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Messages - BLUE_BLOOD

Pages: 1 2
Yoshiki / Yoshiki collapsed again
« on: April 26, 2024, 12:20:41 PM »

This article states Yoshiki collapsed from overwork. He's under hospital care in Tokyo right now...

Other Bands / The GazettE's bassist REITA passed away
« on: April 19, 2024, 04:24:56 PM »

Not X Japan related but I was still shocked to hear about his death  :'(
He was only 42. No details released about his death so far..

Yoshiki / Yoshiki interview with Variety
« on: March 28, 2024, 03:11:31 PM »

“In terms of America or being international, I don’t feel like I achieved that much yet,” he admits. “I’m still not a household name or anything so there is a lot more I need to do, but at the same time, my goal is not to become famous or anything.

Yoshiki remains delusional.

Yoshiki / Re: Yoshiki's friendship with Ivanka Trump
« on: March 18, 2024, 04:36:38 PM »
It really is pathetic how badly this band has gone does the drain since the reunion

Yeah, it's sad to see what my fave band has become. Yoshiki has single-handedly ruined X Japan's legacy.

Yoshiki / Re: Yoshiki's friendship with Ivanka Trump
« on: February 14, 2024, 02:10:23 PM »
I admit I was a bit surprised when I saw the video.

Well, I am sure "longtime friend" had a completely different meaning for celebrities than it does for us.
Like "We met at social events, move in the same celeb circles and maybe that person has good networking connections"
And from what I saw of Yoshiki and interacting with fans I say he is too polite to say "no" when someone asks him something

We see plenty of pics of Marc Benioff with Yoshiki, That's when I would use "longtime friend" Ivanka...have we ever seen any other pics of them?
I cannot remember any.

I don't use Twitter/X but someone said she usually comments on his posts  :-\

And by the look of it the drum sticks have been stolen.
That's exactly what I feared would happen.
People have no respect!

Source? I can't find any news report about this.

Yoshiki / Yoshiki's friendship with Ivanka Trump
« on: February 08, 2024, 02:46:29 PM »

Did y'all know that Yoshiki is Ivanka Trump's drum teacher and longtime friend?  :o

I didn't and I'm kinda shocked about this.

I've seen photos of Yoshiki with Obama, the British royal family, Stan Lee, Bill Gates, Messi etc.

Do y'all consider Yoshiki a narcissist/clout chaser that will do/say anything for attention?

General chat / Re: The future of X Japan
« on: December 08, 2023, 02:07:18 PM »
I believe X Japan disbanded years ago without telling us fans.

Heath / Re: Did Toshi attend Heath's memorial?
« on: November 30, 2023, 01:12:34 PM »
Everyone grieves differently. Some people don't go to funerals because it's too emotional for them. You never know what people are going through.

Yoshiki / Re: Under the Sky Roadshow
« on: November 30, 2023, 01:04:57 PM »
Under the Sky Screening & Live Q&A with YOSHIKI

5.12. London
7.12. Paris
8.12. Berlin
10.12. New York

I wish he'd visit The Netherlands again  :(

Heath / Re: News of Heath's death
« on: November 07, 2023, 11:37:02 AM »
Has his death officialy been confirmed yet? 

I know Yoshiki cancelled his attendance to receive a “Award of Honor" in SF a few days ago. He said; "someone close to me passed away".
I didn't realize it could be someone from X Japan  :o

First Buck-Tick's singer now Heath..

Sad times for the Visual Kei/J-rock community.

Yoshiki / Re: Under the Sky Roadshow
« on: November 01, 2023, 04:41:15 PM »
Under the Sky returns to London.
There will be another Q & A with Yoshiki in December


Why London again?
They already had a screening in September.
Might there be a promotour like the one we had for "We are X"
I couldn't find anything yet.

Probably. Yoshiki also did 2 "We Are X" screenings in Amsterdam a few years ago.

Maybe he's afraid his show/tour won't sell out in smaller cities?




What do y'all think about this news?
Did he pay for his spot?
Does this mean he will also receive a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Let's discuss :)

Yoshiki / Re: Under the Sky Roadshow
« on: September 20, 2023, 11:45:25 AM »
He looked at me and said "We met before!".....FLOORED.

Sorry to burst your bubble but he says that to many fans ;) He said that same sentence to Dutch fans during the We Are X premier a few years ago.

General chat / Re: Did Toshi screw up X Japan again?
« on: January 28, 2023, 11:24:50 AM »
I don't believe Toshi is screwing up X Japan at all. I think he's just done with Yoshiki's empty promises/lies. X Japan has always been Yoshiki's project. The other members are fillers. I hate to say this but it became obvious as the years went by. I don't believe X Japan will ever get back together again.

Why doesn't Yoshiki simply release old stuff to stay relevant? :-X

There's still so much fantastic X material that has never been officially released:
- Kyoto Sports Valley '88
- Nagoya Rock Wave '90
- Rose & Blood Tour '90
- X with Orchestra '91
- Violence in Jealousy Tour '91
- On the Verge of Destruction -3 Days- '92

I just don't understand Yoshiki's logic.

Pictures/Galleries / Re: Better quality of this pic of hide?
« on: November 29, 2020, 06:54:00 PM »
That photo is from the book "X JAPAN SPECIAL ISSUE ART OF LIFE";) I believe that book was produced by Fool's Mate between 1993-1995.

I've found one on Ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/X-JAPAN-SPECIAL-ISSUE-ART-OF-LIFE-Interview-Photo-Book-YOSHIKI-HIDE-FC-Limited-/283800310219

An edited version of that specific photo was released in the "1994 TOKYO DOME 2 DAYS" pamphlet. It's exactly the same photo except it has a nude woman body (painted black) printed on hide's guitar.

I don't think I'll buy that ebay listing though, a bit too pricey for me  ;D I'll search around mercari to see if I can find one!

EDIT: Yup, there are two listings for ~1000yen ;D

You're welcome  ;)

How does Mercari work?
I've wanted to purchase items from there for years but I have no idea how it works.  :-\ Do you pay with Paypal? Do you have to live in Japan to purchase Mercari items?

Pictures/Galleries / Re: Better quality of this pic of hide?
« on: November 29, 2020, 12:57:12 PM »
That photo is from the book "X JAPAN SPECIAL ISSUE ART OF LIFE";) I believe that book was produced by Fool's Mate between 1993-1995.

I've found one on Ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/X-JAPAN-SPECIAL-ISSUE-ART-OF-LIFE-Interview-Photo-Book-YOSHIKI-HIDE-FC-Limited-/283800310219

An edited version of that specific photo was released in the "1994 TOKYO DOME 2 DAYS" pamphlet. It's exactly the same photo except it has a nude woman body (painted black) printed on hide's guitar.

Yoshiki / Re: YOSHIKI Life of a japanese Rockstar - Trailer
« on: May 24, 2020, 07:20:38 PM »
Why doesn't Yoshiki finish this project? It's not like he's busy with the new album anyway.

General chat / Re: X Japan : On the verge of destruction, AGAIN
« on: February 27, 2020, 10:56:24 AM »
Do Japanese fans still buy Yoshiki's lies/nonsense? I'm curious.

indeed they do.   :-\ Just take a look at his Instagram / Twitter profiles. There's a literal flood of heart emojis for every thing he says

I think that they're partially responsible for this situation. And by "partially" I mean like 80-90%  >:(

I don't have Twitter or Instagram but I noticed that some fans are trolling Yoshiki about the new album on his Facebook profile. It seems people are getting fed up his antics. Is there any X Japan news at all this year? New releases? New Tour? Anything?

General chat / Re: X Japan : On the verge of destruction, AGAIN
« on: February 26, 2020, 11:47:09 AM »
Do Japanese fans still buy Yoshiki's lies/nonsense? I'm curious.

Also, why doesn't Yoshiki simply release old stuff to stay relevant? :-X

There's still so much fantastic X material that has never been officially released:
- Kyoto Sports Valley '88
- Nagoya Rock Wave '90
- Rose & Blood Tour '90
- X with Orchestra '91
- Violence in Jealousy Tour '91
- On the Verge of Destruction -3 Days- '92

I just don't understand Yoshiki's logic.

General chat / Re: X Japan : On the verge of destruction, AGAIN
« on: January 10, 2020, 02:00:07 PM »
Yoshiki created this mess himself. He should have never promised/announced a new album to begin with.

Yoshiki / Re: Sigh
« on: October 19, 2019, 10:36:39 PM »
Tragic commercial  :-\ I like McDonalds but was kinda shocked about this collaboration. Does anyone believe Yoshiki ever orders anything from McDonalds at all?

Yoshiki actually loves McDonalds... yup, his favorite meal is McDonald’s morning menu lol they talked about this since the 90’s, so, this one is not too bad tbh.

Didn't hide mention this just once as a joke during 1995/1996?  ;D I've never heard any other stories.

Covers / Re: Nyango Star plays drums. nothing moar
« on: October 19, 2019, 10:11:46 PM »
Because X Japan is ALL/ONLY about Yoshiki (especially these days)   :-X

Yoshiki / Re: Sigh
« on: October 19, 2019, 11:28:14 AM »
Tragic commercial  :-\ I like McDonalds but was kinda shocked about this collaboration. Does anyone believe Yoshiki ever orders anything from McDonalds at all?

I think I have 6 different ones...

Are you interested?

It depends on the prices  ;) How much are they?

Sorry for being late.

I have somethin to sell. I have the whole collection of X Japan UFO-catcher clocks. I haven't got an pic, so I googled for it:

What do you have?

All 5? How much do you ask for it? :)

Since nobody responded to this topic I want to delete it. Is it possible to delete this topic?

Yoshiki / Re: Announcement?
« on: August 11, 2019, 12:35:31 PM »
So what was the announcement? Did Yoshiki make any announcement at all? :-\

General chat / Re: RIP X JAPAN
« on: January 17, 2019, 07:14:52 PM »
Oh God, you're one of those  ::)

I'm gonna be honest. I just stopped reading your post halfway thru because I can't take listening to a one-sided, know it all who insists their opinion is the only one because they vocalize those opinions in an echo chamber. You got rude and you got rude on purpose because you can't be fucking normal and just accept some X fans will ALWAYS view things differently than you.

How can you not see the hypocrisy in your own comment? ??? The only person that's being rude towards others is you. It has become painfully obvious that you can't accept any criticism towards Yoshiki at all. Stop cursing and lashing out at everyone that doesn't share the same opinion as you. Jeez. :-\

General chat / Re: RIP X JAPAN
« on: January 16, 2019, 08:20:48 PM »
Thank you returner for your long and detailed comment. I think it is more sophisticated than most of the others.I agree with all you said  :)

Yoshiki, is that you?  ;) Cursing is sophisticated to you? LOL

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