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Messages - sasasama

Pages: 1 2 3
Toshi / Re: Pictures without glasses
« on: May 25, 2018, 10:15:26 PM »
This is my absolute favourite. It's also my wallpaper on my phone at the moment. How cute. I wish I could see his puppy eyes in this life once again  :'(

Yoshiki / Re: Lady's X
« on: May 08, 2018, 11:24:02 AM »
Murata Tamu is an amazing drummer, ans she already has a successful musical carieer without Lady's X. Although, I would like to see how it turns out, but I'm not that hopeful that this project will ever get further than this. Sadly :/

General chat / Re: We Are X screening at the Grammy Museum in LA
« on: April 19, 2018, 10:34:15 AM »
Watch this girl's instagram story. She recorded the Q&A. It was so much fun! :D I wish I could've been there.


The Concerts / Re: Coachella with surprises
« on: April 16, 2018, 09:56:32 AM »
I just want to put it out there, that Yoshiki said, Toshi couldn't hear himself the entire Time, and he was singing like that. No wonder he touched his earpiece all the time. And no wonder Jade was weaker than the other songs. Singing like yoi can't hear yourself, is a huge challenge so seriously kudos for him. And Sugizo too. You know I also play in a band, and when yoi can't hear yourself that is a huuuge problem. It makes the songs fall apart. So regarding these circumstances, they held it together very well. Good job! And good luck for the revenge! Anyone knows if it's gonna be broadcasted somewhere?

The Concerts / Re: Coachella with surprises
« on: April 15, 2018, 05:37:35 PM »
Yepp, they obviously had major technical issues, and they all feel really bad about it. It was weird for me as well, that I couldn't hear Sugizo from the very beginning to the end, but looks like, he couldn't hear himself either. Which sucks. For the holograms, come on, look at the Hide one. It was almost all black... And one of the keys of Yoshiki's piano was vibrating and sounded like trash all the time, I had no idea what happened there. But I feel really bad for them. :( Some people on Twitter said, that Yoshiki even regretteg doing the show. I don't know if it's true, I'm still waiting for that Yoshiki Channel, which was after their performance. But I can imagine how dissapointed they are. I hope they can fix things for the next performance.

Aside from the fact that it seems a few people here have lost the plot...it really does seem like Yoshiki's read the forum or has been shown a lot of the criticism from online sources like this. If so, good. It's healthy to see both sides. Honestly, nothing in that entire statement surprised me much. Yoshiki is the master at saying a whole lot about nothing sometimes. Fans still in the honeymoon stage, like Teemeah, will accuse us of "pressuring him into finishing the album", meanwhile, we're just wanting some actual transparency on why he isn't delivering on the things he's saying, simply because after time, it feels like it's at OUR expense. If Yoshiki never made countless statements about the new album "99% done" etc, we wouldn't be in this mess. He makes it HARD to believe that he's coming from a genuine place when he says some of these things.

There is zero doubt about his physical condition; it's real and it sucks, but the DECISIONS...man the decisions...Like if your condition is so poor, why on earth are you doing Coachella? This is where I have sympathy issues. None of the real fans care if he does Coachella. This to me is a bucket list thing for him. Yes, as an artist he can perform how and where he wants, but don't lose sight of the decisions being made. Part of me truly thinks Yoshiki thought he could break into the Western market and make a huge splash. The sad part is that I think he's realizing that isn't likely to ever happen and they'll simply remain niche with the possibility of gaining a moderately sized new fan base with a lot of effort. Also, I don't know how much I believe in blaming the "agent/promoter", we all know Yoshiki has a lot of power when it comes to HIS band. To me, it's like he's hit a dead end with his condition and almost sees pursuing a new album as a waste of time....OR this is just another drama-filled post because he is also very cryptic in what he's saying. Eluding to "big news that he can't speak of right now". The guy is extremely confusing and nothing short of a PR nightmare.

You hit the nail, Coachella is definitely a bucket list thing for him. He even admitted that. He said "it's not that important. It's personally important to me".

I agree, if he would've said this from the very beginning: "Hi guys, the album will come out whenever I want", then we wouldn't be in this mess. Although I've reached the point when it doesn't affect me much. But I see your point.

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: March 13, 2018, 06:36:43 PM »
Okay guys, I made a fb page with the name "X Japan Translations", because I think, it's more effective, and better to have everything at one place, so it's gonna be the last update from me on this thread, and from now on, I'll upload everything there. :)

2018. 03. 12.

Toshi radio

Guest: Yamazaki Ikusaburo, singer/actor

Here are some interesting part of the radio:

T: I really love musicals. To be honest, one of my dreams was to produce a musical. When I was 20, I went to New York
on my own, to see "Cats". I was really touched, and I still have this dream. My favourite one is Beauty and the Beast.
I was 23 when I first moved to LA, you know, I lived there, and to improve my English, I watched musicals. The first
one was Beauty and the Beast. I've seen it countless times. I really like Belle, and I prefer "Belle-type" women.

*True or false, Toshi legends*

T: Have you heard gossips about us?
Y: Yes, I've heard one. Is it true, when once you stayed at a hotel abroad, Yoshiki wasn't satisfied with his room, so
he left in the middle of the night. You joined him, and told him "I don't like it either", and you left together.

T: Well, this is true. I guess it was maybe in Hong Kong, and our room was really musty. I thought, if Yoshiki left,
I'm gonna go too. In the middle of the night, while the others were sleeping. But I'm not selfish!

E-mail: Is it true, before X debuted, Yoshiki and Toshi went to a music contest in Chiba, and that's where they met

Pata, who spit blood on stage to make a bigger impact on the audience?

T: This is true. But of course, it was fake blood. You know, I really admired Gene Simmons from Kiss, and he did this
kind of performance, and I thought it was cool. I myself couldn't do it, because I'm the singer, but our guitarist did

Y: The constrast is a bit big between the man, who loves Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and admires people who spit

T: Of course, if Belle would've been there, we wouldn't have done that! She would've hated me!

E-mail: Is it true, after a tour when you stayed in a hotel, Yoshiki was drunk, and he said "This room is too small",
and threw the TV and the refrigerator out of the window in the company of Hide, to make the room bigger?

T: It's true, but it wasn't because the room was too small. You know, we admired those legendary rock bands such as
Led Zeppelin, and Deep Purple, and just like you, we've heard these kind of stories about them, so when we were drunk,
we thought "Why not?", and everyone was in it. And our room wasn't even that high. It was also a small window.

Y: How could you threw out a fridge of a small window?

T: It was a small fridge.

E-mail: Is it true, when X was a broken band, and they haven't had enough money to pay for a hotel, they stayed at one
of Thosi's relatives place.

T: It's true! My grandfather lived in Osaka, and when we went to our first tour, we couldn't afford a hotel. So
everyone stayed at his place. We ate tamago kake every single night. (Tamago kake is raw egg mixed with white rice)

Y: Did you throw out the fridge of there too?

T: Of course not! I wouldn't have let them do that!

The "Mr. Logan" part was cut out, because he invited two guest musicians from the jazz band "Tri4h", and they played a
song together. Also Toshi announced, that he will perform with this band at May 6.

Yeah my point exactly. If anything comes out, there is complaint, if nothing comes out, thereis complaint. They complain about the new album not being released for years but I BET the moment it comes out, it's going to be bashed by the very same people. It's just ridiculous that they pick on everything Yoshiki does. Everything.  Then why bother about this band, if you dislike everything they do? Do you actually enjoy being so negative about everything? There are plenty of bands you can like, Buck-Tick releases a new album soon, go listen. :) I just cannot understand this mentality, that some of you guys come here claiming you are an X fan, and all you do, literally every single post you do, is about bashing X and Yoshiki all the friggin time. I've been here for about a year now and haven't seen any positive post from some people on this forum. Literally only bashing, whining, and picking on every move this band does. This is not being a fan. You turned into an anti.

Sure, there are things we are not satisfied about, and even things we think are WTF (like these gues players) but can we just focus on the positive stuff? X Japan is doing shit. They actually do stuff. They actually want to play. Why is this not enough for now? Why do people always want a whole arm when someone offers them a thumb?

I do understand the complaints about the empty promises and lies about the new album, I do understand the complaints about the cancelled concerts ( but just saying, it's been like that since the very beginning unfortunately, it's nothing new :') ) But why the bashing over this premium gig in JAPAN, which will be for JAPANESE fans only, why complain about how much the tickets costs, if you won't buy it? It's like I would buy a dress to myself, and YOU would complain about how expensive it was, does it make sense? Let the Japanese fans complain about it. :) If it's not affecting you, why do you care?

... you know guys it's a bit ridiculous that for months on end you complain about X Japan not doing anything, then when they announce Coachella and announce these concerts, all you can do is complain, say "what a joke" and stuff like that. Can X Japan actually do anything that would please you? :)

Thank you, you just drew up my thoughts. I mean, it's totally fine to dislike it, but I don't understand, if they don't care anymore, if this band can not bring them anything good anymore, why do they care to comment? They don't like the idea of Coachella, they don't like this, even tho it's not even affecting them, since it's only for Japanese fans. :") Just why do they care? I would like to ask, what do they want, but it's just pointless. "The new album", yeah, sure, but the thing is, they don't even care about that anymore either. It's crystal clear, that they don't like this band anymore, and you know what, it's totally fine! I just don't understand, why would you care about something, you don't like... Just let it go. Isn't it easy?

X JAPAN LIVE 2018 PREMIUM GIGS ~The Night of Resurrection of YOSHIKI~

That's the official name of the concerts lol

That title tho.  ;D ;D ;D I really do hope, there's much more to come. I'm so excited.  :o

General chat / Re: Yoshiki and Toshi talk
« on: March 06, 2018, 03:56:07 PM »
I start to think that Yoshiki maybe has this 'image' for the band abroad in mind, the tormented metal band with a dark history. as I see these interactions on Japanese tv, he hardly ever mentions hide, or Toshi's brainwashing or even his father's death. It seems to be a recurring theme overseas, though. Hmm...  ???

He mebtiones hide a lot, but in a very positive, nostalgic way. He talks a lot about what they did together, and laughes while telling those stories. I think you are right, in overseas when it comes to hide,  it's always a sad topic, and he ends up crying. He did that in Berlin too. He said, he wants to spread his legacy, and his voice cracked, etc. Hmm.

General chat / Re: Yoshiki and Toshi talk
« on: March 06, 2018, 02:06:51 PM »
I laughed my arse off, thank you so much for this translation :D They are so funny! I wish they would be so bubbly overseas, too. They are always so serious, it's only in these tv shows and onine channels that they get so cute and adorable :)

 Right? I think so too, they're much more relaxed in Japan.  :o

General chat / Re: Yoshiki and Toshi talk
« on: March 05, 2018, 04:27:27 PM »
Sasasama-san, you're awesome!

So I guess we all just found out why Yoshiki fired Taiji: he didn't put the cap back on the toothpaste.

OMFG, you made my day with this comment. I'm laughing so hard.  ;D ;D ;D You're very welcome, thank you for watching!  :-*

General chat / Re: Yoshiki and Toshi talk
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:30:20 PM »

General chat / Re: Yoshiki and Toshi talk
« on: March 05, 2018, 07:43:54 AM »
That's awesome, thank you. :) Maybe lakeisle can help with the sentences you didn't understand?

Well, if she's willing to help me, I'm more than happy. It's up to her. :) Btw you reminded me, but after we got these amazing translations here, I'm thinking about creating a new platform just for these, and everyone could share what they got. I think that would be more effective than always opening a new thread here. A blog or a fb page whatever. It's just an idea.

General chat / Yoshiki and Toshi talk
« on: March 04, 2018, 10:47:53 PM »
So, I did something, because what else should I do on a Sunday night? :D This video is on yt since forever (okay, not so long), and it's hilarious, so I decided to make subs for it. It's only the first half, but don't worry I will try to make the second part as soon as possibble. Sometimes I didn't understand Yoshiki's japanese. He's really hard to understand :"). Anyway, turn on the cc, and enjoy!  :-*

hide / Re: Hide: 50th Anniversary: Junk Story Documentary
« on: March 02, 2018, 09:01:06 AM »
Oh, btw I think it's not true Toshi is not open about his brainwashing story. I don't know if you saw that, it's on youtube, but he did a conference about it, he answered every single question in detail, and he was really open. He also said, he wants to share, and he's prepared for any question. He even had an English interpreter. If you haven't seen that, I recommend you to watch!

hide / Re: Hide: 50th Anniversary: Junk Story Documentary
« on: March 02, 2018, 08:56:07 AM »
Or maybe it is a mistranslation. Both Yoshiki and Toshi mentioned several times that they didn't really talk about these things, his brainwashing, the difficulties he went through. he also mentions this in the book. These dudes are Japanese, they are wired by society not to talk about such issues. That's why you have all this crazy stuff in Japanese entertainment and social life, people find other ways to let the fume out, because they are simply not allowed to talk about their problems.

Well, that would explain a lot. It's so hard to believe he said that...

hide / Re: Hide: 50th Anniversary: Junk Story Documentary
« on: March 02, 2018, 08:47:25 AM »
sasasama I completely understand you...   :-* I think we have to accept his contradictions... the matter has been and is really painful and difficult for him... hide had a complex personality and as fans perhaps we can understand his fear to disclose too much about a human being who cannot defend or explain himself any more... but when he's in a different and more relaxing situation - like now in Russia now - he needs so much to open himself with fans... he's ningen (humam being)...

I understand what you say, completely. And I agree. But it's still so shocking, because he claimed it was an accident from the very beginning, he stayed true to his opinion to -as you said - protect hide, protect the fans, and in my opinion to protect himself too... Because it's so much easier to think, it was an accident, and easier to accept. If he really said this, that means he was able to believe the idea, that he committed suicide, which is a huge progress for him. I don't know... I'm just a bit confused.

hide / Re: Hide: 50th Anniversary: Junk Story Documentary
« on: March 02, 2018, 08:27:33 AM »
In this site:


Yoshiki says:

"Then we became pretty big in Japan, but at the same time we lost the best player... he took his own life... also the vocalist was brainwashed..."

In the film he doesn't say so... It makes him even more closer and dear to me... because he really loved him and seems he doesn't know himself whether to protect his memory and the most sensible fans from depression and emulation or to speak more freely about this very difficult topic in order to love and accept every aspect of his beloved bandmate personality...

hide is my favourite... and yes, as a great visulal artist ha could do a great job in fashion...

Whaaaaat??? Now I'm really really shocked!!!! He strongly believes that hide didn't commit suicide, he strongly believes it was an accident, and now he says he took his own life? Okay, I'm pretty shocked right now.

hide / Re: Hide: 50th Anniversary: Junk Story Documentary
« on: March 01, 2018, 07:37:34 PM »
Thank you very much again. The vending machine part was hmm... interesting. I mean, from that he seems like a person, who swallowed all of his problems, all of his frustrations, and alcohol made it come out like that. He was a person, who cared about his friends, but he didn't let them get too close to him. You know, I went to Berlin in October to the We are X premier, and Q&A with Yoshiki, and I had the chance to ask him a question. We could ask only one, but now, I would have another question to him. If hide and he were best friends, did he also feel like he can't get to know him completely, did he also feel this kind of 'mistery' around him? Or he was able to break this wall? Did he know the real hide? I'm sure he wouldn't answer this question, but after reading this, I have this thought in my mind...

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: March 01, 2018, 08:20:43 AM »
Thank you from me, too.  That was fun to read and shocking.  lol.  Poor Toshi, naked and falling off the car and they left him?? I wonder where his clothes were and what happened after they left? lol! I hope he didn't have to walk back into town with tree branches or leaves to cover himself.  Hahaha.

These guys had a lot of fun, though.  A lot of memories for them to cherish, even if it was dangerous or silly or whatever.  Those are things they will never forget. 

I am glad there are still more of these to translate and hope someday, soon, there will be even more.

HAHAHA, You made me laugh with that picture, Toshi trying to walk back to their house with leaves all over his body.  ;D Exactly my thoughts. These things might be dangerous and crazy, but I'm kinda envy them that they can look back to these amazing memories. I know, I'm weird, haha. Also, hide told in an interview, if Toshi drank too much, he started to undress, so he was very careful with alcohol. :D Also because of his voice of course, but once in a while he joined the guys too. ;)

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 28, 2018, 03:09:52 PM »
Toshi radio 2018. 02. 26.

This episode's guest was Iwata Takanori (Gun-chan), form Sandaime J Soul Brothers and Exile. He's a dancer, and actor. I decided to only share the interesting parts, and not translate their conversation, because they mostly talked about coffee, tea, food, university, and Iwata-san's career. Enjoy! :D

*True or false, Toshi legends*

E-mail: Is that true, when X were still indies, you went to Osaka with a worn-out van, and the back of the van opened, and the stickers you wanted to sell in Osaka flew out, so you stopped on the highway to pick them up.

T: Yes, this is true, but please don't do such thins, it was really dangerous. It was a worn-out van indeed, and we went to tour with that country-wide. Those stickers were the first stickers we made, and we wanted to sell them in Osaka, so we stopped and collected as many as we could. We couldn't pick up all of them, and it was also the middle of the night. But the next day we sell those at a livehous in Osaka.

E-mail: Is it true, that in 1995, on Dahlia tour, at Nagoya koen's 2. day, you were supposed to be on a prank show, but Yoshiki collapsed the previous day, so you had to postpone it?

T: Yes, this is true.
G: What kind of prank show was it?
T: Maybe...You know, back in the day, there was a thing, called "star prank". I watched those shows since I was a child, but I've never thought, I would be a part of it once. Yoshiki collapsed unexpectedly from time to time... Okay, he collapsed a lot. The concert was the middle of autumn, and we couldn't attend to that prank show at all. I thought "thank god Yoshiki collapsed", because I was so afraid of being on that show.

E-mail: Is that true, that after recording, X went to the mountains by car, and they left naked Toshi behind?

T: This is true. It was right before we debuted. We decided to go camping to the mountains, and at that night, we were pretty drunk. We wanted to go out together, so we got in the car. But I was sitting ON the car, I was naked, and I fell off. The others said "bye-bye" to me, and drove off. So I ran after them, and told them to "waiiit".

*Mr. Logan corner*

E-mail: My problem is, that I'm unable to sing in front of other people. When they invite me to karaoke, I always reject them, because I think I don't have a good singing voice. What should I do to overcome this feeling?

T: If you don't like to sing, then don't sing. Try to dance instead. Or shout! You can always shout!
Mr.Logan: HMMM.... TRY TO YELL!!!

EDIT: 4 more episodes left of Toshi radio! :'( Sad story.

Yoshiki / Re: Yoshiki's mental health
« on: February 26, 2018, 05:23:42 PM »
Going full off topic, then.  I am Scorpio. I try, very, very hard not to believe in astrology - at all.  And if I look at the attributes given to my sign, I am exactly as described, do as described, react as described and not always a good thing for me or those around me.  I bite back and I can bite very hard.  Stinger comes out. My mother used to tell me as a child, even, I spoke with a forked tongue.  There was nothing anyone could say to me to make me back down or do as I was told if I didn't want to.  I lashed out at everyone and every thing and beware those that hurt me as the stinger went deep and it hurt.  Usually a huge psychological blow to the party who upset or hurt me. So, even though I don't want to believe it and even before I knew what my sign is supposed to be like, I was doing it and with a vengeance and.

So, maybe it is actually true and maybe some of Yoshiki's behaviors are due to his sign.  Maybe not. IJS

Well, I'm a Scorpio too, and the more interesting part is, that I was born on November 20. Same day as Yoshiki. I'm a drummer too, but other than that, I'm not near similar to Yoshiki. :D (Ok, I'm a crybaby too, but that's that). Neither of these things fits me, so I guess you can't put it on everyone. I was the chillest, most quiet, most shy child, when people hurt me, I never spoke back, people bullied me, but I always hold my tongue. I don't know, it just feels really unreliable to me. But yeah, we have different beliefs, I just wanted to say a counterexample. 

hide / Re: Hide: 50th Anniversary: Junk Story Documentary
« on: February 26, 2018, 11:37:29 AM »
Thank you so much for translating this! I like that part, when Yoshiki said, he just knew, he and hide will be together eventually. I had this experience with people in my life. I saw a man on stage, I didn't know his name, actually I didn't know anything about him, but I had this feeling inside, that I want to be connected with him, I want to talk to him, and I just felt, that our lives will interweave. We'd been together for almost 4 years before we broke up. Life is strange. :")

Also, it's really interesting to hear this theory of the "real" Hideto Matsumoto, and "hide" the person on stage, the rock musician.

Toshi / Re: Toshi PEKOJANI appearance
« on: February 26, 2018, 10:09:30 AM »
My personal favourite moment was, when the chef tried to help him transfer the cake to the plate, but he was so into it, he made that high pitched "ah" sound. That was my end, seriously, hahaha.  ;D And that face, he gave that guy, who told him, he has other work to do. I love Toshi too <3

Toshi / Toshi PEKOJANI appearance
« on: February 25, 2018, 11:59:03 AM »
So, there was this really funny variety show, and this was the secont time, Toshi took part in it, and I have to tell, I laughed my ass off.  ;D So, I made translations for it, so you can laugh too. :) There are missing parts from the translation, because as I said, I'm not a pro, so there are missing sentences here and there, but I managed to do the most of it! Please watch from 2:56 to 33:43. You don't have to watch the rest, because that's not Toshi related anymore. Turn on the cc and enjoy!!! :)


Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 20, 2018, 10:36:58 PM »

So I listened to the "car" part again, and the question was: Is that true, when X was still indies, they had a Hiace car, to carry their equipment, and is that true that hide bought that car. Also, when they went to Hokkaido with that car, the motor stopped working, and they had to push it.

Toshi said, yes, they had a Hiace. Always one person took the responsibility of driving, and it was either hide or Yoshiki, because only they had a driving license at that time. And it wasn't only hide who bought the car, they bought it together, and drove around the country with that.  :D They bought that car for about 500, 000 yen. And yes, the motor often stopped, so they had to push it.

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 20, 2018, 06:36:52 PM »
Thank you! I'm going to miss Toshi Radio when it's over. I hope he does it again after the X tour (if there is one LOL)

I don't want it to be over either!!  :'( :'( :'( I was literally waiting for every Monday, just to listen to this. I've never waited for Mondays like thtis, ever.  ;D But we have a little more time left, so let's enjoy this last month. :)

Toshi / Re: Toshl "All night Nippon premium" translations
« on: February 20, 2018, 05:34:58 PM »
NEW EPISODE!!!!  ;) ;) ;)

Toshi radio 2018. 02. 19.

Toshi started the episode with talking about the winter oplympics, then introduced today's guest, Koda Kumi-san.

T: I went to her concert in Yokohama Arena, and I got this "superstar" vibe, I got really excited. After that, we had

a very open talk, and she's truly a good-humoured person. She even covered hide-chan's songs, and other X Japan songs,

so she has a colorful individuality, so I think, we will talk about various interesting things today. Also, next

week's guest is already decided. It will be Iwata Takanori-san, from Sandaime J Soul Brothers and Exile. His nickname

is Gun-chan. ( Japanese dancer and actor)

*Confectionery recommendations*

T: Last week was Valentine's day, and I received a tons of sweets. I ate the half of them before bed. I couldn't fall

asleep after that... But it was sooooo gooood! I thought, "Okay, I should stop halfway" before bed....

*Toshi got a cake again, and ate it in the show. He liked it very much. *

*Toshi café premium*

K: Helloooo, I'm Koda Kumi, it's been a while!
T: You are so energetic today too!

They started to talk about when and where they met, then Toshi made tea for Koda-san.

K: I used to like wagashi. (Wagashi​is a traditional Japanese confectionery which is often served with tea, especially

the types made of mochi, azuki bean paste, and fruits)
T: Maybe it's a little weak (flavoured).
K: It's okay. Toshi-san, are you a tea-expert?
T: I practiced mental training, so I learned about it.
K: My kid is 5 years old, and he'll start elementary school soon. I won't have too much time to relax, so it feels

good now.

*They're eating a cake Koda-san brought*

Koda told, that her voice is in the best condition now, and back then she did the "husky" voice, but recently she got

an advice, to sing more clearly/with a clear tone. She said, when se makes the setlist before concerts, she put one

hard song, and after that an easier song, so she can rest, but all X Japan songs's are high level. She asked Toshi, if

there are songs, he can't sing because it's too hard.

T: Yoshiki decides the setlist all the time, and there are not a single easy song. I'm fighting for my life every

K: But your concerts are 2-3 hours long.
T: Yes, they are quite long. 3-4 hours long. The hardest song at the moment is Endless Rain.

Koda-san has been doing voice training since 2015. Before that, she didn't understand what's the point, but after she

met her first teacher, she understood.

K: I thought, I can stay calm, but I'm talking all the time! I'm so soorryyyyy!
T: It's okay!
K: I start to speak suuuper fast in front of people I like, because I'm so nervous!
T: Are you talking to a person, you like right now?
T: Awwwwwwww (Toshi's voice was so sweet here)
K: But seriously, if no one tells me, I'm speaking fast, I don't even notice!
T: You're speaking fast.

In an e-mail, someone said, both Toshi and Koda-san had very extreme outfits when they debuted.

K: How was it for you, Toshi-san?
T: For me, it was hide-chan, who recognised my hair. First, I just let it grow, and bleached it, and it was hide-

chan's idea, to do the mohawk.

*Toshi folktales*

E-mail: Is that true, that back then, when Toshi did the MC at concerts, he got that "hooligan style" from Nokko-san

the member of the band Rebecca? (sorry, I've never heard about them, so I have no idea how to spell their name)

T: Hmm. Before we debuted, I didn't know, how to do things, how to act. So I put this false image on myself, this

"scary" image, but it was so far from me, it felt like, I'm lying to myself/about myself. I couldn't get used to it.

So before we debuted, our director brought me to this band's concert, and Nokko-san, and the whole band had so much

fun there! They jumped, and moved together, they didn't care about anything, it was really expressive! I thought, it's

amazing! I could feel this stupendous enegry from them. Then I thought, "that's it!". Probably our director brought me

there, because he wanted me to feel those feelings. Then, after that, we went to drink, and he asked me: "Toshi-san,

what do you want to do, and how?". I said: "Our fans are so cute, I can't help, but I feel like I want o hug them


K: That is so sweeeeet!

T: Then he said: "If that's what you want to do, then do it! Why not? Hug them all!"

K: Whaaat? That's so hot!
T: After that, we had a concert at a little livehouse, and I immediately felt this feeling, I wanted to hug my fans.

Of course I didn't, but that was the point, when I let go of this "scary" image, and started to shout things like "You

are the best!", and things like that, out of love.

E-mail: Is that true, that after finishing Art of Life, you got rid of your studio?

T: Well, Yoshiki brought a studio abroud, and it became his own studio. It took us years, to finish Art of life, I

don't even remember how many years. But after finishing that, everyone gathered there, and we raze the studio, but it

was because we were so incredibly happy, that we finished recording.

The next e-mail was about a car, but I didn't really understand. Toshi said, at that time only hide, and Yoshiki owned

a driving license/or car, I'm really not sure, anyway, they went to tour with that. And at that time, internet didn't

exist, so Toshi was really surprised, that wherever they went, the livehouses were full of people.

*Mr. Logan corner*

E-mail: Nowadays, my head is full of thoughts, I have a lot of things to do, and even though I reward myself

sometimes, and have some fun, I can't stop thinking. I want Logan-san's advice on how to switch my thoughts, how to

distract myself.

K: I also have a family, and a kid, and I'm doing concerts. I'm not the type who can switch her thoughts. What about

you Toshi-san?
T: I can't do it either. But I think it's natural. You can't change this.
K: Yes, everyone is like that.
T: If she really wants to distract herself, maybe if she changes her circumstances, and go to a completely different place,
could help.
K: Or just drink tea, and relax.
T: Let's listen to Logan-san's advice!
L: HMMMMMM... It's a hard question for Mr.Logan too...go to drink....

*They bust out in laughter*


*They start to laugh again*

T: But really, it's something, you can't change. You have things, you have to do.

In the end, Toshi played Crystal Memories to this person.

They talked about they should perform together, and Toshi would sing the woman's part, and Koda-san would sing the

man's part.

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