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Topics - twinkletwilightstars

Pages: 1
hide / Hide, alcoholism and attitudes
« on: May 12, 2024, 05:13:05 PM »
With it being May, I was reflecting on our favourite pink spider and his legacy.

I got thinking especially as a beer was promoted for his 60th birthday celebration (https://www.tokyohive.com/article/2023/12/hides-60th-birthday-celebrated-with-born-in-yokosuka-craft-beer-collaboration) that clearly hide struggled with alcohol in his life, had an eating disorder and mental health issues and alcohol even played a part in his death. It just makes me wonder why they wouldn't promote alcohol awareness in his memory of him rather than do things like this.

Looking at hide's story I actually drew quite a few parallels between him and Amy Winehouse (both had influential grandmothers, played guitar, suffered with alcoholism, eating disorders (specially bulimia), both had an ironic song - Rehab and Drink or Die, alcohol played a role in both their deaths, both struggled with fame, both wanted normal lives and families, both have specific relatives that have been accused of being exploitative with Amy's dad and hide's brother, both were known for their iconic hair and style). Since Amy's passing her parents set up the Amy Winehouse Foundation to help young people with alcohol misuse and mental health while hide has a beer coming out lol.

I guess I just find it kind of interesting that there's very different approaches here. I wonder if it's a cultural thing and hide's issues were more brushed under the carpet? Just something I was thinking about!

Heath / Was Heath married with children?
« on: November 22, 2023, 07:37:35 PM »
I know we don't know a lot about Heath's personal life, but saw this article saying he was survived by his wife and two children?

This is the first I've heard about it. I did a bit of research but the most I found was that he likely had a long term partner since about 2010.


Pages: 1