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Messages - TG

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Sugizo / Re: Luna Sea WORLD TOUR!
« on: September 17, 2010, 05:33:19 PM »
Here are some songs that I think will be played:

True Blue
Time is Dead
I For You
Up To You

If you're interested, then go check them out on YouTube or buy stuff :)

Forum Games / Re: 5 Questions you would ask X Japan members.
« on: September 16, 2010, 11:50:36 AM »
Yoshiki: Train A, traveling 70 miles per hour (mph), leaves Westford heading toward Eastford, 260 miles away. At the same time Train B, traveling 60 mph, leaves Eastford heading toward Westford. When do the two trains meet? How far from each city do they meet?

Sugizo: I've listened to Hot Rats by Frank Zappa but since his discography is so large..which of his albums would you suggest I listen to next?


This cookie cutter scene band really sucks ass.
Everyone I know going to the shows is pissed off, Japanese fans included.
Let's boo them off the stage.

but if you want to join in trying to get them off the bill~ well, I can only think of one thing to do:
E-mail the tour management asking them to the smart thing.

I am going to boo them and flip them off the entire time from the front row, they are that lame and uncreative. V__V
I am a positive X fan and still overjoyed about the tour but I am really shocked and pissed off by this at the same time,
and we all have the right to be since we spent our hard earned money.

Just turn up after they're finished?

Is the issue here a case of getting to the front, so you're closer to the stage? so you can say to your friends "I was at the front and Yoshiki stared at me!" I really don't understand what the fuss is about with regards to the support. Are people worried that the Vampires Everywhere fans might claim their precious spot on the floor?

Just about every band out there has obscure and unknown support acts, it doesn't matter if they're good or not, you paid to see the main band, nothing has been taken away.

If you're the type of person who doesn't listen to X because of the support act, then I seriously question your logic behind that. Any rational music fan would take time to check out the band's music before making such hasty decisions.

Not really. I'm not even going to see the concerts since I live in Europe, and I dont think anybody cares about precious spots being conquered by Vampires Everywhere fans. Ofcourse you visit the concert for X, and nothing else, that is the case if you are a fan of X. Anybody else could think otherwise. Atleast, thats how I see it. Lets just hope i'm completely off track. I just can't think of any reason how this could not work at their disadvantage besides ticket-sales, if anybody can, please say so :D

I dont really get where you're coming from with that last statement. Please don't confuse me with someone that cares alot about the actual topic, I just like to see different point of views.

The statement wasn't directed at you, hence my lack of quoting your original post. It was more of a general statement rather than a response to you.

Is the issue here a case of getting to the front, so you're closer to the stage? so you can say to your friends "I was at the front and Yoshiki stared at me!" I really don't understand what the fuss is about with regards to the support. Are people worried that the Vampires Everywhere fans might claim their precious spot on the floor?

Just about every band out there has obscure and unknown support acts, it doesn't matter if they're good or not, you paid to see the main band, nothing has been taken away.

If you're the type of person who doesn't listen to X because of the support act, then I seriously question your logic behind that. Any rational music fan would take time to check out the band's music before making such hasty decisions.

I don't see why everyone is getting so pissy.

No one usually gives a shit about the warm-up bands anyway. I've just got back from seeing Muse at Wembley and they had 6 warm-up acts over 2 nights, none of which the crowd really paid too much attention to. Most fans ditch the warm up and turn up before the main act.

And the notion that X's show will be shortened because a warm-up is bullshit. Muse played for nearly 3 hours after 3 warm-up acts, and X Japan don't play short shows, the Lolla' set was under a strict time limit, this is their own gig, they can play as long as the local authorities allow it.

And think on the plus side, these guys are like the pop-punk emo equivalent of Visual Kei, probably the closest genre to X Japan's demographic which exists in America. If stringing these guys along for a few shows draws in a couple hundred fans from a similar genre then it's a shrewd business move.

Go check out the comments Vampires Everywhere are getting. Loads of their fans are buying tickets to see them with X Japan. It's basically ensuring that X fill their venues and also making sure that X Japan are introduced to a whole new demographic who are most likely going to dig their music. I don't understand why people are being so overprotective and irrational. This is X Japan breaking into America, how the hell did you think they were going to do it? Play once at Lollapalooza and suddenly come away as super-stars? What a joke. If you talk to any small band then they'll tell you that they only play gigs to pick up fans and build a fanbase, at such a small level there is simply no money in it.


Sugizo / Re: Luna Sea WORLD TOUR!
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:23:13 PM »
I hope somehow LUNA SEA management accidently stumbles upon this thread and reads my suggestion of 凛として時雨 as the support act ;)


Isn't it all seating?

Just arrive 10 minutes prior to X coming on stage if you want to skip this band.

I've seen plenty of opening acts that I don't particularly like but I'm not prepared to act like an idiot and start booing or crying over the matter, it's pretty disrespectful regardless of whoever the band be. Just appreciate the fact you're seeing X Japan, everything extra is a bonus.

Hmm, I think I will! I give everything at least one shot :D

That's the spirit!

X JAPAN World Tour / Re: X Japan North American Tour
« on: September 10, 2010, 11:53:30 PM »
Even crappy chinese singer like Leo Koo get a poster in pacific mall and appears in  chinese newspaper but X japan gets nothing in the chinese community in Toronto which is really sad considering they have had concerts in Hong Kong before.

There was a lot of marketing for the HK show if I recall correctly. Posters everywhere, newspaper reports, TV commercials! However, tickets were very expensive so I guess they had to draw in a huge crowd, so the excess advertisement was justified.

Maybe you guys should have a word with the Chinese newspaper or your tourism board :)

But then again, X Japan are well known throughout China, Korea, and of course Japan, so the promotion would have been successful, but in the west, X Japan are almost completely unknown, so getting a professional advertising firm to handle promotion for the concerts would prove difficult, because they would see X Japan as not being worth the trouble if no one has any prior knowledge of the group. For example, if a well known group like Metallica or Green Day or whatever had some promotion, a "normal" person would observe the poster and say "Oh cool, I know them, I listen to them, I think i'll get some tickets." But a "normal" person would see an X Japan poster and would say "X...who? Japan? Is this a band? Never heard of them...they must not be good then, Heath? Pa...ta? Yoshi-who?". Therefore, if nobody is aware of X Japan, nobody is going to care, and nobody will buy tickets other than the die-hard fans like us who would already know about the concert without any kind of promotion other than one post on their website.

...well, that might not be why there hasn't been any promotion, but I think its a good argument about why they would not promote in the west until they achieve a larger fan base, and especially until after they release their North American debut album later this year.

It's more about the fans who aren't constantly checking the bands progress throughout the past few years. I'm not suggesting a full marketing campaign similar to Asia but at least 'something' (maybe something you guys could do?) to catch the attention of casual fans. A couple of posters doesn't equate to 'professional advertising' but has the same amount of 'pulling power', I mean, even a fanmade poster in your University student's union will be of some effect.
Also it doesn't matter if there is a poster up and someone says "who cares", at least the intent was there. Even if it made no difference to the sales, at least it's better than not doing anything at all.

There are plenty of ways to catch the interest of the general public and they don't all cost a lot of money.

Forum Games / Re: What was your last purchase?
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:29:53 PM »
Roxy Music are doing a UK tour early next year,it's very likely they will do other European countries. They reunited in 2001, but haven't released any new music as far as I'm aware of. But Bryan's solo album features members of Roxy and was planned as a Roxy album, but they decided not to.

That is good news! Thanks for telling me! I think that I go search for my old vinyls and my old installation, and listen to them again. They are in the attic!!!  :D

Please upload photos of your old vinyls for us Ann :D

It's very cool! What kind of music is it?

The polar opposite of X Japan :P

I would even classify it as the type of music that X Japan/Metal fans hate :'( But I guess if you have an opened minded approach to music then you can give it a shot :)

PLEASE tell me that picture is moving lol :D

Just your imagination!

Kidding :D. It's actually a famous illusion by Japanese psychologist Akiyoshi Kitaoka

Forum Games / Re: What was your last purchase?
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:08:17 AM »
Oh wow, I might see them at the MEN if there are still tickets avaliable by the time I get money.

lol :P Karl's hilarious, and he hardly knows it, unintentionally one of the funniest men alive.

I really want to go to the Newcastle show (since I live there) but tickets are really expensive, £50 face value. As much as I like Roxy Music, I think that's a bit excessive :'(. Bowie on the other hand, I would pay triple that to see him! :P

Forum Games / Re: What was your last purchase?
« on: September 09, 2010, 11:33:29 PM »
I saw Roxy Music 2 weeks ago, Bryan Ferry was superb.

I too cannot afford that Station to Station boxset, it looks superb though.

Not much to comment about Karl Pilkington. I think Gervais and Merchant wanted a holiday to be honest :P


Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion


Sugizo / Re: Luna Sea WORLD TOUR!
« on: September 08, 2010, 07:02:52 PM »
And I received just the news that our tickets are booked too, for Germany Bochum (with thanks to Julien).
I am realy curious to see them live, because I don't know very much from them. I only know Sugizo because he is in X Japan. I hope he plays the violin in Luna Sea too.

I hope they'll announce another European date since I can't go to the Bochum live

Hypno I think there is a chance they will do other concerts in Europe later, because they said other concerts will follow. I suppose after X Japan European tour?

I'll recommend you some songs through FB :)

X JAPAN World Tour / Re: X Japan North American Tour
« on: September 08, 2010, 03:28:14 PM »
Even crappy chinese singer like Leo Koo get a poster in pacific mall and appears in  chinese newspaper but X japan gets nothing in the chinese community in Toronto which is really sad considering they have had concerts in Hong Kong before.

There was a lot of marketing for the HK show if I recall correctly. Posters everywhere, newspaper reports, TV commercials! However, tickets were very expensive so I guess they had to draw in a huge crowd, so the excess advertisement was justified.

Maybe you guys should have a word with the Chinese newspaper or your tourism board :)


Offtopic / Re: Message to drivedrivebaby from Palma
« on: September 04, 2010, 09:14:46 PM »
I never understand why someone would do this? what would they gain from it? It's borderline abuse and very distressing on the victim.

I wish you a speedy outcome ddb2!

Forum Games / Re: What NON X Japan song are you listening to?
« on: September 03, 2010, 02:00:17 PM »
Swans - Sex, God, Sex

Wow! A Swans fan on a X Japan forum, nice!

X JAPAN World Tour / Re: X Japan North American Tour
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:01:25 PM »
I'm confident they'll be fine and put on a good show for the North American fans.

The choices of location and venue size is appropriate. Let's hope they do something similar for the European fans!

Sugizo / Re: Luna Sea WORLD TOUR!
« on: August 31, 2010, 01:14:16 PM »
I must admit I'm tempted to goto the Germany show. It's awfully close to my Birthday as well, so it may prove to be very do-able.

Of the old school Visual Kei crop I think Luna Sea are very much a must-see. The fact that we have both X Japan and Luna Sea back on the scene right now is something to be very, very thankful for. The chance we are getting will be envied by many in years to come - so I really don't want to regret it.

I'll go with you ;)

David Byrne (preferably with the rest of the Talking Heads)

This would be absolutely amazing.

Forum Games / Re: Post your picture here! #2
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:44:41 AM »
I like your 2nd t shirt too ;)

Forum Games / Re: The last movie you saw
« on: August 24, 2010, 11:15:28 PM »
Expendables - utterly enjoyable.

Other Projects / Re: Luna Sea
« on: August 24, 2010, 06:36:42 PM »
31/8 - Hong Kong. Nice.

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