, 2008, 02:03:33 PM »
Quote from: "VioletCamicat"

XD gotta share my chair now and then.
Taken about ten minutes ago and she still is sitting next to me and purrs.
Typing with only one hand 'cause the other one is busy with smooching is somehow difficult. |D
And flashlight is not good for me! :shock:

Your cats looks a lot like my Mado!!! :shock: is she Persian?

Offtopic / xradicaldreamers HACKED
« on: April 14, 2008, 01:54:20 PM »
Thank you guys. Actually, the person who did that was a lammer, that page is based on kiddie scripts, nothing serious. He did erase Blues and my account, but the posts are there, they can still be edited and all, it's just the account ID number that was lost, and we're still trying to see if we can get it back, if not, no big deal.

There were thousand ways of making real "damage" to us, but it was partially our fault, the IP Boards version we have is too old, seems to be easy to break in nowdays, but we are going to do major updates soon enough.

Thanks for your support and don't worry, like xScQ told me, the site has grown so big lately it's attracting wrong people, the curious thing was that he had some time visiting the forums (tracked by IP), and well, here we are.

Toshi / Kaori
« on: April 14, 2008, 01:50:29 PM »
What makes you think Kaori was on that "sect"? Toshi knew Masaya's music because he found a CD at a Music Store, listened to it and got hooked, that was about a year BEFORE he married Kaori (he did it on February 17, 1997).

Source? Toshi Official OHP, Iyashi no Concert one, in the History section. Also, some of his books say it as well, like Aoi Hoshi no Tabibito Photobook which I own, released on 1996 after he got interested in Masaya, the pictures took place in Yakushima Island, Masaya used to frequent that place.

Offtopic / This is disgusting
« on: April 09, 2008, 03:01:49 PM »
Quote from: "ferret"
Quote from: "Radical Pan"
And she's kinda stupid, she had a broomstick behind her, I would smashed their heads with that crap and that's it, it was in self defense, period.

The problem is, in the scene in the video her head is already pretty fucked up (before that they smashed her head against the wall and she was unconscious, then they wated until she woke up to hit her a little more), there were too many and there were two guys waiting outside.

I see, I didn't read that page, just saw the video. Man, the world's just fucked up, now what? a cheeleader public beating like the emo one that happened in Mexico? yeah, pretty smart, that's gonna solve everything...

Offtopic / This is disgusting
« on: April 09, 2008, 02:50:30 PM »
Besides of all the stupidness of all these stuff, they're a bunch of fucking whoring cowards, 6 vs 1? that's low, I wouldn't mind beating the shit out of them if it were the right "clean" way, but no, even that kind of stuff is lost nowdays. And she's kinda stupid, she had a broomstick behind her, I would smashed their heads with that crap and that's it, it was in self defense, period.

If they get in jail I'd crack up if someone raped the shit out of them :lol:

Wallpapers / Re: Yoshiki wallpapers
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:14:34 PM »
Quote from: "Dreamaway"


Simply awesome! any chance for a 1280x1024 version of it? ;_;

The Concerts / Has anyone ever met any X Japan members?
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:45:27 PM »
Quote from: "Sirimono"

oh my dear god!! he added those smileys? XDD well he seems amused about that your fanpage is gonna be the biggest, so he might actually check out other pages XDD

well he said "oh my god, what i do now" when he started myspace... maybe it was his way of communicating before he knew how to answer thingS? o.o XD

Yeah he did XD I didn't knew you could add smilies to Myspace, I'm telling ya. And well, we're working reaaaaally hard to make it the best and bigger, let's hope one day we make it :D

Offtopic / Pets
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:38:03 PM »
Quote from: "Sirimono"
awwwhh i know exactly what you mean with your cat. My died of the same reasons (the cancer spread over the body, without any symptoms) but he actually poisoned himself too ^^; he would've been able to live longer if he didn't have BOTH

your pets now are extremely cute X3 i love the parrots, they have such an extremely strong colour!! wonderful *__*

Benji is SUCH a cute dog X3 I love her

I'm sorry you had to go through all of that too, it feels horrible :(

Thank you! my parrots are crazy, seriously, and Simon even curses D: bad thing the neighbor's laundry room is next to mine (I live in a duplex), so he learned from his employees *_*;
And Benji.. she's just lovely, really cute and when she looks at you it's weird, because she has human eyes XD but I love her, she doesn't makes trouble for anyone, not like the other 2, lol <_<;

The Concerts / Has anyone ever met any X Japan members?
« on: April 08, 2008, 01:16:00 PM »
Quote from: "Sirimono"

hahahah XD wtf that's brilliant you think the post is still there?

I looked for it and....HAHAHAHA HE EDITED IT AGAIN, omg, he BOLDED and made the font bigger XDDD that was probably done a day after or something because I never checked it again, but I was a n00b back then in Myspace and I didn't know how to do it (and I still don't *-*; ) but LOL, oh God, I love him.


It's the post under "Trini" (which is my name btw).

This is hilarious, I gotta tell my bf about this, lol.

Offtopic / right hand, left hand, both
« on: April 08, 2008, 01:07:12 PM »
Depends for what I'm doing :roll:

LOL, forget that, I'm right handed.

Forum Games / How old are we, X Freaks?
« on: April 08, 2008, 02:11:35 AM »
20, turning 21 on October. I'm giving away numbers, I don't want them D:

Offtopic / Pets
« on: April 08, 2008, 02:04:09 AM »
I have 6 pets by now, I used to had a cat too but she passed away last year, I still get teary eyed when I think about her (kinda like now haha), I miss her a lot.

This was my cat, named Madonna, beautiful short haired Persian cat. I got her as a birthday present when I turned 7, my aunt named her. She lived wonderful 12 and a half years, which were the best of my life. Unfortunately, horrible cancer spread all over her body, and we couldn't treat her because she never presented ANY kind of symptoms. The day after she died, she couldn't even stand properly and lost her sight, we thought she ate a poisonous frog or something, since cats hunt them. So yeah, when you take your cats to the vet, make sure to have them checked a little deeper ._.

My 3 bitches (what? they're female), from left to right: Vanilla (maltese), Hana (chihuahua with mini doberman pinscher) and Benji (yes, it's a SHE, and she doesn't has a breed, call her creole). Vanilla was named after Gackt, Hana after Toshi, and Benji after some actor from Alf, probably... I don't know, I was small as shit and came up with the name :lol:

I also have parrots, big and small, 4 in total (I used to have more but, old grandpa + bird cage = NO *sigh*).
From left to right, Pan, Bimbo, Wendy (she's 14 y/o!)

And Simon (my mom named him after the American Idol British judge, yeah I know), he's the baby, he's 3 y/o. Sorry, I haven't took recent pictures of my parrots, they hate my camera.

So... I guess that's it, and well, what can I do? I'm a pet sucker, I was born surrounded by pets and I can't live without them. I hope I can dedicate part of my career on developing conscience on people, as time passes by they seem to lose more and more values, animals have feelings too :(

Offtopic / How tall are you?
« on: April 08, 2008, 01:40:31 AM »
Between 1.60 and 1.61cm. I'm a midget, it sucks, all my friends are giraffes :(

Forum Games / Where are X freaks from?
« on: April 08, 2008, 01:37:28 AM »
Goddamn thing, the pointer went crazy so I had to post myself twice <_< if you max zoom the second one, you can see the exact place where I live, it's 100% accurate, same street and all. That is Panama, of course, though I wasn't born here.

The Concerts / Has anyone ever met any X Japan members?
« on: April 08, 2008, 12:15:32 AM »
I've never met any of them, but in the first post I made on Yoshiki's MySpace when I told him about how much I loved X, him, and their work, I also attached a link to my X JAPAN fanpage. Dork Yoshiki, he is, edited my post and added smilies and exclamation marks everywhere XD I loved that.

hide / hide memorial summit 2008
« on: April 07, 2008, 07:09:57 PM »
Hollywood, thanks God man, I thought I was the online one and that I would get my ass flamed, but I don't see the reason to be to most of those bands, specially the Visual Kei ones (except for Versailles, I do agree Hizaki is pretty good guitarist even though I don't listen to their music at all, not my thing).

Let's hope this one (or two) day(s) band will be THE shit, or else this is going to suck big time.
Stuff-that-Yoshiki-likes,-"for"-hide memorial summit, thank you.

hide / hide memorial summit 2008
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:22:44 PM »
Quote from: "Menacia"

I'm quite diappointed too. It's great to see Spread Beaver, X Japan and Luna Sea but I was hoping for some other bands like Zeppet Market, Glay...

Do you mean Zeppet Store? XD *lol* yeah, I was talking about them when I said all that LEMONed stuff.

Quote from: "ferret"
I agree with everything you said, Radical Pan. Alone the fact that Taiji won't be there is a major disappointment. I wonder whether it was his personal decision or  whether he wasn't invited.

I was thinking about that too, but who knows, I don't want to think Yoshiki's acting like a kid, or anything like that =/

I don't know, I'll leave it as "I feel disappointed overall", if I go deeper that'll only lead to my musical taste selection and so on and I don't want to make people feel awkward or uncomfortable with that. Sigh, I'll just have to hope whatever they do, at the end turns out good, I won't expect and demand less if it's for hide.

hide / hide memorial summit 2008
« on: April 07, 2008, 01:57:34 PM »
Am I the only one who feels disappointed about the "main" bands selection? it said there will be more, but they basically put unknown bands to hide, like Phantasmagoria, Maximum the Hormone and so on, I was specting way better stuff, people from LEMONed as well, the guys from SAVER TIGER maybe? or Taiji, one of his best friends? I mean, it's his 10th death anniversary, this is BIG.
Don't get me wrong, if anyone else likes them I'm fine with that, but for me, this memorial summit seems rather disappointing with the information that's been released so far.

General chat / who from X is most sexy?
« on: April 07, 2008, 06:34:14 AM »
Quote from: "xkurokei"

Radical Pan: you'll get punches from the many Taiji fans around here for saying that he's gotten ugly. :lol:

But true, he's gotten really old comparing to the others.

I said I love the man, but physically, he's aged incredibly fast, seriously, he looks like someone who's getting into his mid 50's.

Forum Games / X Freaks gender-poll
« on: April 07, 2008, 12:37:00 AM »
Female here.

General chat / who from X is most sexy?
« on: April 07, 2008, 12:36:24 AM »
ROFLMAO, wtf with Pata being #2? LOL. I mean, I love the guy, but... XDDD

If this were the "which X GIRL is sexiest" I'd vote for Yoshiki, c'mon, he's a princess :lol: though I've always had the hots for him. I voted for Toshi tho, I  LOVE LOVE LOVE him.

In order? let's see.

1. Toshi
2. Yoshiki
3. hide
4. Heath
5. Pata
6. Taiji

I do love and idolize Taiji, but he's got ugly and has this old guy looking in these past years :(

Other Bands / When a music freak gets bored...
« on: April 06, 2008, 08:42:44 PM »
Quote from: "Hollywood"
I forget, which album is Without Love on?  Now I'm curious to check that similarity...

Loudness and Blue Blood/Rose of Pain?  That's really interesting, do you happen to know which Loudness songs your friend was thinking of?

Some other resemblances:

Aerosmith - Cryin' ... B'z - Don't Leave Me

It's in Slippery When Wet :)

I don't really know but I will ask him as soon as I see him online ^^;

Btw, you're right about B'z, I haven't thought of that one, lol.

I asked him, he only remember specifically of the Rosenfeld one, it's Crows in Black, compare it to Blue Blood.

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