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Messages - motorhead

Pages: 1 2
Albums/Singles / "Snow Fairies" or "White Hair hide" or .
« on: August 17, 2007, 07:51:27 PM »
i think it was a replica wig in "my eyes love you" PV? the original one looked awesome.

General chat / Rare X Video
« on: August 17, 2007, 07:47:04 PM »
did not see this, thanks.

Drawings / ArpegiusWolf's drawings!
« on: August 17, 2007, 07:46:31 PM »

it's insane how she got the facial features correct. it really does look like hide, in a way.  :D

General chat / Most emotional moment?
« on: August 16, 2007, 12:09:37 AM »
Quote from: "Anna"
Yeah... Heath, I guess.  
I always found it horrible that X members had to carry the hearse. I know it is only proper and they probable wished to do it, too, but still...  :cry:

omg i such a dork. i spelled hearse wrong.  :oops:

hide / Yoshiki wrote "Without You" for hide
« on: August 16, 2007, 12:06:56 AM »
Quote from: "BizKiTRoAcH"
No, it was definately written AFTER hide died. You might be getting mixed up with "Longing ~Togireta Melody~"?? The lyrics in that are "Sing without youuuu, i'll sing without youuuuuuuuu" and a few more bits including the words "without you".

Yoshiki never wrote the ballad "goodbye hide", hide wrote the song "Good Bye" and Yoshiki transcribed it and played it on piano on the hide tribute spirits album. Hope that helps a bit  :D

hahaha, yeah. you're right! thanks for clearing that up. :D

edit: i discovered x-japan the same year when hide died. i searched for their music on napster and saw songs called "goodbye hide".

hide / Yoshiki wrote "Without You" for hide
« on: August 15, 2007, 10:06:47 AM »
are you sure this song wasn't written before hide died? i could of sworn i heard this song at the last live.

i know yoshiki wrote a ballad called "good bye hide". but hmm..... :?

Drawings / Re: My Realist draw
« on: August 09, 2007, 04:19:23 AM »
Quote from: "dianne_dejarjayes"
I made this with pencil color...

oh wow! it does look like yoshiki.

Drawings / hide drawings
« on: August 09, 2007, 04:17:08 AM »
Quote from: "ferret"
I made one more yesterday

Lee, I could certainly make one of you, maybe a sketch of the one pic where you're holding your guitar  :twisted:

damn, i wish i could draw that good. MOAR!!!

General chat / Most emotional moment?
« on: August 07, 2007, 06:58:57 AM »
i'd say hide's funeral. you can tell everyone was distraught.  before and after he was put in the hertz.

i think i'm getting teary as i'm writing this.  :cry:

Drawings / My Art
« on: August 06, 2007, 03:52:11 AM »
i love it. very believable work.

Drawings / ArpegiusWolf's drawings!
« on: August 06, 2007, 03:50:28 AM »

Drawings / hide drawings
« on: August 05, 2007, 10:19:34 PM »
Quote from: "ferret"
Hey thanks, glad you like them  :D

YEAH! hope you make more. keep hide's beauty alive with your hand.

hide / hide's girlfriends
« on: August 05, 2007, 10:18:09 PM »
Quote from: "Unfinished"
Some places state it was his girlfriend,some other articles say it was a room mate.

I think hide was way too energetic and different to settle down in his early 30's.

yeah, i think so too. *nods*

edit: one thing i noticed, unlike other rock stars or celebs, hide never dated celebrities or models. he mostly went for common girls, like civilians.

hide / hide's girlfriends
« on: August 05, 2007, 07:34:07 AM »
Quote from: "Hypno"

Ummm... Nope? In fackt I have never heard of... ugly pink machine file 2.... :oops:

heehee. yuh. there is a scene where the band is in a small room with girls. and die has a girl on his lap. he nuzzles her closer and she's giggling. when she screams the camera stops filming.

i think hide had girlfriends, but not a girlfriend. a lot of people lived with hide, band mates and girlfriends alike. so it's hard to tell if the woman who found him barely alive the morning he died was his steady girlfriend or a room mate/companion.

Drawings / hide drawings
« on: August 04, 2007, 08:36:20 PM »
Quote from: "ferret"
Been creative lately  :P

(doesn't really look like hide, but that's the best hide I can draw from memory)

(well known pic ^^)

(SD-isch thingie)

these sketches are insane! i love them.

hide / hide's girlfriends
« on: August 04, 2007, 08:32:19 PM »
Quote from: "Hypno"
Quote from: "motorhead"
i think hide had a lot of girlfriends
Groupies maybe? :D

hahaha, yep. you've seen ugly pink machine file 2 right?  :oops:

hide / hide's girlfriends
« on: August 04, 2007, 06:36:03 AM »
i know from honey-blade.com (now disfunct) emi takahashi was his girlfriend/fling, too. she was a stylist that worked with him in one of his photo books during his solo career in the early 90's.

hmmm....hide did show some tendencies of bi-curiousity on stage. with spread beaver. he did smooch ren on the lips, too. he also snogged with heath in extasy summit.

Quote from: "Unfinished"
I think hide was just confident with his sexuality.

but every hide fan knows he did love women and wasn't ashamed to show it. *coughs*

i think hide had a lot of girlfriends, when you're a rock star your private life is busy and out the window. i don't mind his sexuality either. but then again his personal life isn't my business. :P

General chat / X Japan Downloading "Debate"
« on: July 30, 2007, 03:29:08 PM »
yes, i agree. downloading is great promotion, and the music and eye candy should come first.

i have spent hundreds of dollars on x product's from yesasia and things like that. but i am guilty for downloading and buying bootlegs. why? because at the time, i was poor and couldn't afford a multi-regional dvd player or japanese imports anymore.

as everyone explained, they are/were in the same situation as i was in. so..yeah..

but please understand, everyone has to make a living. the money doesn't just go directly to yoshiki , his gold platted toilet seats and million dollar mansion.

some of it goes to the people who work for him too. concerts, management, advertisers, stylists, photographers, marketing managers, studio recording people, taxes, assistants, directors, etc. evertyhing costs money and yoshiki has to pay that back.

Pata / Does Pata speak english??
« on: July 30, 2007, 03:08:25 PM »
he knows a little bit, like the easy things. "hello", "good morning", "yes". but i highly doubt he's as fluent as yoshiki. i remember in an interview he and heath were learning english and would like to make jokes in english to their american colleges/acquaintances during the dope headz era.  japanese artists usually go to L.A to record their music.

News / Yoshiki to promote / produce Dennis Rodman in K-1
« on: July 30, 2007, 02:58:48 PM »
Quote from: "Anna"
I knew Yoshiki liked karate and such, but still it seems strange to me that he wants to engage in such business.
Well, whatever as long as he's having fun (and doesn't get accidentally hit in the process).  :?

yoshiki knows karate, wow.

hide / Seth et holth
« on: June 25, 2007, 02:35:06 AM »
it was too metaphorical for me. hide was very pretty in it, but i didn't like it. all the blood, the rape scene, and those drum machines were making me sick.

Quote from: "xScQ"
It's only good for hardcore fans.

not for this hardcore fan.

Pata / Severely Under-rated
« on: June 23, 2007, 09:20:43 AM »
true, hide was and always will be overrated. so many fan girls claim they are a hide fan but they can't name two members of spread beaver, or know the name of his first hit single.

however, i love hide's works because i do. not because everyone else says does.

pata is a fantastic musician and brilliant song writer. he's underrated. but i'd have to say i equally feel the same way about hide's music. i like them both.

but if you feel that one is better than the other, that's cool because that's your opinion and no one should be offended because we all speak for ourselves.

Heath / Heath Website Update
« on: June 23, 2007, 08:39:14 AM »

hide / 50 Q's hide
« on: June 23, 2007, 08:34:55 AM »
Quote from: "ferret"
I've seen some overweight kids who were teased and later became beautiful, normal weight or even skinny adults, which gave them more self confidence.
Looks like hide sadly wasn't one of those people.

i think there's big difference between being teased and bullied on a daily basis. sometimes it's more of psychological problem. hmm....

hide / murder,suicide or an accident?
« on: June 23, 2007, 08:29:59 AM »
Quote from: "BizKiTRoAcH"
At the risk of pissing everyone in this topic off..

I dont really care. He's dead. There's no point in wondering how it happened and unless you personally knew hide, you CANNOT say he wouldnt have killed himself. The only person that truely knows is hide. He could have pretended that everything was amazing and even lied to his best friends about how he really felt.. maybe because he didnt want them to worry about him? maybe he just didnt want to tell anyone.. we dont know.

Dont get me wrong, i'm not glad that he's dead. Its a shame really because he was a key factor in one of the greatest bands i've ever heard... but its done. Nothing can be said or done to change what has happened.

Plus, this kind of discussion will annoy some people because if 1 person says "yeah he probably killed himself", another will reply with "NO!! hide wouldnt ever do that. It was an accident!!" and it'll probably just turn into arguments over something that no-one here knows anything about. All we know is what we've seen/heard on the TV and in newspapers.

and you nailed it on the head of the nail. thank you!

wow, i remember debates like this (kurt cobane, kevin glibert, or hide) when i was in high school. i can't believe after ten years later people are still talking about it. i  never knew or met hide, but when you're a celebrity you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, professionally and personally. a lot of people used and abused hide. i guess that's why most of his songs are about being despondent.

but my two cents: intoxicated or not, hide *did* commit suicide. ever heard ozzy osbourne's song "suicide solution"? he once said drinking is the slowest way of killing yourself.  in fact, he almost killed his wife sharon on a drinking binge.

Heath / Re: Heath on myspace
« on: May 16, 2007, 10:37:20 AM »
it's fanmade.

General chat / Re: Gossip Stories about X
« on: May 16, 2007, 10:21:32 AM »
oh god, i remember these rumors when i was high school, which was a long time ago. :P most of these are fabricated, i'm sure.

Quote from: "XXX"

Yoshiki used to dress like a girl since he was a kid.
When he grew up, he rode the motorbike with Toshi, dressed like a woman.
People were putting nicknames on him, and provoked fights where even police would intervene.
One time they arrested him, and when the other guys of the fight were being arrested,
Yoshiki gave them a "nasty" face.

sort of true, i never heard about the homophobic attacks or arrests.

He was arrested a couple times in LA. Once when they arrested

i think this was when yoshiki was pulled over for speeding. he was arrested for drunk driving, but there is no proof for it.

Once, Yoshiki dressed like a woman and went to lunch with hide.
hide... you know how he is... sent a love letter to a guy who was on the next table.
(pretending it was from Yoshiki, haha) For mere coincedence, it happened that the guy
was a celebrity, on a date. It is said that the couple broke up later!

there's many versions of this one. i've heard this: a famous western actress was staring at yoshiki from across the room, she couldn't tell if he was a woman or a man. hide was teasing yoshiki because she kept giggling and smiling. so hide went over and introduced them. yoshiki and the actress started flirting and had a fling a week later.

Once when Yoshiki and hide were on a hotel, they suddenly saw a cockroach.
hide hid in the bathroom, and Yoshiki went off running outside the room!

true. hide hated roaches, *a lot*. it buzzed by yoshiki's face.

When Yoshiki went to Paris in France, (to record the Rose of pain PV)
a tall and strong guy saw Yoshiki walking on the street.
He took him by the arm and asked "DO YOU LIKE MEN?", haha!
Yoshiki has also said that he's probably been more popular with men than with women!

true. i think i have the interview printed some where in my room. i'll look for it later.

hide's guitar solo, "hide no heya" had its origin on the simple fact that
during conerts, Yoshiki was too tired after his drum solo, so the band
decided that hide should make a guitar solo.
As creative as hide is, he thought in a crazy session of guitar called
"hide no heya" (hide's room), an act where he would not only play the guitar,
but do many strange things...

true. yoshiki needed to keep the crowd busy while he rested. at that time he was getting back and neck problems from too much agressive playing.

Yoshiki gave hide the nickname Pink Spider,
which later became one of hide's most famous songs.

true. hide hated it at first, but i guess it grew on him.

Toshi's first kiss was with Yoshiki - their mothers
wanted them to pose for a photograph.

true. it was a family portrait their mothers arranged when they were babies. nothing perverted or pedo. just something cute.

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