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Messages - Ba-DiL

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 12
Other Bands / Re: Yoskosuka Saver Tiger reunion!
« on: December 19, 2009, 07:10:09 AM »
*Just watched "Double Cross"*

OMG, Nick!! *faint out*

The Show was AWESOME!!! XD

Help / Re: Facts about X
« on: December 14, 2009, 03:13:08 PM »
better tell him about the 'blocked by google' problem first ;D

hide / What do you do for hide's Birthday this year?
« on: December 13, 2009, 03:13:49 AM »
Just for fun thread ;D

First of all, Happy Birthday hide !! :D

Well, just like the title say... what do yo do for hide's Birthday this year?

Me, I'm watching these videos since I woke up this morning xD

- Ugly Pink Machine File. 1
- Film The Psychommunity Reel. 1
- yokosuka Saver Tiger, Origin of hide Vol. 3
- hide with Spread Beaver, Live at hide Memorial Summit 2008.05.03

n more to come later... :D

Actually I want to watch my ALIVE! dvd, but the damn dvd player won't play it... don't know why :P

Maybe I'll just watch ALIVEST n 17 Clips later ... ;D

Other Bands / Re: bands/musicians you HAVE to see in concert before you die
« on: December 11, 2009, 12:04:43 PM »
Dir en grey
Linkin Park

Hahha ;D

Help / Re: Facts about X
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:15:44 PM »
X Radical Dreamers would help you a LOT -,-'

espescially about their indies era ...

they're Spanish though :P

"Will Mother Earth survive?"

I love the title :)

Forum Games / Re: What NON X Japan song are you listening to?
« on: December 09, 2009, 12:26:24 PM »
Dir en grey - Hageshisa to, Kono Mune no Naka de Karamitsuita Shakunetsu no Yami


what a title ..! xD

hide / Re: do you think hide would be happy now?
« on: December 09, 2009, 06:26:55 AM »
Within the reunion, I think he is :)

with the milking, I don't think he is :(

Offtopic / Re: Funny videos
« on: December 05, 2009, 10:21:52 AM »
Kurenai misheard lyrics


fuck my brain xD

Other Bands / Re: B'z
« on: December 05, 2009, 10:10:07 AM »
Did B'z did this?


My friend told me about this, and since I'm not a B'z fans I know nothing about it... so I hope it's not real --"

General chat / Re: What's your favorite song from X right now??
« on: December 03, 2009, 04:37:55 AM »

I'm addicted to Vanishing Vision lately ;D

General chat / Re: You know you're addicted to X, when...
« on: November 27, 2009, 03:48:44 PM »
When you tied your shoes, this way:

It's called "Double Cross" Lacing ;D

Yeah, I've done that xD

General chat / Re: What X song are you listening to?
« on: November 26, 2009, 12:47:10 PM »
Stab Me In The Back

General chat / Re: What's your favorite song from X right now??
« on: November 24, 2009, 12:39:57 PM »
X - INSTALL/Feel's Damage

Indies Kick-Ass! xD

Yoshiki / Happy Birthday Yoshiki! \^o^/
« on: November 20, 2009, 01:11:20 AM »
Happy YOSHIKI birthday!! XD

Pictures/Galleries / Re: Around 6000 X photos uploaded to my Myspace
« on: November 19, 2009, 02:26:29 PM »
I haven't see some of them O_O

Wow, thanX! :D

hide / Re: Random hide facts!
« on: November 11, 2009, 03:31:52 AM »
The Doors ? ;D

Pata / Re: Happy Birthday Pata!
« on: November 04, 2009, 04:29:14 AM »
Happy Birthday Pata! :D

General chat / Re: Favourite orchestral rendition of an X song?
« on: October 27, 2009, 07:21:47 AM »
^Kurenai, On Guitar ..?

General chat / Re: This REALLY upset me.....
« on: October 18, 2009, 03:02:52 PM »
I've watched this video since May... n yeah, Hahha, It's silly xD

I recommed you to watch/search 'X JAPAN - The Korea Experience' video on X JAPAN EXPERIENCE Channel at youtube to see how a good fans deal with things like this ;)

General chat / Re: You know you're addicted to X, when...
« on: October 15, 2009, 02:48:04 AM »
when you use X (n related) song titles as your status update in your facebook/twitter ...

I oftenly use T-EARTH's 'REST NOW' ;D

Albums/Singles / Re: which x song makes you cry?
« on: October 12, 2009, 10:32:44 AM »

Toshi / Re: Happy Birthday Toshi!
« on: October 10, 2009, 02:21:34 AM »
Happy TOSHI Birthday!! \^o^/

General chat / Re: The best way to watch X..
« on: October 05, 2009, 03:21:23 AM »
Don't forget to use a great sound system too! ;D Home Teather would be very nice too !! XD

Toshi with T-EARTH / Re: Honto no Ai / TRUTH (13.08.09)
« on: October 03, 2009, 07:38:09 AM »
yoo ..! you're all welcome, guys ;D

Toshi with T-EARTH / Re: Honto no Ai / TRUTH (13.08.09)
« on: October 02, 2009, 04:15:19 PM »
Here's the lyrics for the album TRUTH :D

All you would ever have to do is to open your eyes wide
You will start to see the light through the eyes of a child

Beyond the time
And far over the people
Beyond the land
And far over the sea
Beyond the sky
And far over the stars we reach
Beyond the rainbow
And far over the mountain
I want to send the genuine love to you
The unchanging love that has never been stained by the world
No matter where you are

Hopes smashed into a thousand pieces in the course of time
Dreams pounded into a million dust specks in the trail of life
There is something in all our hearts that would never fade away
Something that has never left all of us alone in the dark

I want to send it over to you, now gone far away
Something that we all used to have in common way back in the old days
Whenever and wherever we didn't lose hold of it
Genuine love so precious that we can be sure of
The unchanging love that has never been stained by the world

Sorrows haunting our mind over and over in the course of time
Fears blocking our way into the future in the trail of life
There is love in all our hearts that would never fade away
Something that has always been with all of us wherever we are
The future awaiting all of us someday somewhere

Beautiful stars in the night sky
Beautiful people all around us
We all have the genuine love somewhere deep in our hearts
The love we were meant to have before
we were born into the world
All you would ever have to do is to open your eyes wide
You will start to see the light through the eyes of a child

All you would ever have to do is to open your eyes wide
You will start to see the light through the eyes of a child

Beyond the time
And far over the people
Beyond the land
And far over the sea
Beyond the sky
And far over the stars we reach
Beyond the rainbow
And far over the mountain
I want to send the genuine love to you
The unchanging love that has never been stained by the world
No matter where you are

Brutally wounded heart
Awfully tainted heart
There's something that shines so bright
More cherished than anything
There's something that can't be compared
Something, something
For eternity
Everlasting heart, oh

I'll never have regrets over my life
At the end of my long-winded journey
Sky, sea, rain, earth
Wind, mountain, snow

Do you have a heart that can see
the beauty of what's meant to be beautiful
The beauty that I will keep hold of whatever it costs
Do you have a heart that can feel
the purity of what's meant to be pure as snow
I never want to lose it
No, no, never!
Beautiful flowers blooming on the earth!
Sweet perfume rising into the air!

Do you have a heart that can see
the beauty of what's meant to be beautiful
The meaning that I will keep hold of whatever it costs
Do you have a heart that never stops you
from crying when you really want to cry
I never want to lose it
No, no, never
Dazzling life filling the world with joy and delight
Unfailing friends willing to give their hearts


In the distant past
Crossing the blue seas
Traversing yellow dunes
Determined, virtuous, hard-working people
The rot we saw we could discard it all
To reach for new horizons
Overcome all adversity SAY

Hold tight to truth and press it to your heart
Never stain
Know the value of life
Pin your hopes on the spirit

A better, a better world
Re-make it: I have the key
Courageous, determined, virtuous, hard-working people
They strain their boldness
Force ahead the flow of time
Overcome deepest sadness SAY!

Essence of the spirit
Refuse anything false
Embrace true love
Embrace justice and truth

Brave darling, safe in my arms, hold on tight
as we make our way to the shore
Oh, my love let me mend your badly injured wings
Ah! Tattered wings!
Living together, yes living together, such radiant time we had
Poisonous places we left them to rot away we create a-new
Moving on!

Moving on!

Rest now, my star, floating in the sky
Rest now, the wind, moving the heart of nature
Rest now, my dear, you are safe in my arms
Put sadness behind you

We were born on this beautiful star
Living in true harmony
Swore to forever protect you
Swore we would always live as one

Across the oceans
Across the ages
Across all boundaries
I will uphold that promise, every word
I will uphold our promise, every word
So I strive to love my life
My life forever, forever with your memory
I can feel your warm embrace
Your memory lives on
Protecting this world, this promise

Rest now, darkness, cloaked in light
Rest now, be secure, in the warmth of love
Rest now, safe in my heart, protected by justice
Console sadness

Born on this beautiful star
Living in true harmony
Our road was always direct
Our love was always direct

In our youth, innocent, we chased storm clouds
Across prairies that stretched to the horizon
Those days were pure
And our innocence survives
Even confusion gives way to clarity
When I hold on to your memory
And our promise to the world we made
I will never, ever forget

And now I see crystal, crystal clear
When I hold on to your memory
And our promise to the world we made
I will never, ever forget

And I will be true forever more
Remain true to my vows
And i promise to the world
I will never, ever forget

Stop it! This abject feeling sucks!
Stop it! You're cool! Don't mope or brood!
Stop it! It's safe to look into my eyes!
Open your eyes, you know I'm right

Don't stop! Keep that smile of your shining
Don't stop! So, trust yourself, just do it
Don't stop! Your power comes from deep inside
I will see. I will see
And you will see, I will see
I will live true, I will, baby
You will see

I will live for you, baby-doll
Hold onto me and we'll go for a ride
And you will see that life is here and now
So baby, sweetie, love you

Spread out! As wide as the sky
Let's make it shine; Let's save the planet
Give it all you've got! Let it groove!
Love you!

Let's all join to clean up what's around us
Stop it! Get up and make a difference!
Stop it! You know the road, so take it!
Stop it! This planet is real messed up!
Yes, you will see. And we'll see
I will live true, I will baby. You will see
I will live true, baby. I will live true. sweetie
This star's exhausted Save it!
No! Stop it!

Words don't tell the whole story
Skies don't tell the whole story
Dreams don't tell the whole story
Tears don't tell the whole story

Time to make your own life shine
I am sure we can all make it happen
Down and out or on top
And it's not as bad as you think

Time to make your own life shine
I am sure we can all make it happen
Down and out or on top
And it's not as bad as you think

Even if friends near you waver
Do not give in; don't be duped
Only take what you knows right
If you know that something's wrong for you.
Then say no

Don't be locked into the world you know
Don't be locked into the thoughts you have
Don't be locked into your convictions
Don't be locked into your beliefs

Things might look very dark but there's always light
There is more than you see, find it for yourself
Always or just sometimes
Start now leaping over hurdles

Even when your friends are losers
You've got just one chance; do not fool yourself
Only thing real is truth
Break down all imaginary boundaries

Leaping over hurdles one by one
Make your own life shine. I'm sure you can
Live each moment to the full. Trek on!
Make your own life shine; I'm sure you can

You are leaping over hurdles
Make your own life shine; I'm sure you can

The moment we are born
We are all endowed with everything we need
Nature gives us all we need to flourish in her garden
All life in the oceans
All life in the skies above us
All have whatever they need
But we lose all these gifts; we lose all these wonders

What is this nostalgic feeling inside
When I think of the sky, the sea?
My heart is where the flowers blossom
Burst into bloom
Their beauty burns into my heart
That's because the sun shines on all living things
This is what i love

Paramount to me
Above all else is the beauty imbued
In truth and justice for all living things
Radiance is our children's future
What I want most is to leave to our children a place
Where they can shine and live in beauty
What should we protect to live in love?

Truth, the spine of courage, oh yeah!
Freedom, our dearest gift
Nature gives us all we need.
Need in life
Truth, the spine of courage, oh yeah!
Freedom is our dearest gift
The greatest gift is freedom
Did we have it at birth?

What is this nostalgic feeling inside
When I think of the sky, the sea?
My heart is where the flowers blossom
Burst into bloom
Their beauty burns into my heart
That's because the sun shines on all living things
This is what I love!

We grew from where?
And are we riding the flow of the stars?
So many people with beautiful hearts
They are starting to meld into one
They know the true road
The one that is the straight path
Hold onto your heart in spite of loss.
Battle scars; searing pain; confusion

All working now together.
We are starting now
To make a world of beauty
We have all have lost so much!
Truth is the spine of courage, Oh yeah!
Freedom is our dearest gift
The greatest gift is freedom
Did we have it at birth?

Nature gives freedom, but is it real
This freedom from nature?
What did you lose?
Was it true happiness? What was it?
What was it? What was it?
What you once had lost will find its way back to you.
Find its way back to you
Hold on to truth and justice
Our purpose we know
Build the best future
Our purpose we know

Beautiful pristine skies
Beautiful pristine oceans
Beautiful hearts, our children's source of goodness
Our task now: make it all pristine

Afternoon sunlight sifting through the leaves
Gentleness and sadness folded into one
Nostalgic memories of two lovers in this park.
Only you and me, I remember Feels like yesterday!

My chest is torn apart. I can't breathe!
I'm nearly stifled; tears well up.
These memories come back to me.
Always thought that we would walk one path!

Beautiful pristine skies
Beautiful pristine oceans
Beauty in harmony with nature; that was you!
You were taken, snatched away from my crying heart
Beautiful communities are growing up
Beautiful human pride is welling up
Beautiful hearts, our children's source of goodness
And now to make it all pristine

Ask yourself what life means: what purpose set as your goal
It is finding someone you want to live with
And now I know I reached my goal
Now and for eternity, even in the dark of night
When each day seemed so very challenging
You loved me for who I am
One day, some day, we'll meet again, my love!
Such depth of love we had!
Our love knew no bounds
I will hold onto this truth to my final days

Beauty is to live a life of purity
Beautiful nature and beautiful skies we must protect
We carry this love with us through life's journey
And the next time we meet, you will be proud of me!

Beautiful stars; my present to you!
Beautiful memories created for posterity!
Beautiful hearts of children
To light the ideal world, the place we want to live

You were simply played out
You were so close to giving up
The thought of living one more day
Thought you'd turn your back on me
Give me back the chance to love you
I'll forgive, forget the trials
Let me comfort you no matter what it takes
Let me hold you in my arms

When I think no-one had noticed
Pretended that nothing was changing
Looked me straight in the eye: how could you do that?
You stood tall all the time You discarded human reason
Don't put up a front for me!
Pretending to be strong
Only makes things hard for me!
Appreciate your life, whether small or grand
Don't be afraid of yourself
Love will let you hang on
It all comes back to love

Anywhere you look there is conflict
To solve it here is what you do:
Don't be scared to change
So look into yourself
And stay flexible and free
This will let you find your true self
And you'll be pleased with the person in the mirror
So don't be afraid and don't try to change what you have
Show the world the beauty that is you
Now you can know happiness
And the wonder that we know as 'you'.


Toshi / Re: TOSHI to Perform Christmas Concert at Shinagawa Stellar Ball!
« on: October 02, 2009, 04:07:40 AM »
Good News! :D

Cosplay / Re: My Blue Blood Taiji cosplay!
« on: October 01, 2009, 12:01:28 PM »


*faint out*

General chat / Re: You know you're addicted to X, when...
« on: October 01, 2009, 07:53:19 AM »
Owh, I forgot to add 'Catacomb' in my last post :P

btw, thanX Hypno! :D

General chat / Re: You know you're addicted to X, when...
« on: October 01, 2009, 05:34:06 AM »
when you buy the Saw IV DVD, even though you hate the movie, just for the I.V. music video! XD

Not only that, the same happens to 'Global Metal', 'Gaimon', 'Windstruck', and 'Repo!' too ;D

and now I'm wondering where I can get 'Tokyo Pop' :D

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