X Freaks Forum

Website and the Forum => Important => Topic started by: cherrybeary520x on November 04, 2009, 10:24:59 PM

Title: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: cherrybeary520x on November 04, 2009, 10:24:59 PM

There is a video from the Hello Kitty event, and pics of yoga items

-sigh- It does seem like merchandise is more important than music.....
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: shane140 on November 04, 2009, 11:13:48 PM
unbelievable. Dumbells, Yoga mats etc... WTF?!
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: myuu on November 04, 2009, 11:30:39 PM
for what is this? to get strong for the upcomming concerts?
no, really.. why? -_-
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: iluvpinkspider on November 04, 2009, 11:48:49 PM
what the? why are they selling these? what does it have to do with their music?
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: roseofpain84 on November 04, 2009, 11:48:57 PM
Hmm....correct me if I'm wrong..but aren't those items available only to that x japan street army members thing...?
Which is more or less like some kind of fanclub?
Where people pay to become members of?
IF that is the case (I might have misunderstood sth) and those people are paying to be members of sth...I guess it makes sense to release special merchandise to them...right?
I mean....to keep them uh...happy about being members..I guess.

Anyway....I've noticed that in Japan people really love merchandise about everything..not just bands.
Even less well known bands release photobooks and tshirts, hardly known manga have all sorts of merchandise too, there are cell phone straps with mascots of anything you can imagine....so it doesn't surprise me that there are 54753443642324 different (and useless) X Japan merchandise as well....XD
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: demonbefriender on November 05, 2009, 02:05:57 AM
This is pretty hilarious to me.
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: mC on November 05, 2009, 03:11:07 AM
You know....I'm pretty excited about getting my X USB drive but......once I saw the pet things, the watches, the YouTube player, the yoga stuff.....just........awfulness........ouch......terrible
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: MIHO on November 05, 2009, 03:35:29 PM
What's up with the new logo?
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: cherrybeary520x on November 06, 2009, 02:42:07 AM
gosh, i am so sorry to bring you guys terrible news!! if it is......yoshiki needs to get his act together and not care about MONEY MONEY MONEY so much.........
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: xjokerx on November 06, 2009, 04:49:44 AM
I suggest starting a "stupid, useless and expensive merchandise" thread and it can go there.

great idea,seeing that these things won't be the last merchandise they release xD
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: AsukaMiyu on November 06, 2009, 11:33:16 PM
gosh, i am so sorry to bring you guys terrible news!! if it is......yoshiki needs to get his act together and not care about MONEY MONEY MONEY so much.........
Okay, I don't think this has anything to do with Yoshiki but more likely with the mangagement and even more so with the japanese way of ....media and so on in general. I have to agree with roseofpain that it seems just NORMAL to have all kinds of (useless) merchandise of everything in japan. xD this might seem weird here, but it's normal over there.
....I saw what other (pop) artists are selling, really, X are still totally easy going............ xD
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: cherrybeary520x on November 07, 2009, 03:42:22 AM
hmmmmmmm, yeah, i apologize yet again for not thinking. i'm not used to seeing alot of useless items being released by musicians. did they sell condoms back in the early 1990's?? along with cup noodles?
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: MIHO on November 07, 2009, 10:54:05 AM
hmmmmmmm, yeah, i apologize yet again for not thinking. i'm not used to seeing alot of useless items being released by musicians. did they sell condoms back in the early 1990's?? along with cup noodles?
And don't forget: X JAPAN CURRY :D
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: KRazyJess on November 07, 2009, 11:14:28 AM
Content deleted.
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: MIHO on November 07, 2009, 11:26:55 AM
Leave the condoms alone, will you? That X decided to do something like releasing condoms and through it promoting safe sex and in particular protection against AIDS is something X fans should be proud of, not moan about. They actually helped raise AIDS awareness in Japan. And if you didn't know, then learn to know what you're talking about before you talk about it.

I didn't know that! ThanX for posting : O
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: xjokerx on November 07, 2009, 01:16:14 PM
but all the reactions here make me feel like the world's about to end because X decided to release some random merchandise. Nobody's forcing you to buy it and as others have said, it's normal in Japan. And they're meant for Japan since Street Army members need to have a Japanese address to join. So get over it! >.<

yes,but this is forum,people make thread,people give opinion to that topic,people's agree,people's disagree,so it was our rights to voice our thoughts,and sadly most of them are reflection of our disappointment that has been accumulated because Yoshiki is more eager to make X Japan as a brand.And how many Japan artist there who releases both album/single/dvd with merchandises in balance?I don't think that would as much as X Japan's
and,ok condom is fine,usb is alright,but curry,dumbbell set,what the heck!??even if I had money,I won't waste to those,but that's just me though.
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: MIHO on November 07, 2009, 01:35:30 PM
^ Seriously, dude. No one needs to read what's been said for 22948924820 times already.
And calm down, nobody's attacking you ::)
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: cherrybeary520x on November 07, 2009, 04:56:43 PM
eh.....i guess merchandise could be helpful, too......but i have never heard of x-japan curry...this merchnadise is good for athletes and all..
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: BloodofBathory on November 07, 2009, 10:30:16 PM
This really shouldn't be surprising to anyone.  I'm honestly not shocked this much stuff came out.  Japanese love thier merchandise, I've noticed that. LOL...it was inevitable.
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: Wearex316 on November 09, 2009, 03:52:03 PM
personaly i love it when they come up with crap like this. at least hes doing something. beside anything he has come out anyone will buy. and like someone said its not all yoshiki its his managment. cross promo with events like that it gets X a lil more known here in the US. i love the hello kitty doll. i will get one. same goes for his jewlery and anything else. its all good and the only reason people talk crap on it is cause its expensive. if it wasnt you would all be buying it. let the man do what he wants he deserves it.
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: MIHO on November 09, 2009, 04:30:34 PM
personaly i love it when they come up with crap like this. at least hes doing something.
What an optimistic point of view!
We should all take an example from that ;D
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: cherrybeary520x on November 14, 2009, 02:46:56 AM


Not that I'm pissed, just surprised.
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: MIHO on November 14, 2009, 09:20:08 AM
Oooh, nice : O
I remember Mav having an X Japan watch, but not as over-the-top expensive as those XD
Title: Re: New X-japan Merchandise
Post by: AsukaMiyu on November 14, 2009, 07:25:40 PM
*staaaares* o_O;

Okay, I think I prefer Mav's watch. XD

the design of that one is quite over-the-top aswell...