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Topics - MIHO

Pages: 1
Cosplay / My Blue Blood Taiji cosplay!
« on: September 28, 2009, 05:48:42 PM »

Here are the other pics: http://greeding-ruler.livejournal.com/48668.html#cutid1

Enjoy ;D And NEVER SAY CAN'T!!

Community / I will be in London in November! (added date!!)
« on: September 16, 2009, 06:42:57 PM »
So, anyone willing to meet up?  ;D
I'd love to meet some English X-freaks! (And others too, of course :))

I will post an eXact date soon, no worries.


Anybody interested?  ;D ;D

edit: I won't stay all day since it's a family trip :) But I think I could get an afternoon off  :D

General chat / New song?
« on: August 29, 2009, 06:05:10 PM »

it seems that Yoshiki said:

"Some shows are postponed but we are still being active now. We recorded the other day and made a new song. We want to release a new album and restart a tour as soon as possible. I'll work harder for my rehabilitation and we want to be the band which gives dreams to everyone."

I don't know how reliable that source is, but if it's true, it's very interesting, no?  ;D

Spread Beaver / DIE's blog
« on: May 11, 2009, 06:59:22 AM »
Now also with english translations!! And lots of goofy DIE-pics, of course :D


Albums/Singles / JADE
« on: May 03, 2009, 09:36:30 PM »
It's not a single (yet), but I thought it needed a topic. ;D

So, thoughts?

I was completely amazed when I heard it for the first time. I love the overall sound of the song, and the lyrics are beautiful too.... It's catchy, I can't get it out of my head anymore.

We need studio version, NOW!!  ;D

Wallpapers / i bringz y00 sum wallpapers too.
« on: April 12, 2009, 09:04:56 AM »

Feel free to use, that's what they're made for.

Community / May 2nd meet up in the heart of Europe?
« on: April 01, 2009, 06:18:16 PM »
SO.  A group of X fans from Belgium and the Netherlands have plans for a 2nd of May meet up. We did it last year for the first time, and it worked out really well. So for this year, we wanted to invite you all as well!
The idea was to make it a week end (1/5 - 3/5)
If there are people interested, let us (Ami or MIHO, Ami prefered as she's online more than me) know so that we can arrange for sleeping space. We don't know how much space we can provide at our places yet (depends on the parents) so first come, first served.
If there's a lot of interested people who want to come for the week end, we will definetly look into cheap accomodation ;D

It would be in:
Leuven, Belgium
But we can always take the bus or train to see other cities, depending on what people want.

We know it's short notice, so our appologies for that.
So please let us know if you're interested in coming, that way we can also see if we can arrange cheaper rates for the trains to get here.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Fanmade music videos / Heath misheard lyrics
« on: February 10, 2009, 01:05:54 PM »
It sucks, being my first ever misheard lyrics vid, but I decided to share nonetheless. XDDD


General chat / Fun things to do when you're bored and you're an X freak
« on: February 08, 2009, 08:58:58 PM »
I was bored, too. XD

Fun things to do when you're bored and you're an X freak:

 - Play the whole X Japan discography and do it VERY loud, so the whole neighbourhood hears it (done! :D)
 - Start counting how many times X performed Kurenai live (the pre-vv ones do count!)
 - Open a random Word file and replace all the "x"'s and "ex"'s with X.
 - Put all the X songs with a guitar solo in a playlist and air guitar on every single one of them (yes, even Forever Love! :D)
 - Print out all the the lyrics AND their translation and memorize them. (if you haven’t done so yet, that is!)
 - Start counting all the times hide dyed his hair and also count how many colours he eXactly had (done XD)
 - Go to the McDonalds, order a Mc Donalds Morning Menu and imagine what would happen if you'd meet Yoshiki there who just ordered the same
 - Make X plushies (done! XDDD)
 - Watch an X live and make cosplay plans with every outfit you see. (done >__>)
 - IF you have the Vanishing Vision cd (or LP o_o), show it to everyone and write down their reaction. Post them on XFF when you're done : D (not done YET, but as soon as my cd arrives, you'll hear from me >DD)
 - Make stupid lists of what to do when you're bored (done.)
 - Kill your eX-girlfriend
 - write a new potentional X song. Make sure you do include the words “rose”, “tears”, “blood”, “love”, “dakishimete” and “namida”, otherwise, it’s just not an X song! :D
 - Browse through your pictures folder,  make at least 30 X macros and show them off on XFF (done.)
 - Post reactions on this thread XDD

Pictures/Galleries / Princess Yoshella
« on: December 26, 2008, 11:00:57 AM »
Who doesn't love him?  ;D

Fanmade music videos / A vid I found...
« on: November 23, 2008, 11:36:03 AM »

I lol'ed, especially with the "sensitive Pata" XDDD

BUT IT'S NOT MINE! I just found it. XD

General chat / OLD X songs
« on: November 11, 2008, 08:59:44 PM »
And I don't mean Vanishing Love :p
I'm talking about the pre-88 songs, like Stop Bloody Rain and Feel me tonight and stuff.

It's really bad quality (I mean the sound), but overall, they're quite good songs. It's a shame Yoshiki didn't use them in later work. (He did use Orgasm, X, and Stab me in the Back, but that's all  :( )

My favorite at the moment's gotta be "Right Now" ;D

So... thoughts, opinions?

Ah, by the way, I found a web site with the lyrics for some of these oldies: http://www.lyricstime.com/x-japan-lyrics.html

Offtopic / What makes you proud of your country?
« on: October 26, 2008, 03:55:40 PM »
As the topic title says!
What are the national prides of X freaks?

I'm from Belgium (as you all know XDDD) and I LOVE the food. Belgian food is the best! (For example: fries, chocolate, ... OM NOM NOM)

: D

X JAPAN World Tour / How will we recognise each other?
« on: September 06, 2008, 06:20:37 PM »
Some ideas :)

 - We could think about a place to meet, like somewhere in the station or so.
 - We should really consider the idea of "name tags" with X FREAKS - NAME - COUNTRY. Maybe a bright colour (LIKE ORANGE. OR PINK.) so we can see it XD
 - Or describe what you will wear XD As for me, I don't know yet, but I'll let you guys know soon enough.

Toshi / Earth spirits around here?
« on: August 22, 2008, 08:06:31 PM »
How do YOU take care of the environment? Do YOU heal the earth?

As for myself, I ALWAYS turn the lights off when I'm not in the room. I can't stand it when someone leaves the lights on.
And stuff.

(But I won't stop using my hair spray XDDD EVER.)

Forum Games / Marvel Superheroes!
« on: July 08, 2008, 04:42:58 PM »
We all love them.



holy ice skating banana, it's Taiji with wings!! 8O

hide / What would hide Matsumoto do
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:56:05 AM »
I felt like pimping the Brian Boitano lyrics.

What would hide Matsumoto do
If he was here right now,
He'd make a cake
And poison it,
That's what hide Matsumoto'd do.

When hide was in a contest,
singing for the gold,
He killed the other singers to win,
While wearing a blind fold.

When hide was in the Yokosuka,
guitaring in his band,
He ate some children that were there too,
and had really awesome hair.

So what would hide Matsumoto do
If he were here today,
I'm sure he'd spank an arse or two,
That's what hide Matsumoto'd do.

I want this lemon out of me,
It has stunted my mental capacities.

And I just want Yoshiki
To stop bitching on me and everyone

For Taiji I'll be a cowboy, too,
Cos that's what hide Matsumoto would do.

And what would hide Matsumoto do,
He'd call all the kids in town,
and give them humping bear plushies
That's what hide Matsumoto would do.

Did someone call me?
Who the hell are you?
I'm Hyde, from l'arc~en~ciel.

When hide Matsumoto travelled through time
To the year 87,
He joined the evil band called X
and saved the human race again

And when hide started Spread Beaver,
He beat up Chirolyn.

Cos hide doesn't take shit from an-eee-y-bodyyyy

So lets all get together,
And unite to join his army
And we'll take over the world too,
Cos that's what hide Matsumoto'd do.

And we'll spank an arse or two,
Cos that's what hide Matsumoto'd dooooo,
That's what hide Matsumoto'd do.

Forum Games / Things that made you happy today
« on: June 20, 2008, 04:46:58 PM »
As a positive response to the pissed-off-topic XDDD

The fact that I'm home alone atm! Everything's so peaceful and calm... no one telling me to leave the internet alone for some minutes... ahh~~

Toshi / Toshi's healing music
« on: June 18, 2008, 08:30:35 PM »
I'd love to have some mp3's of Toshi's "healing" music, because that's the part of Toshi's music that I didn't explored yet.
I  wanted to search on google, but I didn't find anything O_o
So maybe you guys could help me out..?

Drawings / Crafty X fans?
« on: June 14, 2008, 09:04:21 AM »
I didn't know where to put this thread... but oh well.


I make dolls and plushies :D And I like making accesories and the like too. I also made a leopard coat, and I'm currently working on some leather pants.

my projects on cut out and keep:

Some pictures:

big hide doll. He's shy, but a huge myspace-ish camwhore.

hide plushie. This guy's ego is even bigger than mine! o_o He always wants to go on pictures, and when I don't do something he wants, he sings Hurry Go Round >___> Because he knows I hate that song.

He has 2 more outfits.

Doubt 98

and the yellow-orange one from the Dahlia tour, if I'm not mistaken)

This is Happy Seth. (I also made a Happy Holth, but I don't have pictures of him yet....)

And Pata the cat!! He sleeps all the time, exept when his lover Hiroshi comes by to visit :D

The hide plushie loves him. He thinks it's a pony.


The hand is NOT mine.
And these are the very disturbing adventures of my plushies! I really need to get a life, I know >___>

hide / Any Saver Tiger fans in here?
« on: June 07, 2008, 04:50:22 PM »
(forgive me and delete if there's already a topic like this :])

And their song, "Dead Angle" (YES, with LE and not EL!) is my favorite. Song. EVER. I like it even more than any X song XD Seriously.

But I like Rolly more than Kyo...
Because of his HIPS <3 <3 <3 Dude, Rolly's hips are even prettier than the average girl's!

Drawings / Miho's stuff (PIC HEAVY)
« on: June 07, 2008, 04:41:15 PM »
Yeah... because I have a LOT

I draw a lot of hide's... because he's so damn easy to draw XDD

Taiji!! <3

One of my favorite bands <3 <3

Princess Yoshiki.

okay, this is not art, but it's still cool:

(made with http://www.sp-studio.de/)


Pata is a wolf! And he willz eat j00.


(ah, back in the days where I still had short hair..)

Another drawing of me from that time:

(I stole that joke from that seventies show. XD)


(oops, that's dutch. XD It says, "pata puts the paper on hide's head when no one's looking", or something.)

damn, didn't get Heath's hair color right.

Translation: Alternative carreer choices for the X guys - if they weren't with X, what would they be doing?
Pata - guy that gives massages
hide - psychopath
Heath - vampire
Toshi - officer in the army
Taiji - SM specialist
Yoshiki - professional santa

Okay okay, Heath did porn AfTER X, but it's still funny to mess with XDD

Because we ALL know hide would make a great bondgirl.

Because ToshixYoshiki is the BEST musician-couple EVER.

teh yoshikibarbie: http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/b/2072244553724389940

and another one:


Mine's Joe <3

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