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Messages - dilbot

Pages: 1 2 3 4
General chat / Re: X Japan new song - Born to be Free
« on: July 21, 2010, 11:30:30 AM »
More or less the moderate success that I was talking about. But being called the new Linkin Park is not a very pretty label in the long run.

General chat / Re: X Japan new song - Born to be Free
« on: July 20, 2010, 03:00:20 PM »
Have to say I'm a bit disappointed with the new song
Back in the day when I.V. was released, eventually I learned to like the song and about 2 years ago I listened to it a lot.
But it's 3 years since X Japan reunited and they have made 3 songs (that we know of) so far. I'm just wondering what the fuck is wrong with Yoshiki, he has made 1 song 3 times 'cos all the new songs sound exactly the same. At least before he could make good melodic songs even though even back in the day he used the same pattern for almost all of his songs. If I'd hear any of the new songs on MTV one day without knowing it's an X Japan song, I'd think it's just another generic pussy teenage rockband that we hear on MTV all the time.

They could do better.... a lot better.

There's a lot of pressure on Yoshiki at this point. This is the point in time where they try to break into the U.S market. All of the new songs are much blander and "safe" mostly due in part for this reason, personally. Rock and metal is pretty much dead in mainstream U.S. Will they make it big over here? In my opinion, they won't. At best they will be the new Lincoln Park. Moderate mainstream success riding on nothing new or groundbreaking mediocrity...and hated on by millions of people for this fact.

I really give out my best wishes to them to get more fans...but I hope once they achieve their desired "quota" they will start taking liberties. Kind of like once X broke through with Blue Blood, they started exploring with the jealousy album. Fuck...that's wishful thinking.

General chat / Re: X Japan new song - Born to be Free
« on: July 08, 2010, 01:17:04 PM »
Anyone who is STILL expecting old X are complete idiots.

Old X has been gone since '93. There was little familiarity in Art of Life, and in Dahlia it was nonexistent. Why the hell would you expect it almost 30 years after the fact? In my opinion, this song is the ideal follow up to a post-decade Dahlia. This is the direction that I thought that they would go to when they announced their reunion. They're gettin' old. They don't have that raw youthful vigor that they used to. Nor do they care about the things that they once did 20 years ago. This will greatly affect what kind of songs they will be putting out from here on out. remember that when you critique with "it doesn't sound like OLD X".

What is old x anyways? old x from 10 years ago? or old x from 30 years ago?

80's-'92 = Old X

'93-'98 = X

2007 - = nuX?

General chat / Re: X Japan new song - Born to be Free
« on: June 24, 2010, 03:08:04 AM »
Now that I think about it at least we know it's a departure from the monotonous dribbery that is I.V ~ Jade. I'm pretty sure it's going to be something rock oriented. Has anyone ever heard of a happy ballad before?? ...unless their going Coldplay on us then I'm sure it'll be good. Probably something along the lines of Toshi's Samurai album

General chat / Re: X Japan new song - Born to be Free
« on: May 19, 2010, 10:52:12 PM »
We are in desperate need of decent sound qualities for VV and BB. Although they'll ever re-record the whole albums. We need a re-recorded version of Alive. Probably would have been my favourite oldie if it wasn't for the engrish segment of the song...

General chat / Re: X Japan new song - Born to be Free
« on: May 19, 2010, 09:42:46 PM »
It's probably gonna be another crossover rock/ballad song :(

Yoshiki / Re: The mafia of the visual indies industry
« on: March 02, 2010, 04:14:28 AM »
People can lie solely for the sake of stirring up controversy.

Although "Satoh" may not have meant to "attack" these people, the comparison of yakuza with VK companies certainly carries negative connotations to suggest that he is indeed on the attack

Well no not really, they never said that was the video. It was just used to show a little sample of the song.

Uhhh guys...that's not the actual video of the wedding performance. Nevertheless, that's crazy if you get your dream band to play at your wedding reception!

General chat / Re: Get X on Ellen
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:24:36 AM »
As a North American viewer who has seen the Ellen show I can say that X is NOT fit for this show. Predominant acts are yes, mainstream heavy hitters. The viewers generally aren't into artists that go beyond the easy listen. As great as X is with their ballads, I don't see them appealing to the viewing audience on ellen. All their ballads are quite heavy and will go against the usual upbeat tone of the show.

The general consensus of opinions would probably be "those guys dress weird", "the singer has a weird voice", "Who's the girl with the pink hair?" and "are they chinese?"
  I WATCH ellen aswell and I wouldn't suggest them on he show if I didn't think it was a good idea.  Like I said I think they'd b really cute and I'm sure that Yoshiki is well aware of his lack of popularity in america....especially since he keeps talking about 'breaking into america' so a show like this would be great for the,m even if its just a performance. I mean if ppl like Ozzy and Slash can join her without breaking a sweat then X shouldn't have a problem...lets have a little faith in the band we claim to love so much

I'll agree with you that Yoshiki and Ellen may be a good mix. I'll give you that, though I'm more focused on their performance.

What song(s) do you think will fetch an ear to the audience? I certainly can't think of any. How "open" are they to music outside north america? X isn't exactly a pick up and listen type of band. It's an acquired taste in my opinion.

General chat / Re: Get X on Ellen
« on: February 12, 2010, 01:23:20 AM »
As a North American viewer who has seen the Ellen show I can say that X is NOT fit for this show. Predominant acts are yes, mainstream heavy hitters. The viewers generally aren't into artists that go beyond the easy listen. As great as X is with their ballads, I don't see them appealing to the viewing audience on ellen. All their ballads are quite heavy and will go against the usual upbeat tone of the show.

The general consensus of opinions would probably be "those guys dress weird", "the singer has a weird voice", "Who's the girl with the pink hair?" and "are they chinese?"

General chat / Re: Get X on Ellen
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:30:36 PM »
Sorry X, I love you and all but I NEED to vote for Soil and Pimp Sessions!! T_T

General chat / Re: Bands that X fans will like.
« on: February 02, 2010, 08:07:13 PM »
Here's a band that's a bit of a stretch, but I'm sure Xfans will appreciate the higher than life rockin lives this JAZZ band puts out. Yes you hear me. ROCKIN' JAZZ! "Death Jazz" (as they call it)to be exact

Soil and Pimp sessions:


The Concerts / Re: Kyoto Sports Valley
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:23:36 AM »
Haha I always wondered about Toshi in that concert, I've only seen the video for alive and he looks reaallly high in it....

Yoshiki / Re: Yoshiki at the 2010 Grammy awards; Lollapalooza news
« on: February 02, 2010, 01:34:45 AM »
Chick checking out ma boy!! 4th pic! Yoshiki what a playa!!

Well it was a slim chance that they would go back to their old style considering their last album was a clear departure from that. Most we can hope for in my opinion is more songs like Dahlia, which would be better than what they are putting out right now. In my opinion, lack of hide is a big blow to the creative output of the group. I've never listened to sugizo's work, so I don't know how much he can really contribute to the band. Anyone want to fill me in on this?

General chat / Re: New X Japan JADE Video Details
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:00:29 PM »
I really hope those rumors are true. slim chance though.

Toshi / Re: Has Toshi's MIXI been removed?
« on: January 26, 2010, 10:02:33 PM »
Is this receiving any major news company headlines? This is huge!

Dilbot: "With what Ulqiorra said, what I said was valid."

Well, I think what I said was valid too, and I think what demonbefriender said was valid, I think if people stay within the rock/metal genre because they think most other genres of music like pop,rap ect. are souless pieces of crap made on a computer then I think there's nothing wrong with them only wanting to listen to metal, also imo with metal and rock you get the best ballads/emotional songs, proven by X-Japan I guess.

*sigh* your assumptions of pop/rap only scratch the surface of what rap/pop really is. I will agree with you that mainstream these days is turning plastic, mainstream pop/rap even rock, is dieing and it needs a savior. Do not just jump to the conclusion that all rap/pop is like mainstream. Wise up. Be smarter than that. There is good in every genre and style of music.

Dilbot, you and a lot of people on this forum will never understand me and what the majority of metal fans think, so I don't know if there is any real point in trying to explain anything to you people and I don't feel like typing very long posts right now anyway. I will say one thing, All other Metal and Rock bands stick to that genre within the bands they make like Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath ect. they do branch out, but within the same genre, Black Sabbath were bluesy, and since then they've made speed metal type albums, harder doom sounding metal, that's the experimentation and changes rock and metal bands make over the years, and they don't feel like they're trapped in a box, ever, because that's the music they love. If they want to make pop songs, then make an entirely different band with completely new members and a different name, keep it away from the rock/metal bands.

And yes, I do love X's ballads, but there's far too many of them, of rediculous portions.

I don't believe in these "set rules" and boundaries that as you say, the majority of metal fans believe in. You're quite right how I will never understand why people will shut themselves out from new experiences and stay within the boundaries that they put themselves in. Maybe that's why I don't like Metal in general, too formulated and the fact that there's just too many bands who aren't doing anything new anymore. Is metal an evolving genre? what do you see as the future?

@demonbefriender: With what Ulqiorra said, what I said was valid.

Even though bands make changes, they stick to their genre, because they love that genre of music (which is why they play that music *not for fame*), and they know their fans love it. X-Japan is the only band I know who has not followed this, and its not right, and there's only one reason they get away with it.

How can you say that one band MUST stay within a certain genre and can not branch out at all? What an ignorant way of thinking. Do you listen to anything else besides rock and metal? Do you even like ballads to begin with? If your answer to both the questions is no, then you hold no credible opinion over that statement and I pity your limited taste in music.

I'm sorry if you feel that X "deceived" their early fans. In a way that may be true, but in reality the fans who feel betrayed are the ones who seem to think like you - How once a band chooses a genre they must stick with it and stay forever trapped within the "box" of that genre and it's subgenres.   

General chat / Re: Pata Vs. hide: This pisses me off
« on: December 28, 2009, 04:51:37 AM »
How is their guitar work anyways? Fairly standard in the rock/metal genre? Maybe a little more unique than others?

General chat / Re: What's your favorite song from X right now??
« on: November 23, 2009, 12:54:11 PM »
Orgasm - last live. love rocking out to it!~

General chat / Re: How was X part of your day?
« on: October 13, 2009, 12:45:02 AM »
Today I rewatched the 2008 live of blue blood. Eventually the videos and still images of hide led me to listen to without you classical version and then I watched hide's funeral plus the report. Weird...thinking he would've been 44 this year....

Never seen this before...really sad video on the H.I.D.E DVD

Albums/Singles / Re: which x song makes you cry?
« on: October 12, 2009, 11:21:04 PM »
Dahlia with the violin/piano intro. I never realized how beautiful the chorus was... really hope they play Dahlia when they come to North America!

General chat / Re: The X song you are currently learning how to play
« on: October 04, 2009, 10:37:58 PM »
Found sheet music for without you. If anyone wants it just give a holler I'll be happy to upload it for you. Be weary though, it's 20 pages 0.o

General chat / Re: The best way to watch X..
« on: October 04, 2009, 10:36:54 PM »
my setup: (in general)

46" inch LCD tv. 7.1 surround sound speakers, 2 subwoofers to handle the bass.

that's the next best thing to watching X live.

General chat / Favourite orchestral rendition of an X song?
« on: September 27, 2009, 06:28:48 PM »
I've recently purchased Yoshiki's eternal melody series and I gotta say some of the tracks on there are very well composed. My personal favourite out of all the tracks would probably have to be White Wind.... What I like about it is its uniqueness, more of a track then a tacky rendition.

General chat / Re: What's your favorite song from X right now??
« on: September 25, 2009, 12:38:18 PM »
Kurenai right now for me. I've been listening too much of that song that it got reaaally watered down and I had to avoid it for a bit. I was tweaking with my computers equalizer and WOOOWWW kurenai sounds PERFECT. Like I've always imagined it to be.... <3

From hide, I haven't been listening to him lately but I like D.O.D. Which is fucking awesommmeee!

Albums/Singles / Re: JADE
« on: September 02, 2009, 03:51:31 PM »
^ I heard it on this forum. It was either in the May 2/3rd concert thread or in here.
Nothing of real insight was in that video. He just runs on for 3 minutes saying "yo-shee-kee" and how some of the lyrics sound similar (vaguely) to previous X songs.

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