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Messages - sasasama

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Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 13, 2018, 05:46:03 PM »
NEW EPISODE!!!  ;) ;) ;)

Toshi radio 2018. 02. 12.

In the beginning Toshi talks about a TV show he went recently. He went to a fortune-teller lady, called "Ginza no

haha", and she asked him to take off his sunglass in front of cameras, and everyone. And he couldn't say no. (I

watched that show, but unfortunately that part was cut out :'( )

He also mentioned, that his previous guest was Fujigaya Taisuke-san, and he said, he was instantly charmed by his

appearance. :D He's really happy they became friends, and he wants to invite him to eat lunch sometime.

He introduced Kiryuuin Shou, the vocalist of the "air" rock band, Golden Bomber. He said, they first met on Visual

Japan Summit. He thinks, they are really funny, and they are true entertainers. 20 years ago he would've tought "what

the heck is this?" But now, he really thinks, they're an amazing band, if he can call them a band. He thinks, Shou has

a good voice, and they have cool songs, he owns a few albums.

T: Before introducing Kiryuuin-kun, let's greet CUTT-kun, who came here again. Good evening! Why are you here?
C: Well, you invited me...
T: Okay, to tell the truth, after he finished recording, I grabbed his arm, and said "let's go together", and I

brought him here.

*Toshi is reading e-mails of sweets recommendations*

They received a sweet called "poroporo", and they were eating it. According to them, it was really good.

T: I cooked something recently.
C: What did you cook?
T: Muffin.
C: I wish people could see your smile right now. :D

*Toshi café premium*

T: We first met on VJS, then we did a collaboration on F&S. How did you feel about that?
S: Well... Looking back at it, I was really nervous. So nervous, that people tought "is everything okay with him?".

But then I tought, it's just natural to feel like this. Everyone feels the same, so I took strenght from that tought.
T: But you did very well there!
S: Thank you so much! Singing such an amazing song with an amazing person like you made me tought "Is he a ghost?"


Toshi started to make coffee, and asked Shou about what he eats for breakfast. He said he eats toast every morning,

and it has became a routin for him, Toshi said, he eats toast often too, and then they talked about the toppings like

ham, and butter, and things like that. :D

T: You're coffee is done! I put sugar and milk in it, as you wished.

Shou brought a sweet for Toshi, as a present, and gave it to him.

T: By the way, do you cook to yourself?
S: Aside from the morning toast, no. *laughs*

*True or false Toshi-folktales*

T: There are a lot of stories about us. Do you want to ask something?
S: For example, is it true, that once on a recording blood came out of your throat?
T: Have it happened to you?
S: To sing so much, that blood came out of my throat? No, never...
T: I was really surprised at that time...
S: So is it true?!
T: We were recording Jelaousy, and it felt like it will never end. I was singing Say Anything at that time. We were

recording day and night. I continued singing, and blood came out of my throat. And my nose too.

E-mail: Is it true, when X Japan was recording in LA, a robber came to the studio, and started shooting?

T: I'm sure it have happened to you too!
S: No, never!!!
T: Have you ever recorded abroad?
S: Not once in my life...
T: Anyway... it's maybe a no... But!  You know, we lived in the same apartment at that time in LA, and once we heard a

helicopter coming. We saw the searchlight coming through our window, it was really bright. I robber escaped. And when

they found him, we heard gunshots. Things like that happened.
S: So it wasn't in the studio, but it happened! Didn't you think, you wanna come home, to Japan?
T: I so wanted to come home...

E-mail: Is it true, when Toshi was young and had long blond hair, someone confused him with a woman, and molested him

on the train?

T: It has happened to you, right?
S: People confused me with a woman, but I've never been molested...
T: Really? Nobody has ever touched you? Well, that really happened, but I was really young. Maybe about 20 years old.

It was summer, and I had shorts on, and you know, I had thin body hair. For some reason, I also had a basket that

looked like a lunch box. So I was riding the train, when I got a reeeeally bad feeling...
S: Someone touched you...?
T: Someone touched my butt...I immediately pushed his hand away, but I couldn't look back. I was facing forward.

E-mail: Is it true, that back then when X was doing a concert in a really small livehouse, people who felt sick went

out, and in front of the livehouse they laid down next to each other, like tunas?

T: I'm sure it had happened to you!
S: It happened only once, in Hiroshima. It was a really hot day, and the air conditioner(?) was broken, so people felt

sick, and went out, but comparing them to tunas is a little rude...

Toshi told a story about an experience in Hiroshima too, in a small livehouse, when Yoshiki lighted his cymbal,

gasoline made people sick. Something like that.

*Mr. Logan corner*

E-mail: I don't have self-confidence. Neither in my relationships with friends, nor with romantic relationships. I

always bulid a wall, sometimes I feel like maybe I'm just bothering them. I find self-confident people charming, and I

want to be like that too!

S: I can understand her feelings... but self-confident people make me jelaous. Like, from where he got that self-

T: In my honest opinion, people like that are lyring. People, who say "I'm so good", are just really good at acting, 

they're like this on the outsie, but actually they're lacking in self-confidence. Let's listen to Logan-san's advice!
Logan: HMMMMMM.....It just good as it is!
T: But I really think so! Nobody has that self-confidence, everyone is struggling with challenges in life.

Toshi sang a song for this person, and CUTT played the guitar.

The next guest will be Koda Kumi.

Yoshiki / Re: Yoshiki's mental health
« on: February 12, 2018, 01:56:02 PM »
On a serious note: personality disorders are very common and highly manageable, you just need to seek treatment instead of sitting on your sorry ass all your life.  And by no means expect your partner to fix your head for you, that's not their job. ;)

Yeah, that's definitely not the partner's job, but she must have the patience of an angel. :D

Yoshiki / Re: Yoshiki's mental health
« on: February 12, 2018, 01:32:56 PM »
Do you think he would really be up for marriage? With his personality disorders, I can't really imagine him as a husband, or a father for that matter.

Honesltly, I think he would be totally up for marriage. I'm not sure about children, but for marriage, that's something he would totally do in my opinion. If he finds the right person, who can deal with his messed up personality, and help him, and support him all the way. :) Everyone seeks love, and I think Yoshiki isn't an exception either.

EDIT: Also, if he will find/or have already found that person, I don't think, he would show her to the public. ;D I think, he would like to keep it as private, as possible.

Yoshiki / Re: Yoshiki's mental health
« on: February 11, 2018, 11:48:12 PM »
Hi everyone!

I had no idea how to name this thread, sorry. Has anyone seen this interview?

I think it's really interesting. Yoshiki talks a lot about his father in this one and how he – even after his death – impacted him throughout his life. He's been pretty open about his father's suicide in several interviews but there's a part that really hit me. When asked if he sees himself as the "father" of X Japan (around 6:00) he becomes kind of emotional and says that he's still a child. The whole concept of being a father – even just figuratively as the father of his band – seems to be extremely unsettling to him. When asked whether he wants to have children of his own, he seems to be open to the idea at first but then kind of retreats the statement by saying that his songs are his children.

I know that Yoshiki's mental health has already been discussed here but this interview was a real-opener for me. Tbh, I feel bad for him. To this day he's struggling with his father's suicide. Looking at the songs he wrote, it's clear that this event has not just been a source of extreme pain but also an inspiration for a lot of his lyrics. Going through this type of trauma, especially as a child, shapes you for life but I find it heart-wrenching to see that Yoshiki seems to feel as if it all happened yesterday. Do you think there's a chance for him to overcome this (at least partially)? Or maybe he's holding on to this pain because it's an immense driver for his creativity? Growing up like this can make you believe that your demons are part of you and abandoning them can be just as scary, especially if your identity is built around your pain and trauma.

If this topic is too personal/invasive, I'll delete it. Mental health and anything related to psychology is super interesting to me and Yoshiki's personality has always puzzled me so I'd like to read your thoughts on that. :)

It's a really interesting topic. Actually, he said in several interviews, and also in a recent TV show, that he wants to be a father, he wants children, and he also wants to get married, and have a family just like anyone else. Everyone was really surprised in the show, and he was like: "Why are you reacting like that? Is it strange?", so he definitely has this feeling deep inside of him. But at the same time, he clearly says in We are X, that he doesn't know, what "family" is, but he considers the band and the fans as his family.

What got me the most was: "your demons are part of you and abandoning them can be just as scary, especially if your identity is built around your pain and trauma. ". It was very well said, indeed. I went through hardship in my life, and letting go of my so called "demon" was the hardest thing in my life. It's not an easy task on it's own. His indentity is literally built around it, but he made it like that!

 I know it's a topic about Yoshiki, but let's talk a little about Toshi. He was a member of a cult for 12 years, they used him to make money, they beated him up, and threatened him. For 12 years!!! I think, that's just as awful, as Yoshiki's situation. But look at Toshi now. He was able to overcome of all those years, you can see he enyojs singing more than anything now, he's interested in cooking, and making coffee, and he's doing a radio show, which was his dream since he was a child. With his own words, "he's living the best time of his life now". Toshi was able to do it. He let go. And in my opinion, he's not indentified with "brainwashing". I mean, everyone knows, of course, but people see him as Toshi, a "cinamon roll", who loves sweets, tea and coffee, has an interesting sense of fashion, and last but not least has an amazing, unique voice. :D

Yoshiki is still grabbing on his pain tightly, and he lives in the past. I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that he will be able to let go someday, and roll this heavy rock from his shoulders.

(He should spend more time with Toshi, they're best friends after all, and I think he could help him.)

Toshi / Re: Toshi 20180203 TV appearance
« on: February 10, 2018, 09:44:31 PM »
OMGGGGG!!! I found that air-band performance, hahahaha  ;D ;D ;D Don't forget, they are comedians, and they love X Japan, and they didn't mean to hurt them or anything with this. So Toshi actually went there, and surprised them. Except Hamaguchi, who knew he would come.

Toshi / Re: Toshi 20180203 TV appearance
« on: February 10, 2018, 09:34:21 PM »
Aww thank you :D Toshi should open a confectionery or sweets cafe :D seriously, he is so good at making these sweets. He eats alone... awww. TOSHIIIIIIII, I VOLUNTEEEEEEEEEER  ;D

Eating alone, I mean, he makes them for himself only.  ;D But he goes out to eat with other people very often. :) And I volunteer for Toshi confectionery or Toshibucks too. <3

Toshi / Re: Toshi 20180203 TV appearance
« on: February 10, 2018, 08:55:52 PM »
He looks good. I wonder what he is talking about :D You see, it's so much better when he doesn't wear studded jackets and too many crystals.

Oooooh, so this is that TV show, Toshi talked about, when he overslept, and made it just in time, and wasn't able to do his hair properly. Then that's why he looks better here, hahaha  ;D Btw, they didn't talk about much. They said, they went to eat dinner with Hamaguchi after the All Night Nippon show, then Toshi introduced the best 3 sweets he got from Hamaguchi. The fisrt one was some kind of mochi, and Toshi said, when he got it, he ate them all, and felt sick after that. Then they did this "Toshi folktale" thing again, and asked, if he's an instagram-fan, and he said yes, and they showed one of his handmade sweets. Toshi said, he makes it to himself, and eats it alone. In the second one, they said one of Hamaguchi's kohai (junior, lower person) gave a birthday cake for Toshi, and Toshi was so touched, he wanted to surprise him, no matter what, so he appeard on their air-band performance. :D That was all.

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 07, 2018, 10:40:45 AM »

I'm not sure, but I think in the next e-mail someone asked, if it's true, that Yoshiki did illegal things in the past, and it made Toshi really angry. Toshi said, it's true, and Yoshiki had to write letters to the sponsors that he won't do those things again, and apologized.

Next e-mail was about the X jump, but I didn't understand that either. Toshi said something, that doing the X jump was forbidden at that time, for some reason.

1. An anecdote when they were amateurs.

It was forbidden to dive into the audience, but Yoshiki used to do it. Sometimes Toshl also dived.

One day Yoshiki dived into the audience as always. (Toshl doesn't remember exactly whether he also dived or not) And they were severely scolded (by the livehouse owner?). Because it was dangerous. Yoshiki wrote a letter to him. Since then, X and the owner(?) have had a good relationship until X became professional musicians.

Toshl says they were so young, and they felt more desire for the forbidden things.

2. e-mail : "In the 90's, when each company interviewed new employees, there were too many applicants who wrote "X Jump" in the section of resumes where they should have written about their specialty. So X received claims for damages from the companies"

Toshl says it's false. But when 50 thousand people jump all at once, it was shaken and damaged the neighborhood around Tokyo Dome. So they were asked not to instigate X Jump all the time. So, at the Last Live Concert, Toshl never asked the audience to jump. The audience did it themselves. (But HIDE instigated X jump)

Thank you for the translation. It's my first time listening to Toshl's "Love Song". It's awesome.

Lakeisle thank you so much for helping me out with the missing parts! You're soo good, I was unable to understand those parts, only bits of it. But these things are really interesting! Thank you!

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 06, 2018, 03:06:32 PM »

Toshi radio

2018. 02. 05.

Today's guest was Fujigaya Taisuke from Kis-My-Ft2, a Johnny's boy group. He's an idol, singer, and an actor as well.

Toshi got an e-mail from someone, who said, after watching PEKOJANI (that cooking show Toshi attended), and went to

eat that chocolate pancake, and there were other people, who went there, after watching the show.

T: It was soooo delishiouaauughhouuughs~ (yes, he said it like that, you should listen to it, it was hilarious)

In the next e-mail someone recommended him a shop, which sells really good sweets, and he should definitely try that.
After that, Toshi recommended a new "corner". He's waiting for e-mails about sweets recommendations, and it has to

contain: where can he find them, which shop sells it, what type of sweets, and how does it taste like.

He started the program with the "Mr.Logan corner", because they had to skip it, when YUZU was the guest.

T: Logan-san, Logan-san, are you okay? He collapsed...
Logan: *coughing*

*Toshi starts to laugh*

T: I'm sorry, my voice cracked... *then he started coughing again*

He got an e-mail from a girl, who plays classic piano, and guitar, and after seeing X Japan, she really wants to make

musician friend. So she's considering going to a livehouse, but she's afraid to go there alone as a girl, people's

eyes are scary, and she can't open the door. (Because she's too afraid to go inside)

T: Wait, you can't open the door? You can open it, it's totally fine!
Logan: PLEASE OPEN THAT DOOR! *agressively*
T: It's totally fine to go inside, and you also play the guitar, and there are a lot of people you could talk to about

music, and make friends. I'm sure they're waiting for you!
Logan: GO! *agressively*

The next e-mail was from a woman, who's in her 30's, and she can't accept she's getting old, and she can't face

forward. What could she do to accept herself?

T: Logan-san, what do you think?
T: Ah, so it's impossible! *laughing* Yes, you can't stop getting old. You'll get old no matter what you do. And she

also can't face forward. What do you think about this, Logan-san?
T: You can't stop getting old. I got pretty old too, as you can see. But Yoshiko-san, you are still in your 30's, and

I'm in my 50's, and I have to tell you, it's the best time of my life! I feel so good right now! This is the best!

The next e-mail was from a 25 years old guy, who's dream was to study abroad since elementary school, but he's afraid

of living abroad, and he wants advice on how to worry less.

T: When I went to LA the first time, it was really hard, but after eating a pancake, all my worries were gone.

*Toshi café premium*

Fujigaya-san introduced himself, and they started to talk about how they met.

T: I'm going to make coffee for you.
F: Eh?!
T: Can you please talk while I make it?
F: Ehhh?!
T: It's a corner like this. Do you like coffee?
F: Yes, I like it!
T: I really love coffee, and tea, and I make it to people who come here.

*Toshi starts smashing coffee beans while Fujigaya talks, but Fujigaya stops talking after hearing that*

T: I'm sorry, this is really loud!
F: It's okay! SO SINCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I... *he starts to yell*

*Toshi founds it really funny, so he stopped smashing the beans, and laughed really hard*

T: Okay, please go on! *and he starts to smash them again*
T: So, did you have a band?
F: No, I've never had a band, but we went to karaoke with my friends a lot!
T: Really? And what kind of songs did you sing?
F: I sang X Japan songs too, but the key were too high...
T: Which songs?
F: For example, Endless Rain, but it was so high.

T: Oh my goodness, this coffee is so pale!!! I'm so worried right now!

*Fujigaya starts to laugh*

T: Please, taste it!
F: *he sips coffee* Ah....*pause* It's reeeeeally weak!
T: I KNEW IT! I could see it from it's color!
T: Please, taste the cake too!
F: Ah, it's so good!
T: Unlike my coffee...
F: *laughs*

They started to talk about the acoustic concert. Fujigaya was there too, and he said, the MC was really funny. Toshi

said, it was too long, but Fujigaya said, he couldn't feel it, because it was funny. Then Toshi asked about his

carieer as an actor. Fujigaya said, he started acting in elementary school, but Johnny always told him, that he's

lame. He played in a lot of dramas, and he said it's hard, but he enjoys doing it.

*True or false, Toshi-folktales*

T: Let's start with you, Gaya-san!
F: There is something I really want to know. Can I ask it?
T: Of course!
F: So, when X Japan broke up, you did a last live in Tokyo Dome. I heard, it was supposed to be a 2-days concert. I

want to know the reason, why was it only a 1-day live.
T: A scary question again... But to tell the truth, I don't really remember anything from that era.

*Toshi starts to laugh*

T: Okay, the truth is, nobody wanted to do this concert.

*a few seconds dead silence*

F: Not even one day?
T: Not even one day. Only hide-chan wanted to do it, and said, we should take clear responsibility and do it for the

fans. Yoshiki didn't want to do it, but hide-chan convinced him. That's why it was only 1 day insted of 2.
F: Somehow... I'm so touched right now, I want to cry...
T: A lot of things happened. But really, hide-chan appreciated our fans very much, so his feelings made us realise,

it's the right thing to do. So we did it. But wait! This is the first serious talk in this corner!
F: I'm sorry, I've always wanted to know that! Thank you so much!

The next e-mail was a question about Kurenai but I didn't understand.

T: So Kurenai was a song, before hide-chan joined the band. It was really fast, and we couldn't play it. After hide

joined, he said it's a good song, and we should play it. He made a new riff, and created a new arangement with

Yoshiki. It became a totally different song... Okay, not totally different, but different. So actually, thanks to

hide, Kurenai was born.

I'm not sure, but I think in the next e-mail someone asked, if it's true, that Yoshiki did illegal things in the past,

and it made Toshi really angry. Toshi said, it's true, and Yoshiki had to write letters to the sponsors that he won't

do those things again, and apologized.

Next e-mail was about the X jump, but I didn't understand that either. Toshi said something, that doing the X jump was

forbidden at that time, for some reason. Toshi asked Fujigaya, if he did the X jump. He said no, but on the acoustic

concert one of his group members bough a penlight. But he bought only one, and it was funny, because everyone else

bought 2, to do the X sign, but he couldn't do it with only one. They didn't do the X jump, but Tosh said, the time

will come again! (wohooo, pls do a world tour)

In the next e-mail some asked, if it's true that Yoshiki told Toshi, not to eat dairy products and pizza, because it's

bad for his throat. Toshi said, it wasn't Yoshiki who said that, but he's voice trainer. He can't drink or eat

anything dairy before concerts. He asked Fujigaya, if there's anything he can't do before singing, and he said, he

doesn't eat 2 hours before singing. They agreed on that, that it's not good to eat a lot before singing.

Toshi also offered that he'll be Fujigaya's private vocal trainer if he wants, because it turned out he doesn't have a

vocal trainer. He also practices dancing alone.

Toshi said, that on Music Station, Kis-My-Ft2's dressing room was next to X Japan's dressing room, and it was really

late, but he could hear them practicing there, and he tought "Wow, these guys are so serious, and so diligent!". He

was really touched.

This was the end of the episode, and the next guest will be Sho the singer of Golden Bomber.

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 04, 2018, 09:20:52 AM »
Here it is.

around 57:28~

I've heard that Toshl is very good at imitating other members, but it's the first time I heard it myself.  ;D ;D ;D

Ah, you're right hahaha

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 03, 2018, 08:44:25 AM »
I listened to the radio and laughed so hard when Toshl imitated Pata. It's unbelievably the same.

I think Mr.Logan originated from Toshl's new nickname "Ryugen". Maybe English version of Ryugen.

Which one did you listen to. :)? I don't remember Toshi imitating Pata :O

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 02, 2018, 11:27:08 AM »
Toshl's aggressive alter ego = Mr.Logan? HAHAHA!

Is it something like Yoshiki's Shiratomi Hitomi, Tomomi Tachibana, Miyuki Igarashi, ゲイリー ヨシキ, MacDonald... blah blah blah? It's so fun. I'd like to listen to the radio.

Toshl would read English e-mails. Otherwise, what's the point of making English name? Mr.Logan.

Thank you for the translation!

Since the whole radio program is in Japanese, I don't think he would answer English mails. :/ Maybe if we spam him. :D

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 31, 2018, 09:40:42 AM »
Thank you dear sasasama for another great translation - I have a such a lovely time reading these!  ;D

Also, someone on FB posted the e-mail address where you can send Toshi your questions and advice requests for Mr. Logan: toshl@allnightnippon.com

We can try our luck! (I asked Logan for some cooking advice)
Yes, this is the e-mail! :) Well, I'm not sure if he's willing to answer English mails, but we can always try!  ;) I will let you know, if it's in the show.  ;D Can't wait for next Monday!

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 31, 2018, 09:37:05 AM »
aww thank you so much ^^. I think Toshi means CUTT, his backing guitarist. He is the blond boy on the left here:

Oh, yes yes, this guy! Uninformed me! Thanks!  ;D

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 30, 2018, 03:15:51 PM »
Okay, so be prepared, it's gonna be the longest one! It took forever to get it done, haha. But here you go, get cosy, grab your tea/coffee/hot chocolate/whatever, and ENJOY!  ;D

Toshi radio 2018. 01. 29.

It started with the usual weather forecast, then Toshi started to read e-mails.

In the e-mail the person said, she started to listen to the radio program last week, and it was really funny. She

recognised, that Toshi acts differently on TV and on radio. Radio has a really special atmosphere.

T: It is really special! When we came to the studio with Yuzu last week, and sat behind our micophones, we immediately


Today's guest is Hamaguchi Masaru, one of the comedians from the comedy duo, called "Yoiko".

Toshi got an e-mail in which they asked, how did Hamaguchi-san and Toshi became close.

Toshi explained, they met in an internet show, Hamaguchi-san is a huge X Japan fan (of course, who isn't), and they

started to talk about how much he loves the band, Toshi thinks he's a really nice person, so he invited him to the

radio program. And today is his birthday.

T: In the previous episode we talked about that hairspray, which I brought here too, and looks like you guys really

love this topic, because I got tons of e-mails about it again!

Someone said, if Toshi does his hair with it again, he wants to see.

T: You know, when we performed a duet with Sho from Golden Bomber, he cosplayed me. He looked so cool, that I got the

feeling, I want to try it again!

Toshi started to talk about upcoming DVD releases, and then he mentioned one of his really close old friends, Katto-

kun, (I'm so sorry, I have no idea how to spell his name. If anyone knows, pls correct me) who's now one of his

background musicians on his solo concerts.

T: Let's try to call him. I wonder if he'll pick up...

*phone ringing*

T: What are you doing Katto, it's me who's calling... Let's try again!

*phone rings again*

T: Hallo?
K: Hallo?
T: What are you doing now?
K: I was recording, but we're about to finish now.
T: Really? So it's over soon?
K: Yes! It's over.
T: I'm doing "All Night Nippon" at this moment. Do you want to come over a little?
K: Come over? Like, right now?
T: Can you come now?
K: I'm in Yurakucho.
T: I'm in Yurakucho too. Are you near? Then you have 5 minutes to get here! I'm waiting for you! Can you really come?
K: Yes!
T: Yay! It was a long time since we met.
K: Wow, it was so sudden...
T: It's okay, don't worry! I'm waiting for you! Thank you, bye!

Hamaguchi-san appeard, and Toshi café premium started. They talked about how they met again, then Toshi started making

coffee, and smash the beans which was really noisy again, hahah. :D

Hamaguchi told a story, when he was in an event in the past, Toshi was there too, and he wanted to meet Toshi so bad,

that he decided if Toshi goes to the toilet, he will go too. (pffhahaha, it's something I would do too. Sounds like

the best place to meet LMAO)

T: I know it's your birthday today, so happy birthday!
H: Thank you so much!
T: I prepared a cake for you!
H: Ah, thank you! What a special cake!
T: Of course, since you know, I'm the king of sweets! So how old are you? 46?
H: Yes, 46.
T: Are you kidding me?! You don't look like 46 at all! You look 36!

*Toshi starts to sing happy birthday*

H: I'm so happy!
T: It's nothing. I prepared a present for you as well!
H: Really? A present? Thank you so much, I'm gonna open it right now!

E-mai: I want to talk about a 25 years old story. Hamaguchi-san's impersonation of Yoshiki. At that time I asked one

of my big X Japan fan school mates "Have you seen that comedy? It was so funny, right?", and she said "Don't talk

about that in front of me ever again!", and she started to hate me.

H: Well, that's true. After that I got a lot of e-mails from X Japan fans, like "Please respect our beloved Yoshiki,

and don't make fun of him again like that!" and such.
T: Ah, I see. Serious people.
H: Yes, but you know, I love X Japan too. So I did that comedy with these feelings.

E-mail: When we first saw that show, we tought "it's not okay, to make fun of Yoshiki like that", but after watching

it, we realised it was actually similar, and funny after all. We want to see you on TV again, Hamaguchi-san!

H: I'm glad to hear that!

Toshi told, that once he went to one of Hamaguchi's performances when he did an impersonation of Yoshiki, and he liked

it. He said, he agreed, and understood it.

H: Please, don't say that! *laughs*

T: But I did really like it! You also played the air-drums, and you were so wild, that I actually respected you for


E-mail: Toshi-san, you called Katto-kun. Did he forget to come? He will really come?

T: Ah, here he is!!!! He's here, he's here!
K: Hello, good evening! You called me so suddenly!
T: You brought the cool air inside.
K: It smells so sweet here.
H: Yes, because we're eating a cake.
K: Happy birthday!
T: Our story about how we met with Katto-kun is really amazing. Do you want to tell to Hamaguchi-san?

Katto told him, that in 92' Toshi did this radio program, and I didn't really understand what was that corner about,

but he had the opportunity to talk with Toshi via phone, and they talked a lot. Toshi said, Katto talked non-stop. He

was only 15 at that time. Toshi got interest in him, so they met in a studio, and thanks to hide-san, Katto debuted.

(He is a guitarist). And since then, they're really close friends.

H: Wow, that's what I call destiny!

Time for "true or false, Toshi folk-tales.

T: How did you discover X Japan Hamaguchi-san?
H: One of my friends in high school really liked heavy-metal, and he gave me a casette tape of X.
T: A casette tape? Wasn't the sound's quality horrible?
H: Yes, it was, but I started to like the band from that on. Can I read the next e-mail?
T: Go on.

E-mail: I heard a gossip, when Toshi's hair was still blonde, he fell between a train and the platform. Is that true?

T: *laughs* Katto-kun, what do you think?
K: I heard this story before!
H: What? Really?
T: Ah... well...so... It's true!

*everyone starts to laugh*

H: But it's a little bit dangerous, dont't you think?
T: I was so embarassed about my blonde hair at that time. (Because at that time, it was kind of forbidden to die your

hair, and people with blonde hair considered "suspicious", "weird", "dangerous") I had piano tuning exam that day. And

we had a concert as well. Anyway, on the previous day, everyone told me "let's bleach our hair!", so I did it at

night. But then the next day I overslept, and I was suuuper super late. I tought, there's no way to catch my train,

but it was the day of the exam. So I run with my huge backpack. The train was right in front of me, I wanted to jump

in, but I couldn't. My leg stuck between the train and the platform, and I fell in. Everyone looked out of the windows

to check what happened. I couldn't move, so someone helped me out. But then the doors closed, and I couldn't get in.

H: Whaaaaaat? You couldn't get in?

T: No, so I was late for my exam. But I went anyway. Everyone was already there. The dean came to me, and started to

yell at me: "Who te heck are you?!". As I said, I bleached my hair the other day, so she didn't recognise me. She was

really angry, because she didn't understand what on earth this suspicious person doing there. I murmured: "I came to

the piano tuning exam".

*everyone laughs really hard*

Next-email: I heard, when Toshi was a junior-high student, he took part in a folk-music contest with his original

folk-song. Is it true? If Yes, I want to know the song's title!

T: What do you think Katto-san? Is it true?
K: I think it is.
T: It was a 11 hours long NHK show, and it contained a lot of different contests. It was before junior-high third

year, in the summer vacation. I went there with the baseball club's captain, Okada-san. I called him Oka-pi. We went

to this folk-village, and there in a studio was an audition. Everyone was so good and talented there, and we were only

15 years old kids. But we performed my original folk-song. (Sorry I didn't get the title)

H: Wow, I really want to hear! Do you remember it?
T: No! I don't remember anything!
H: Come on, I'm sure you can recall it somehow!
T: Listen guys, it's too embarassing! But then, they thanked us the participation, and we got one-one toothbrush.

Next e-mail: Is that true, that on X Japan concerts in the past Toshi screamed "let's get naked!" to the audience, and

women also started to take off their clothes. And if yes, did you see those people?

T: What do you think Katto-san?
K: I want to know, if it's true or not.
T: Women taking off their clothes on a concert is not okay, right?... But after I screamed "let's get naked", they

started to remove their underwear... And they started to jump...

*a few seconds dead silence*

*everyone starts to laugh*

T: Then I changed my words, to "take off your overgarment".

Next e-mail: When X Japan was still indies, and hide joined the band, is that true, that you were so happy, that you

did kumitaisou? (Sorry, I didn't know how to translate this, but it basically means group gymnastics in which teams

form pyramids or other shapes)

T: What do you think Katto-san?
K: It might be true.
T: Really?
K: Yes...
T: *gasps*... Except it's not!

T: At that time hide wanted to stop doing music, but we really needed a guitarist, so after he said yes, we were

extremely happy. Like "let's go to drink! Let's celebrate!"

The next e-mail was about Pata and his paper bags, but honesly I didn't understand.

T: Pata-san doesn't have paper bags right now, but if he would have one, he would definitely put alcohol in it.

T: So now, it's time for Mr. Logan's corner. In the previous episode we had to skipp the whole thing, which is totally

unforgivable, but now we're doing it.
 (This is the corner, when the guests and Toshi's agressive alterego, Logan, give advices to the listeners on their


So the e-mail was from a woman, who's dating a man. They went dating 4 times, she even gave him chocolate, but the man

still doesn't recognised her feelings. The question was, how to make him recognise, how to move further in this


H: So, it was from a woman, right? Then it's the man's fault!
T: Recognising the other's feelings, yes-yes!
H: Like, if I would receive chocolate from a woman, that's pretty obvious. Besides, she said, they went to date 4

times already. I think confession is a man's duty! (where do you live man? lmao)
T: Women do it nowadays too.
H: My advice is timing. Confess in the right time. Maybe that guy is really shy.
K: But if they dated 4 times, that means they are going out, no? (the confusion LOL)
T: Hmm, it's a hard question for Logan-san. After hearing your answers, I don't know what to say. Also, Logan-san

doesn't understand women. But let's listen what he has to say.
Logan: JUST KISS HIM ALREADY! *screaming*

T: So, since Katto-san came here, Logan doesn't want to spend too much time here.
K: He's already leaving?
Logan: Sayonara! *in an agressive tone*

T: So since you're here, I prepared a special corner for you! (i didn't understand the title, but it was that one he

did in the past)

T: In the next e-mail a kid said, he wants to be a youtuber, but he doesn't know how to convince his parents. Come to

think of it Katto-san, how did your parent react at that time?
K: First, they wasn't that supportive, but after listening to that All Night Nippon show, my father started to cry,

and supported me all the way. Toshi-san asked me, what I want to be, and I answered "musician", and he said "then

become one!".
T: I don't remember at all... (come on Toshi, that's how you ruin the mood)
T: But this kid wants to be a youtuber. I don't know what is that, but why not? Just take the responsibility!
In the end of the episode Toshi and Katto played Say Anything to Hamaguchi-san.

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 30, 2018, 10:52:57 AM »
Thank you so much for taking your time translating this.  :D

You're welcome! :) I'm sick at the moment, I have too much time in my hands, so you can expect yesterday's Toshi radio's translation today.  ;D This one was hella hilarious, I swear you won't be dissapointed! Just to mention a few things: Story about how did Toshi fall between a train and the platform, Toshi took part in a folk-music contest with his original folk-song, and naked/half naked women on X Japan concerts.  ;)

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 23, 2018, 02:49:38 PM »
Soooo, it was a pretty hard one, since these two guys talk really fast, talk at the same time, yell a lot, and laugh constantly, so I had a little trouble understanding it, BUT! I managed to do a lot. So here you go, grab a cup of tea or coffee, and enjoy!  ;)

Toshi radio 2018. 01. 22.

So in this episode Toshi talk about his previous guests, and read some e-mails.

His guest today is Yuzu, a folk-rock duo, he met them at Kohaku, and asked them if they wanted to be his guests, and they accepted the invitation.

In the previous episode, Toshi and Sugizo talked about a certain hairspray, which they did their huge hair back then with. He said, it was really expensive at that

time, but after they talked about it with Sugi, he wanted to buy it from Amazon, by all means. He said, the staff brought it for him, and now it's in his hands.

T: Let's check out how it smells like! *starts to spray all over the place*

*he starts to laugh*

T: It's incredibly sticky! So sooo sticky! But thanks to this spray, we were able to fix our hair, and it doesn't matter how wild we were on stage, our hair stayed the

same! Should I use it again? I'm not sure, if it would be good for my hair now...

*Toshi café premium starts, the members of Yuzu appears: Kitagawa Yujin, and Iwasawa Koji*

Y: I was so happy, when you showed us that hairspray! Let me ask you something. I heard, when you didn't have money for this expensive spray, you guys used sugary

water to do your hair. Is that true?

T: Yes, we used sugary water, and cola.

*Toshi goes to make tea for the guys, and tells them to talk*

He offered Fubuki manjuu(wheat cake) to eat too.

They started to talk about Vanishing Vision, and Yuji said:

Y: At that time I was still a child, so I tough if my mother will see this, she will be really angry, so I hide it in my room.

They received an e-mail from someone, who said he did the X jump on a Yuzu concert first.

T: What does this mean?
Y: Well, it's a story from 2001.
T: What happened?

Y: So in 2001, we performed in Tokyo Dome. At that time, during the MC we talked a lot, and I told the audience, when I was a junior-high student, I came to an X

concert to Tokyo Dome, and did the X jump. When we started to play our song, the audience started to do the X jump. And also, I wanted to do the "we are X" scream too,

but we changed it to "we are Yuzu". I'm so sorry for copying it!

*Yuji told a story about 1999 X Japan concert in Yokohama arena, but I didn't really understand*

Next corner: gossips, lies, folk-tales

T: I know you are friends since elementary-school, kind of similar like me and Yoshiki. How was elementary school?
K: Well, our elementary school was very small, so we were in the same class too.
Y: At first, we didn't play guitar. I started to play drums because of X Japan, and Iwasawa was the singer.
T: Really? Iwasawa was the singer?
K: Well, at that time, the only thing I could do is sing.
T: You started quite similar like us. And then? How was it after that?
Y: We graduated, and started Yuzu.

T: And when you play the drums, what kind of songs did you play? Like Kurenai, Blue Blood, Silent Jelaousy? (he asked these just to tease him, hahaha)
Y: Well, at that time I was always practicing alone, and I was really lonley, and kicked the double bass like "dadadada", and from the neighbouring classroom, they

yelled at me to "shut up".

Back to Toshi folk-tales.

Y: I heard that among X Japan members, Pata drinks the most. Is it true?
T: How do you guys feel about alcohol?
K: I love it.
T: Really? Both of you?
Y: I drink occasionally. I don't drink too much. What about you?
T: To be honest, I don't drink at all. (Hahahaha, nice joke Toshi)
Y: Then who drinks the most from X Japan?
T: Well, it's Pata, yeah.. Ah, anyway... he's always drinking.

Yuji started to tell a story again from 1999 X Japan concert in Yokohama arena. He found a beer somewhere, and he didn't know whos beer was that.
Y: I couldn't fight against the feeling, that I really wanted to drink beer, so I opened it, and started to drink. Then, from somewhere about 190 cm tall men in suits

came to me and asked: "Do you know whos beer you are drinking?". And it turned out, it was Pata's beer.

*They burst out in laughter*

Next e-mail: My friend told me, that he went to an X concert to a livehouse, when they were still indies, and he said, it was really dangerous, he risked his life

being there, because you would never know, what will fall thowards you. After watching we are X, I saw Yoshiki throwing cymbals, so I was like woow, my friend was

right! I was so surprised! I want to know, if there was any object you guys threw in the audience.

*they starts to laugh*

T: Well, yes. We threw a lot of things! I think the first thing I threw in the audience was a net.

Koji told a story about crushing something in a hotel room.

T: Ah, we didn't do such wild things! (sarcasm)

There was a time, when hide came back to the hotel totally drunk, bought some alcohol, and squirt it in front of everyone.

Y: Like champagne fight?

T: Yes, yes, exactly!

Y: And what did you do at that time?

T: I was in my room, and I pushed my bed in front of the door. But those two, Yoshiki and hide came, and banged my door, like BAMM-BAMM. I tought "how terrible this

is, what kind of horror film I'm in?". They broke into my room, grabbed the bed from it's legs, and lifted it up.

Y: What? They lifted up a double bed? They had the power to do that?
T: Yes. And then they caught me. This happened in the hotel in Nagano. But it's a really old story. Maybe 25-30 years old.
Y: I have never heard a story like this before!
T: But please don't do such a thing! It's not good!
Y+K: Nooooo, we'll never do something like that! (sarcasm)

Next e-mail was about Toshi and food, but I didn't really understand.

Y: Once, we went to an Izakaya after a live. (Izakaya is a type of informal gastropub. Drinking houses with a menu of small dishes for snacking while drinking) We

didn't have money, so we asked for people's leftovers. But in the end, I became friends with the people in the pub.

Next e-mail: Is it true, that there was a thing back then as "X Japan cup noodle"? Since I really love ramen, I want to know how did it taste like?

T: Yes, that was a thing. And the package was totally black.
Y: And how was it in the inside?
T: It was just an average ramen.

*they burst out in laughter*

T: Have you guys released something like this?
Y: Since I really love adzuki beans, we released a Yuzu azuki.
T: Omg, I want to try that!
K: Did you hear that boss? Toshi-san wants to try it!
T: I really love sweets.
Y: What kind of sweets do you eat?
T: Actually every kind. But I really love pancakes for example.

T: Thank you for coming here Yuzu! Ahh... I'm so tired...
Y+K: Ah, we are so sorry!
T: No, no, it's okay, it was fun!

Yuzu told that they'll release a new album soon, and they'll tour.

T: You're releasing albums properly, you are doing good!
Y: To be honest I'm waiting for that for so long...
T: For what?
Y: For the album...
T: Eh... I don't know what are you talking about.
Y: You know.. AL-BUM! X Japan's new album.

T: Hahaha, thank you so much! We're working on it. Thank you for coming here today, I had so much fun! Let's meet on next Monday again!

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 22, 2018, 11:06:53 AM »
lol reading these translations were making me crack up so hard. I'd love to read more whenever you release them OP.

Toshi radio todayyyy!!!! Usually they upload it on Tuesdays on youtube, and it takes me 1 or max 2 days to translate, depends on my schedule.  ;D I can't wait!

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 20, 2018, 03:24:56 PM »

Hmmmm... Could it be this?  I deal in vintage jewelry that was made using Noh masks.  This is one of them although this is not the one in the jewelry I sell and specialize in.    There are many, many masks, each has a name.  I recognize that name from the word you are using or saying Pata sounded like he was saying.  I wonder if this is what he was singing about?   Read about Hannya.

It has nothing to do with to do with the mask. As Teemeah says, Pata is just humming. Same as LaLaLa.

Maybe I am listening to another video? What I hear is Hannya or a very, very similar word or name, practically being shouted, over and over at least 5 times.  It's definitely not humming.  As he is doing it, someone else is laughing and I think Pata laughs too.  Could you please post the link to the video, again, and say this is the video and then give the time on it to listen to. 

Sorry for making you take up your time.   :)

No, I think you were listening to the right thing, but as Teemeah and lakeisle said, Pata was just mimicing the sound of the song, "Break the darkness". Take this, as a funny "lalala" :D And Toshi was laughing in the background.

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 18, 2018, 02:20:53 PM »
I wouldn't mind Toshi making me tea or coffee in the afternoon and have a chat about cats and old times.  :P

I would love to try his secret chocolate coffee  <3 Yumm~

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 18, 2018, 02:18:08 PM »
Thank you sasasama for translating this!

I just learned that Toshi's radio show is as interesting as an afternoon with my granny. Actually, those two would probably be good buddies.  8)

HAHAHAHA!  ;D I love this radio show tbh. Gives me this "cosy" feeling, and a good laugh. Especially Toshi's agressive alterego, Logan. (Don't ask, I have no idea where did that come from). Well, since it's always Yoshiki in the spotlight, I decided to translate this, so you can expect more :P As far as I know, they will brodcast on every Monday till April, so that means, a lot of granny talk and coffee with Tosh. LOL Hope you don't mind, haha  ;D ;D ;D

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 18, 2018, 11:33:28 AM »
OMG, THANK YOU!!! I tried to figure out what was that so bad, haha. But I couldn't understand "Break the darkness" since they said it with a japanese pronunciation. But it was so funny, hahaha!  ;D ;D ;D

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 18, 2018, 08:48:16 AM »
I heard that Yoshiki is difficult to understand because he speaks too quickly and also sometimes uses the wrong word :D

Well, that is one thing he's speaking super fast, but he stutters a looooot, my god!  :O

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 18, 2018, 08:47:01 AM »

はじめまして, 日本語の勉強の友達! よろしくお願いします

I think Toshl's pronunciation is very clear and well understood. Maybe because he's the vocal of X? I'd like to listen to the radio you linked.

Nice to meet you too!  :)

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 17, 2018, 07:15:08 PM »
Ahh this is so much fun! I wish I could understand them myself :) Thank you for the translation :)

I'm planning on translating all the upcoming ones. :) I really love listening to the guys laughing, joking, and Toshi is adorable. Best way to learn japanese.   :D

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 16, 2018, 09:43:55 PM »
2018. 01. 15.

Toshi started the episode with talking about the weather. It's getting really cold everywhere, so take care, and he hopes, this radio program will warm our hearts in this cold night. Since it's winter, he caught a cold too. Then, he started to talk about sports, and he mentioned, he went to the Volleyball club in high school, and he hated it, it was really tough, but looking back at it, he learned a lot from the teachers and the senpais.

Recently he did a "Happy New Year" live, and that was the most touching live of all of the lives he did in 2017. He couldn't hold his tears in. He cried a lot.

He said he's still very grateful for being able to do this "All night Nippon" radio program, it makes him really happy, and it gives him life-energy.

Today's guests are Sugizo, and Miwa-san.

First, only Sugizo. (Miwa joined later)

The first corner just like in the previous ep, is "Toshi coffee premium". Toshi serves coffee, or tea to the guest, and they talk while drinking.

Toshi asked Sugizo how he's doing lately.

S: I'm taking it easy right now. I slowed down a bit.
T: Wow, it's a pleausure to hear, because I know you always overwork yourself!
S: This was my life's busiest year so far. Solo recording, Luna Sea recording, X Japan recording. Come to think of it, it's almost too much to handle for a person.

Sugizo said, he went to an onsen to rest, and then he went to eat dinner, but he caught a cold.

T: Yes, as soon as the new year started, I caught a cold too. But it wasn't a big deal, only my nose ran a bit.

Toshi went to make coffee for Sugizo. He said he's going to make his favourite coffee at the moment.

T: Smell it!
S: Ah, it smells like chocolate!
T: It's good, isn't it?

Sugizo continued the talk about the onsen he visited in Hakone, while Toshi was smashing the coffee beans.

T: I think it's too loud, I'm not sure if they can still hear you?
S: No, no it's okay, they can hear me!

He said, he went to Nagoya to eat dinner later, and it was really delishious. Toshi repeated "I know, I know, I want to go too!" with an enthusiastic voice. (We know Toshi loves food <3)

S: Wow, you really made me coffee, it's amazing!
T: Taste it! I have sweets too. So, how is it?
S: It's really good! Don't you put milk in it?
T: Usually no, but if I do, I use almond milk.
S: This is so good, don't you want to tell to the listeners, how you make it?
T: Well, this is my all time favourite!
S: That wasn't an answer... But I guess it's a secret.

Toshi said, he is more like a morning person, he can work better at morning, and he wakes up at 5am. He said something about growing hormones, which are producing during the night.

S: I don't have those hormones for years.

Sugizo said something like, when he spent the night at the studio working, he went to sleep at a certain time, put an alarm, woke up, and went back to work.

T: How is the coffee?
S: Fantastic!

The "menu" (topic) is the same again: present, past, future.

T: A new Star Wars film was released again recently.
S: Yes, it was really good!
T: How long do you like Star Wars?
S: Since it was released in Japan.
T: And why do you like it?
S: Well, I love sci-fi in general. I love space-related stuff since I was a child. Maybe Star Wars was the first foreign movie I saw.

They started to talk about the acoustic concert, how good it was, and how much they enjoyed it. Toshi said, the rehearsal went in a really good mood, and he loves playing music with his good friends.

Next corner is Toshi folk-tales.

Toshi read a mail: " I heard a gossip, that Toshi and Sugizo went out to drink, and they started to sing a song from an anime in akapella. Is it true or not? If it's ture, I want to hear that song."

I think it wasn't quite true, but Toshi said, on a certain night he and Sugizo went to his studio and drank, while writing "Phoenix", a collaboration song from Sugizo's solo album.

Miwa joined the program. Toshi made tea for Miwa which she really liked.

T: Do you like sweets?
M: Of course!
T: I'm the king of sweets. I loove sweets!
M: Somehow I tought the mood will be much more serious here.
T: Do you drink alcohol?
M: Ahh... I can't really handle it.
T: Me neither.
S: What a great radio program would it be, if we could drink alcohol!

They recieved a letter from a high school student, that she/he sang Miwa's song on a contest.

M: It's a pleasure to hear! Please sing my songs in the future!

Then Sugi and Toshi started to laugh suddenly, I have no idea why.

T: You are laughing like a grandma! Like, Ohohohoho~ (I'm not sure if he said that to Miwa or Sugi)

Toshi wanted to introduce the next topic, but he's tongue stuck, and they started to laugh again.

Toshi folk-tales: Lies

M: Can I start this one?
T: Of course!
M: So my manager said recently, that back then Yoshiki ate a curry which was really really spicy, so he went home. Is that true?
T: Yes, it's true!
M: What? He really went home just because the curry was too spicy? No way!
T: It was before Tokyo Dome. After rehearsal he got a different type of curry from the manager, and it was unbelievably spicy. I saw him when he ate it, and he was sweating like crazy. He threw the curry to the manager, rushed out and screamed "I'm gonna go home!"

Next question:    Is that true that you never feel nervous in front of cameras and TV, Toshi-san?

T: What do you guys think? Do you feel nervous?
M: Well, it takes me time. Let me explain! For example, before I go to stage, I eat my dinner, you know there are people who feel so nervous that they can't eat. I can eat, but as soon as I'm on stage I feel nervous.
T: To tell the truth, I don't ever feel nervous anymore. I'm a veteran.
S: Same with me. I absolutely don't feel it.

The next question was about magic tricks.

T: I'm doing magic tricks for my friend's children nowadays.

M: Is that mean, that you are practicing them at home?
T: Yes. Just to entertain children.

They started to talk about their hairstyles back then. The mohawk. Sugizo and Toshi said, when they did concerts in livehouses, that was hell, because the livehouses were really small, and they used about 10 jar of hairspray to make those hairstyles, also there was smoke in the air, and the smell of alcohol. So it was really stincky.

The last corner is: Mr. Rogan helps you solve your problems. (Rogan is Toshi's agressive alterego, haha)

A mother sent an e-mail abou her junior-high son, that he can't wake up in the morning, and she can't wake him up either, so he's always late.

M: I'm always 5 minutes late. Always. Maybe because it takes a lot of time to prepare, and I have to rush, and I get there just in time.
T: Well, that 5 minute is forgivable.
S: I think she shouldn't care about that. Everyone has to learn on their own how to control their own life.

I didn't really understand the next one, but here are the answers.

S: I think she has to learn, how to put herself in the front. And take care about those things, which are important to her.

Rogan(Toshi): RIGHT! THIS IS ALL YOUR PROBLEM!! *screams*

The next one is from a student, who's preparing for exams, but she's so nervous she can't sleep at night, so she needs a little encouragement.

S: There's nothing you can't do!

In the end Toshi played Forever Love.

T: I know you are really busy, but please visit me again!

If I understood right, there will be two guests next week too.

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 16, 2018, 09:41:54 PM »
2018. 01. 08.

Guest, Pata

In the beginning Toshi talked about how much he missed doing radio and how good it feels. It was his dream since he was 13, he loved to listen to this radio program (All night nippon, the most popular radio program in Japan) after school under the kotatsu. He even introducedw himself for those who migh don't know him. And told what he did lately. Released a single, did a lot of collaborations, various TV shows.
The first corner is called "Toshi coffee premium". Toshi is the master of coffee. The first guest is Pata.
Pata: Why I had to come first again???!!!!
Toshi made tea for Pata, and then told him, that the first "menu" (topic) is, "Your past, present, future".
They talked about baseball, that Toshi has a baseball player friend, not sure of the name tho. And Toshi played baseball in the past. And  then suddenly they started to talk about cats.

Toshi: Did you buy a cat?
Pata: No, I didn't recently...
Toshi: Eeeh?!
Pata: Well, my love for cats haven't changed tho. There's a shrine I usually go, and there on a narrow road there are a bunch of cats.

He said, he goes there to great them, and he made a joke. Konbanwa means good evening, and he said "konban-nya".

Toshi: Ah, cats are good after all
Pata: Yes
Toshi: I have a character called "CaToshi "
Pata: ......ha?

Pata was trying to figure out this CaToshi name. Toshi said: If you UGGGHNN (put) Cat and Toshi together, you get "CaUGHHN" (I think it was a refer to ppap)

T: So back to the topic, tell me something about your past, present, future, as a guitarist
T: I wanted to ask this formerly, but why did you choose guitar?
Pata: Why? Well, my little sister had a guitar at that time.
T: Whaaaat? Your little sister?! laughing When was it? 40 years ago? So because of your little sister...WTF?? THATS SO UNCOOL!
P: Let me be! It's good as it is!
T: So Pata great-teacher started playing guitar bc of his little sister
P: Maybe she's the great-teacher
T: Or great-great-teacher

(Daisensei means "great-teacher, big-teacher, its a high position, so they mean Pata is one of the biggest rock guitarists in Japan so thats why Toshi called him like that. And they made jokes, that maybe the superstar is Pata's sister, not Pata)

Toshi showed Pata the CaToshi
T: this is CaToshi
P: Ah, I see
T: Next time, please wear this T-shirt
P:.....no thanks.
T: Awwwww........ but its sooo cute~
P: No thanks.

There was a part I didn't really understand what happened, but talked about how they met, and something singing related event in the past. really not sure. but Pata "sang", and Toshi died in laughter.

T: this was the first time I heard Pata singing *laughing really hard*

(It sounded like: HANYANYA HANYANYA HANYANYA. You guys should listen to it, haha :D)

T: So the next topic is, "Lies, and gossips, Toshi's folktales!" You know, when fans talk about stories, and try to decide wether its true or not.
P: Your folktales?
T: It's just the title, it don't has to be all about me! For example, like your previous story about how you started playing guitar.
P: But thats not a folktale!
T: I only believe it, because I heard it from you! But if somebody else would've told me, I would've been like "No waaay! Nobody believes that!"
P: But I've already talked about it in the past in an interview.
T: What? Really?!

And then they started to talk about how they met, again. Pata has a band in Chiba, called "Judy", and they were really famous there at that time. Pata was the leader. And when the drummer couldnt come, he asked Yoshiki to play with them on lives.  If I understood right, Toshi was there on a live, and thats how they met. But then Pata  rememberd, that Toshi had a ridiculous Yamaha bag. They started to laugh, and Toshi said: "You have a really good memory!"

P: Well, I couldn't forget that bag!"
T: Well, I totally forgot what I wore when we first met.
P: But listen, I was like "Who the heck is this guy?"
T: Anyway, so this is "Toshi's folktales". People started to talk about, "Wow, Toshi's sense of fashion was so cool back then, he was so good looking and fashonable..."
P: Ermh... What language do you speak? (refers that Toshi talks about bullshit, bc that bag was everything but fashonable)
T: Japanese *laughs*
T: So, we should decide, if the stories are true, or not.
P: Then please send us your letters...
T: Ahmm.... not letters...
P: Then what? Fax?
T: No... You know, that other thing....that... E-mail *whispers*
P: Ah, I see. So letters.
T: Yeah, another kind of letter. Electric.

(Oh, and the last letter in Toshi's new name revealed!!!!! When he spelled the e-mail he said L. So its an L. Toshl)

Both Toshi and Pata watched a japanese drama recently, called "Rikuoh". After that they didn't talk about so much, and unfortunately I didn't understand.

In the end:

T: Soon, the show is over, I dont wanna go homeee
P: Let me go home...
T: *laughs* Anyway, please drink my tea!

And then Toshi red the details about Pata's upcoming lives, they played Wish from Ra:IN. And in the very end, Toshi played Tears on the acoustic guitar. He told, he's really happy, and he wants to keep this feeling all year, and experience happiness with the fans.

Toshi / Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: January 16, 2018, 09:38:59 PM »
As you guys know, Toshi's taking part in Japan's most popular radio program, called "All Night Nippon". It only started 2 weeks ago, so there are only 2 episodes, and they broadcast on every Monday. I saw someone started to share translations here. I'm also a kind of a beginner japanese learner here, but I tought why not to share what I've got?  ;D I'm gonna leave the translations in the comments below! And here are the links, if you want to listen! And of course, if someone else who also learns japanese finds a mistake, or can add something, feel free to do it!  :)

2018. 01. 08.

2018. 01.15.

Yoshiki / Re: Why all the negativity?
« on: October 24, 2017, 11:39:19 AM »
It's good to see X Freaks live again!  ;)

As for this discussion: I don't need an X album like a dying man needs a new liver.

Unpopular opinion: there will never be a new album. Or maybe there will be, but only in about 10 years. I've been a fan for 15 years, I kind of know how that Yoshiki guy works by now. As somebody pointed out and quite correctly, he's probably more mentally ill than he is physically ill. It's not rocket science: listen to the dude talk for 5 minutes and it's pretty obvious that his brain doesn't work like yours and mine. That's artistically a good thing, but I don't think he's employee of the month material.

He sucks at delivering finished products because he's on a completely different timeline. In his head, his dad died yesterday and his dear special snowflake unicorn guitarist died earlier today. He thinks he's somehow still 25 and that one of these days he's gonna wake up in top shape, ready to take over the world. He probably has a few moments where he actually realizes it's all kind of undoable, in those moments he does cool stuff, like traveling around Europe and meeting fans, because that makes them happy and keeps the fanbase alive.

I met him once. It made me very happy. It made me a million times happier than buying a new album. Because I met a dude who created music that made me a stronger teenager and a happier, weirder adult. That's priceless, right? I 100% think this guy should cut the crap about new albums and world domination and go travel around the world and sit down for coffee with his fans. He's an extremely unusual phenomenon of an idol with the incredible power of making his fans happy by just existing, doing nothing yet representing an era and a music genre that made so many people stronger, happier, more open minded, less mentally constipated... that's a gift in itself, guys.

YES, THIS. This is what I think too. You basically worded all of my thoughts.

Yoshiki / Re: Why all the negativity?
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:01:08 PM »
Well, I actually found this conversation pretty interesting, and informative even though it turned personal at the end. I think, everybody has the right to share their opinions. There's no such thing like "good" or "bad" opinion, people just need to understand that others might disagree with it.

Anyways, there's another thing I want to add to this topic, which is Yoshiki's mental health. Which is non-existent. :D This guy is a mess, since his chindhood to this day, that's for sure,  he even admitted that, and I think that's a major thing behind this disaster. I mean, how could we expect from a mentally instable man to be organised, and make everything as planned, to keep his promises? He's completely fucked up, and he needs help. He needs to put his life together first, after that, maybe we'll get our album and everything.

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