X Freaks Forum

Offtopic => Offtopic => Topic started by: ferret on April 02, 2008, 01:11:20 PM

Title: books
Post by: ferret on April 02, 2008, 01:11:20 PM
- What are you reading ATM?
- What was the last book you read?
- Can you recommend some books?
- Fav genre, author

Et cetera, et cetera, everything, anything concerning books, I guess you got that by now  :P

I'm not reading anything at the moment , but I just finished The Lost World by Michael Crichton tonight, it's the second one of the Jurassic Park books.
I loved both! So much awesomeness! If you liked the movies, you gonna love the books because they explain a lot and fill some plot holes from the movies.
They differ very much from the films, not in a bad way, though.

Next one to read will be one of these:

- The Birds/kiss Me Stranger by Daphne du Maurier
- The Shining by Stephen King
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

Title: books
Post by: violence on April 02, 2008, 01:27:06 PM
I just finished the book "neuromancer" by william gibson. It was atcually really good. normally i'm not much for sci-fi, but this one was well written! and very un-cheesey
also.. the first chapter of the book is called "Chiba City Blues" which i think would make an awsome pata song title!

i've been trying to read "Naked lunch" for a while, but even though its a classic, i'm having a hard time getting to it.....
ah well

also..ferret, do you find reading books that you've seen the movie of hard.?
Title: books
Post by: nage on April 02, 2008, 01:27:39 PM
- reading mass media crap fro school

- the last book I read: Sharpe's Fortress by Bernard Cornwell (haven't finished reading yet)

- anything by Robin Hobb, Neil Gaiman, Andrzej Sapkowski (Wiedzmin = The Witcher) and Juraj Cervenak (read his Out Of Sacred Water in an upcoming issue of Weird Tales), Bernard Cornwell

- fave genres: fantasy, historic, horror, thriller, mystery

- fave author: Robin Hobb (The Farseer trilogy, The Tawny Man trilogy and the others)
Title: books
Post by: ferret on April 02, 2008, 01:32:22 PM
Quote from: "violence"

but even though its a classic, i'm having a hard time getting to it.....
ah well

I had that problem with Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (I loved The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, though).
Title: books
Post by: Skooter on April 02, 2008, 01:33:15 PM
Yeah, I heard the Jurassic Park books are a lot better than the movies (not that the movies aren't fun, but not exactly high art there either XD). I really want to read a Michael Crichton book.

I'm currently reading The Accidental by Ali Smith. It's a class assignment but so far I like it very much. It's very postmodern and confusing though, so it's only for people who like that sort of stuff.
My last finished book is Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises. I really liked  it, it was my first Hemingway and I adore his style!

Some of my favourite authors are Gerald Durrell, Jane Austen, Stephen Fry, Nancy Mitford, Oscar Wilde, Yukio Mishima, Stig Dagerman, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Amélie Nothomb, Diana Wynne Jones, Franz Kafka, ...

Random favourite books are Catch-22, The World According to Garp, Life of Pi, Le Grand Meaulnes, Brideshead Revisited, the Harry Potter series XD, ...

I don't really have favourite genres, I love just about anything. I also read a lot of poetry and sometimes a short story XD.
I'm gonna major in literature, by the way :p.
Title: books
Post by: violence on April 02, 2008, 01:34:59 PM
hahaha, ya, since it's such a famous/important book, i kinda feel dumb for "not getting it" oh well
Title: books
Post by: nage on April 02, 2008, 01:37:37 PM
Quote from: "Skooter"
the Harry Potter series XD, ...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I forgot to mention that.. o_o; *dumb* I so love those books! Ones of the best I've read!
Title: Re: books
Post by: alex on April 02, 2008, 04:27:35 PM
I'm reading "North Korea Under Communism - Report of an Envoy to Paradise" by Erik Cornell. It's a book that a former Swedish ambassador to North Korea wrote. Actually Sweden was the only western country allowed to have an embassy in North Korea due to our neutral policy - one might think about how neutral it really was, but oh well. It's possible that Switzerland might have been allowed as well. Anyway, he's writing about his experiences with North Korean officials and "North Korean citizens". Very interesting!

I'm probably going to Panmunjon (border city from South Korea to North Korea) on Sunday. I think I only read these kind of things nowadays. I'm already getting pretty damn boring, at my age! Eek... How is this gonna end? So, I guess my favourite genre is 'boring books'. Therefore, I obviously won't recommend anything :P
Title: Re: books
Post by: Mii on April 02, 2008, 05:44:51 PM
Sometime ago finished reading "When I whistle" (or 'Kuiskaus' as it called here in Finland) by Shusaku Endo. Shusaku Endo is brilliant writer and I really recommend you all to try his books.

ATM: The Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds
Title: books
Post by: Envenom on April 02, 2008, 06:13:11 PM
Finished Kader Abdolah's "Spijkerschrift" (translated into English as "My father's notebook"). A great book that is one of the finest examples of Dutch literature of the last couple of years (which is amazing, since Abdolah was in his late 30s when he learned the language!). Themes include the history of Iran (before and after the muslims took over) and a friendship between a father and his son. Beats the hell out of "The kite runner" if you ask me, which is comparable.

At the moment I'm trying to get through Moliere's "Tartuffe". My French is okay, but not that good I'm afraid.....
Title: books
Post by: Sander on April 02, 2008, 07:42:41 PM
Mostly I read fantasy ('The Wheel of Time' books by R. Jordan, 'The Black Magician' series by T. Canavan, 'Eragon' by C. Paolini etc) sci-fi ('The Foundation' series by I. Asimov, 'Return from the Stars' by Stanisław Lem etc) but also other good books ('1984' by G. Orwell, 'The Old Man and the Sea' by E. Hemingway, 'The Catcher in the Rye' by J. D. Salinger etc)...

Right now I'm in the middle of 'The Wheel of Time book 11: Knife of Dreams' by Robert Jordan...
Title: books
Post by: Zwanster on April 02, 2008, 08:36:01 PM
Currently reading A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami and On The Road by Jack Kerouac, I rarely have just one book on the go, its quite stupid of me really...
Title: books
Post by: nage on April 02, 2008, 08:51:40 PM
By the way: I've read only ONE book since I started working (part-time) in a bookshop last year.... XD
Title: books
Post by: kendofreak on April 02, 2008, 09:29:48 PM
i just finished reading "Battle Royale" by Koushun Takami for the 3rd time! fantastic novel!
Title: books
Post by: Skooter on April 02, 2008, 10:38:39 PM
Quote from: "Zwanster"
Currently reading A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami and On The Road by Jack Kerouac, I rarely have just one book on the go, its quite stupid of me really...

I haven't read that Murakami but I loved Kafka on the Shore, he's a pretty amazing writer! On the Road is incredible too, gotta love those beatniks =D.

Quote from: "nage"
By the way: I've read only ONE book since I started working (part-time) in a bookshop last year.... XD

Are you kidding? I'm so jealous!! Working in a bookshop is my dream T__T. Though I'd buy more books than I'd sell XD.
Title: books
Post by: nage on April 02, 2008, 11:08:41 PM
Quote from: "Skooter"
Are you kidding? I'm so jealous!! Working in a bookshop is my dream T__T. Though I'd buy more books than I'd sell XD.

Hahaha... no. My DREAM turned to a nightmare thanks to my colleague... but I still love bookshops in general. But working in a booskhop is a crazy job, believe me. And especially when you work almost for free... >,<#

But I want to own a small bookshop with my two friends... in the future.
Title: Re: books
Post by: magucathy on April 17, 2009, 12:46:25 PM
ha.... on one has posted here for almost a year.....

just finished reading Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Sage (I am not a teenage though....LOL)
I love thriller, romance suspense...... I read 2-5 books per month.
did anyone read Boris Starling's Messiah? (I remember I almost throw up reading it on the bus some years ago...)   also love The Analyst by John Katzenbach. I am reading Scream for me by Karen Rose at the moment.

Title: Re: books
Post by: magucathy on April 17, 2009, 01:23:14 PM
I could barely read through 1 paragraph of Twilight...
Teen romance is not my thing.
I was rather let down because I had heard it was a vampire story, but all it is, is a teen romance written in a rather unproffesional style imo.
To each his own, I guess.

oh, yes, I was thinking the same, I don't like teen romance, I don't like vampire story (But I love the film interview with the vampire) yes, it's poorly written (judge by my poor English) anyway, I finished reading them.
on the other side, I can't finish one page of Harry Potter....

OMG! you are reading House of Leaves?? it seems to be something very complicated and scary.... I doubt I can understand....    ::)
Title: Re: books
Post by: Skooter on April 21, 2009, 07:35:16 PM
I kind of hate Twilight with a passion XD. I gave up halfway through the first book. But oh well, I know a lot of people *do* like it.

My best friend got a panic attack reading House of Leaves XD. Anything like that happening to you, Ami?

I'm currently reading Tolstoy's War and Peace, which is also very, very long. But yay, Russians!
Title: Re: books
Post by: Ryo-Ohki on April 23, 2009, 02:35:47 AM
At the moment.. I am reading The Cat Who Blew the Whistle by Lillian Jackson Braun and Brightly Burning by Mercedes Lackey.
The last book I read was Take a Thief by Mercedes Lackey.

My recomendations...  Job: A Comedy of Justice By Robert A. Heinlein, Any of The Cat Who books by Lillian Jackson Braun.

The Dragon Riders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey, The books by Mercedes Lackey that I recomend:  The Dragon Jousters series, most anything in the Valdemar series.  But here is a list of her books, By series,  I've read nearly All of books in the Valdemar universe.

As it's obvious.. I'm sci-fi/fantasy fan... and my three favortie authors are Lillian Jackson Braun, Anne McCaffrey, and Mercedes Lackey.
Title: Re: books
Post by: holly.x on May 24, 2009, 06:39:59 PM
reading A New Earth - Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle.  think i'm at the time of my life to really learn to know myself and the power of inner self.  anytime later would be too late as I'm not young anymore.
Title: Re: books
Post by: Ashura on July 08, 2009, 05:45:36 PM
Just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince once again, I wanted to read it before I saw the movie~ I think I fell in love with Harry Potter books again. :D
Title: Re: books
Post by: roseofpain84 on July 08, 2009, 06:09:09 PM
I'm n love with the HP books constantly....XD

Things I've read the past 2 and a half weeks:

The Bad Tuesdays: Twisted Symmetry by Benjamin S. Myers
The Dragonfly Pool by Eva Ibbotson
Havemercy by Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

And yesterday I started The Falconer's Knot by Mary Hoffman.

Mm...I love having time off of work.....<3 T_T
Title: Re: books
Post by: lucy_bkk on July 09, 2009, 09:20:16 AM
My friend bought Chinese translation of " der Schwarm" by Frank SCHATZING (German).. (science fiction)...(Englsih name is SWARM but not available in my city..) it made me think of Transformer... only different is SWARM based on undersea world which live more intelligent race than humankind.  scary but can be true....anyone interest in science fiction then i strongly to recommend this book.
Title: Re: books
Post by: X mistress on July 09, 2009, 10:29:57 AM
Right now I'm reading exam book "Culture and Everyday Life". It's interesting actually even though it's an exam book.

But when I get rid of this (that is tomorrow) I'm gonna continue Musashi by Yoshikawa Eiji. I recommed it for everyone. It contains many historical facts but mostly it's a "normal" novel. There's so many hilarious episodes and fluid dialogues. Once I read in a train and several times I had to burst into laughing out loud. The humor is so subtle, not forced at all.
Title: Re: books
Post by: HarZy on July 09, 2009, 11:13:16 AM
I'm reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for the millionth time.  :D
NeXt book I'll read will be Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 'cause I'm reading all Harry Potters from last to first right now.
After them I'll probably re-read some of my Terry Pratchett books.
Title: Re: books
Post by: BloodofBathory on August 23, 2009, 01:13:44 AM
I'm currently reading The Illiad and Vampire Hunter D: Mysterious Journey to the North Sea pt. 2.
The last book I read was 'The Sleeping Beauty Proposal'...I picked it up and just kept reading. It was weird. And an autobiography "Stolen Life: The Journey of a Cree Woman" by Yvonne Johnson and Rudy Wiebe
I'd recommend "A Time To Kill" by John Grisham, "The Chronicles of Narnia', any of the Vampire Hunter D books, Harry Potter series, or The Count of Monte Cristo.
I read the Twilight series, but I have to say I hate Bella Swan, she was my problem through that entire series. I almost couldn't finish it, I have a horrible habit. Once I start a series, I have to finish a series.  But she pissed me off more than ever in the last book, I had to cheat and read the last chapter before I continued.  I think the author was stoned or something on the last book...she was off her rocker. It was horrible.
My favorite genre is Fantasy...not to sure about favorite author though. When I was younger it was R.L Stein but now I'll read anything by anyone.
Title: Re: books
Post by: HarZy on August 23, 2009, 10:36:52 AM
Now I'm reading Terry Pratchett's Feet of Clay. I had forgotten how great writer Terry Pratchett was. :D
Title: Re: books
Post by: iluvpinkspider on November 09, 2009, 04:59:23 PM
ATM, i'm reading "The Black Dahlia Files" by Donald H. Wolfe. It's very interesting.
The last book i read...hmmm...i think it was "The Prophecies of Nostradamus".
What would i recommend? hmmm...well, "The Zombie Survival Guide" and "The Vampire Survival Guide". they're really funny (to me, at least)
My favorite genres: humor, true crime, history, horror
My favorite author: i have too many to name!
Title: Re: books
Post by: cherrybeary520x on November 09, 2009, 11:15:20 PM
right now i'm reading some boring book called "Jo's Boys"
i HAVE to read it because it's part of some stupid reading program that helps me get better grades on my Reading scores.........
Title: Re: books
Post by: xScQ on November 09, 2009, 11:46:07 PM
Everyone go read The Demon-haunted World, Science As A Candle In The Dark TODAY to celebrate the late Carl Sagan's birthday  :)
Title: Re: books
Post by: TG on November 09, 2009, 11:49:08 PM
Everyone go read The Demon-haunted World, Science As A Candle In The Dark TODAY to celebrate the late Carl Sagan's birthday  :)

Carl Sagan + Mogwai = superb.

Title: Re: books
Post by: jimmyray on February 08, 2010, 12:42:26 PM
At the moment I am reading Elizabeth Kostova's "The Historian" and the last book I have read is Arto Paasilinna's "The Year of the Hare".Very enjoyable.
I will recommend you these books-The drawing of the three,The sandman endless nights,The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand,The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker,All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren.
Mine favourite author is  Jodi Picoult. My favourite book by her is Nineteen Minutes
Title: Re: books
Post by: demonbefriender on February 08, 2010, 03:29:54 PM
Right now I'm reading The Stand and 1984. I had to pick up something to read in between The Stand (I'm pacing myself. :D )
I can't really remember the last book I read (blame The Stand), but I think it was a non-fiction book about women suffrage from 1918-1928.
As for recommendations... I'll be honest, I didn't really start reading until this year, hah.
I don't really have a favorite author, but I really enjoy Science Fiction novels, or anything about sociology.
Title: Re: books
Post by: TG on February 08, 2010, 07:44:22 PM
Anyone study Philosophy by any chance? ;)
Title: Re: books
Post by: obi325 on February 10, 2010, 10:39:05 AM
Anyone study Philosophy by any chance? ;)

I had some sort of Philosophy major in high school.
Title: Re: books
Post by: xScQ on February 11, 2010, 09:02:48 PM
- What are you reading ATM?
Not reading at the moment because I'm way too busy, but I have started on Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World.

- What was the last book you read?
Hollywood Causes Cancer by Tom Green

- Can you recommend some books?
Carl Sagan, Oliver Sacks, Joseph Campbell, Michio Kaku, Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Dan Dennett, Jared Diamond, Zecharia Sitchin, Sanjay Gupta, Alex Caine, Richard Zoglin, Peter McAllister, Penn Jillette.

- Fav genre, author
Science(fiction), (auto)biography, sport.
No favorite, but probably Carl Sagan.
Title: Re: books
Post by: Silvia on September 14, 2010, 11:01:08 PM
The last book I read was Sara's key by Tatiana de Rosnay. I LOVED this book, read in 3 days xD
Now I'm reading Sophie's choice by William Styron. It was recommended in Sarah's key. Only read 2 capters, the capters are too long and it makes it a bit boring...

Both book are related to the holocaust.

I still have to finish reading:
- Anna Frank's diary (started it like 3 years ago XD)
- The last from Harry Potter... I bought it when it was released  lol and the first movie will be released in november...
- September lights by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (For now, boring, I don't like books with too many descriptions... but I'll finish it)

Don't know if comic count too but the last I read was "harukana machi he/Distant Neighborhood/Barrio Lejano" by Jiro Taniguchi and the next will be "Kodoku no gurume/El gourmet solitario" by Jiro Taniguchi and Masayuki Kusumi

I used to like fantasy books... But now I like books about history, real stories, relationships, stories that link the past and the present...
I like HP books because it has some "human" stories though (Don't know how to say xD)
Title: Re: books
Post by: GoskinsVT on September 15, 2010, 02:16:31 AM
- What are you reading ATM?

Benjamin Franklin: An American Life

- What was the last book you read?

His Excellency George Washington

- Can you recommend some books?

Talk to me if you like the American Revolution ;)

- Fav genre, author

Joseph Ellis, See above.
Title: Re: books
Post by: Unoriginal Name X on September 21, 2010, 11:55:06 AM
- What are you reading ATM?
Tietam Brown by Mick Foley.

- What was the last book you read?
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien.

- Can you recommend some books?
Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King. Probably my favourite King stories (Low Men in Yellow Coats, the title story and Heavenly Shades of Night are Falling. Other two stories in the book are good too but the first two are excellent and the fifth wraps them up quite well). A prime example of the old saying "the book is better than movie".

- Fav genre, author
Mainly read horror and my favourite author is the aforementioned Stephen King.
Title: Re: books
Post by: eda on November 12, 2010, 08:02:08 PM
I like Haruki Murakami books, i was read "After Dark", "Norwegian Wood", "A Wild Sheep Chase" and now i'm reading "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle". Last time i was read Lian Hearn trylogy and a lots of novels to school like Goethe, Kafka. I want to read someday Yoshiki's biography ^^
Title: Re: books
Post by: xScQ on November 12, 2010, 09:14:15 PM
- What are you reading ATM?
Tietam Brown by Mick Foley.

Foley is good!
Title: Re: books
Post by: TG on November 12, 2010, 10:03:53 PM
I like Haruki Murakami books, i was read "After Dark", "Norwegian Wood", "A Wild Sheep Chase" and now i'm reading "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle". Last time i was read Lian Hearn trylogy and a lots of novels to school like Goethe, Kafka. I want to read someday Yoshiki's biography ^^

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is my favourite Murakami book, it's absolutely superb in all aspects.

I'm now reading Flaubert.
Title: Re: books
Post by: iluvpinkspider on November 15, 2010, 02:57:30 AM
At the moment i'm reading the "Ask A Ninja" handbook and "Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War"
Title: Re: books
Post by: elanor on January 13, 2011, 12:05:47 AM
at the moment I do read Colin Dexter, the detectiv stories with inspector Morse, very good thrillers, exciting and real good story telling
and to enlarge my general knowledge I do read a book by Thilo Bode, the founder of "Foodwatch", a german NGO, about our food and the way the foodconcern are faking the content of our foodstuff, it is interesting and of cource scary and reminds me how diffecult it is, to find valuable and healthy stuff to eat. In german it´s called "Die Essensfälscher", don´t know, if it is available in english or so.
Last time, because of X-mas, I was reading Terry Pratchett "hogfather" - great entertainment.
In general, I love Fantasy stuff, like "Lord of the Rings" and "Wheel of Time"
Title: Re: books
Post by: TG on January 13, 2011, 06:55:23 PM
Just finished V. by Thomas Pynchon - Fantastically unique. Now I'm onto Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut
Title: Re: books
Post by: Matthias on January 14, 2011, 08:41:00 PM
Reading The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie right now. Pretty good dark fantasy stuff, like it. Looking forward to read his other books.
Title: Re: books
Post by: Kasumi on October 25, 2018, 11:47:25 AM
I didn't know we had some place in this forum to discuss books! BOOKS! Awesome. Lovely.

I have to admit this right away... I hated reading books as a kid/teen, cause all there was to read for my age was imo boring bullcrap. It wasn't until I discovered the Harry Potter series thanks to all the hype back then, that I decided to give reading a second chance as a considered hobby of mine. Still I have read way more manga than actual books in my lifetime, but I remember some awesome books I've read.

So these are the books I read most recently (this year and last year):
- Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
- The Compte of Monte-Christo by Alexandre Dumas

Favorite books of all-time:
- A street Cat named Bob by James Bowen - seriously... I love this book and the story behind so much, that I actually gave my copy to one of my brothers... you should all read it! It is heart-warming! <3
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen -  yeah I admit it... I love this kind of stuff

Books that I think are good, but would never read for fun:
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

I actually have a pile of books and mangas at home that I still want to read. I will take a look at the stuff there as I come home and maybe edit this post again.

What have you been reading x-Freaks?
Title: Re: books
Post by: matsumoto on October 26, 2018, 04:40:41 PM
YEY, thanks Kasumi for reviving this topic!

I see that we have similar tastes in books. Tolstoy, Dumas, Huxley and Harper Lee and some of the best authors I ever read.

Interesting books I read this year (in honour of the third (?) feminist wave and all that jazz, this year I comitted to reading only books written by women):

- Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel > the kind of book you read when you're either depressed or in a lifelong love affair with Sigmund Freud, and lucky for me, I'm the latter.

- How to be a woman, by Caitlin Moran > would never have picked this one up if a friend didn't challenge me to. Those were seriously the funniest 300 pages I ever read.

- The Female Eunuch, by Germaine Greer > Germaine has a bad rap and I don't fully agree with some of her views, but this one's a classic.

- The Colour Purple, by Alice Walker > this one hits very close to home, especially when you've got a lot of African folks in the family, which is my case.

- I, Tituba, black witch of Salem, by Maryse Condé > SOMEONE GIVE THIS WOMAN A NOBEL PRIZE. Same as the above, dropped a lot of tears reading this one.

- The Vernon Subutex triology, by Virginie Despentes > this French author is still largely unknown abroad but trust me, this Despentes lady is Yoshiki, if Yoshiki was into punk literature. 10/10
Title: Re: books
Post by: Kasumi on October 27, 2018, 06:10:12 PM
@matsumoto: Yay!  :D I really like the writing of these authors, too.

Anyone of you heard of the site: https://www.goodreads.com
Or is anyone here maybe already registered? You can easily keep track of what you've been reading and get recommondations according to the books you've read and stuff.
Title: Re: books
Post by: LEMONedMe on October 29, 2018, 02:00:37 AM
I joined Goodreads a few years back but have never read anything on there, so far.  I think I am just too hyper to sit still on a computer to read like that but maybe I will give it a shot some day.

I used to read a LOT and belonged to a Mystery book club and also one for Horror as I love those types of things, especially Stephen King, Peter Straub and Dean Koontz.  After I had my son, I could no longer read without it putting me to sleep which was very disturbing and a bummer for me.  I read for a minimum of an hour every night in bed, before falling asleep.  After I had him, I could not read for more than 5 minutes without falling asleep and that was a let down.  I finally gave up.

Do you have to have an ereader or an iPad to read these kindle publications? Sorry I am really out of the loop with these things as I just didn't think I could hold my mind still enough to read online or on a device so I didn't try it.

I would love to read Harper Lee's 2nd book that is the prequel, I believe? to To Kill a Mockingbird.  I have never read To Kill a Mockingbird but I have an old, old copy of the movie on VHS and believe it or not, I play it often to fall asleep.   The beginning of the movie has such peaceful sounds.  Coming from a farming community with a grandmother who looked after all of her grandkids and her own children, especially my mother - her only daughter, watching and listening to that movie is like going back in time to a more peaceful place for me, even if it was years before my time.  It's still similar and the sounds are very familiar so it lulls me to sleep in peaceful dreaming. 
Title: Re: books
Post by: Kasumi on October 29, 2018, 11:49:55 AM
Do you have to have an ereader or an iPad to read these kindle publications? Sorry I am really out of the loop with these things as I just didn't think I could hold my mind still enough to read online or on a device so I didn't try it.
Sometimes I feel like I am living under a rock or something, because I have honestly no idea. ^^° I don't know a thing about these modern E-Reader thingy or E-Pubs or whatever all this stuff is called. I still read all my books on solid paper... like back in the days. Not on Screen.

There is an old telephone booth in the neighbourhood, which isn't used as a telephone booth anymore, cause it was turned into a public bookshelf instead. You can drop off some old books there and take some with you. All for free. That's were I get most of the stuff from that I've read recently. Which is also why I haven't read much recent literature.

I would love to read Harper Lee's 2nd book that is the prequel, I believe? to To Kill a Mockingbird.  I have never read To Kill a Mockingbird but I have an old, old copy of the movie on VHS and believe it or not, I play it often to fall asleep.   The beginning of the movie has such peaceful sounds.  Coming from a farming community with a grandmother who looked after all of her grandkids and her own children, especially my mother - her only daughter, watching and listening to that movie is like going back in time to a more peaceful place for me, even if it was years before my time.  It's still similar and the sounds are very familiar so it lulls me to sleep in peaceful dreaming.
Oh yes the movie is beautiful. Very peaceful in the beginning. We watched the movie back in the days, because my best friend didn't wanted to read the book. :D We watched it a second time in our english class. My BFF instantly fell in love with one of the actors. :D Gregory Peck... good looking guy seriously.
Title: Re: books
Post by: LEMONedMe on October 29, 2018, 12:11:46 PM
There are little glass booths around town, here, where people take books that they don't want anymore, I guess.  They look like cabinets.  As bad as vandals are, you would think they would trash these things in an instant just because they can but they don't.  Apparently you just open the little glass doors and take out what you want and put what you have to share inside and leave.  I'm not sure that's exactly how it works but it looks that way.   They're sort of on the side of the roads as you are going past, in town.   I have never asked the ex to pull over so I could look because I know he wouldn't, anyway. 

Yes, Gregory Peck was a good looking man, apparently.  He is not my type but he is pleasant to look at I guess.  Definitely not bad on the eyes, anyway.   :)
Title: Re: books
Post by: matsumoto on October 29, 2018, 02:37:35 PM
...and could probably quote all the article’s on psychology today! Ha!

High five, #metoo!

and one that Matsumoto may appreciate: A Year in the Merde by Stephen Clarke.

HOHAHAHA how did you know it? That was the funniest book ever written on France. I still quote it when I need to piss off the French (i.e. very often). Clarke wrote a whole series, I think, and I read them all. If you a slightly more premium version of Clarke's series, read Paris To The Moon by New Yorker journalist Adam Gopnik. Gopnik does an even better job at exposing French idiosyncracies, except he does it with a whole new level of finesse and literary elegance.

I have never read To Kill a Mockingbird but I have an old, old copy of the movie on VHS and believe it or not, I play it often to fall asleep.

This is one of the best films ever made, IMHO. It has these little moments that are just so simple and so trasient and so candid yet so genius, like that one fleeting moment where Atticus reaches out to close the door, revealing Boo Radley hiding behind it. The sequence lasts about two minutes, but I assure you those are some of the best two minutes in film history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRmIef02Ajk

Do you have to have an ereader or an iPad to read these kindle publications? Sorry I am really out of the loop with these things as I just didn't think I could hold my mind still enough to read online or on a device so I didn't try it.

You don't need a Kindle or an iPad, you can read e-books on any smartphone or tablet with the Amazon kindle app. But I agree with you and Kasumi, I can't read long formats on screen, I just lose focus.  ;)

Title: Re: books
Post by: LEMONedMe on October 29, 2018, 04:17:16 PM
I loooooove Boo Radley.   ;D Well, not really but I love that scene.  I doubt there is a single scene in that movie that I don't like.  And the beginning is very peaceful, like a time when I would spend the day on my grandparent's farm.  I miss those days so much.   Those days, my cousins, my grandma, even my mom.  Miss my mom's uncles and aunts coming to visit and my grandma's cooking, too.  Miss everything.   ;D
Title: Re: books
Post by: REM ~Piscean Dreams~ on October 30, 2018, 02:06:40 AM
- What are you reading ATM?
- What was the last book you read?
- Can you recommend some books?
- Fav genre, author

Et cetera, et cetera, everything, anything concerning books, I guess you got that by now  :P

I'm not reading anything at the moment , but I just finished The Lost World by Michael Crichton tonight, it's the second one of the Jurassic Park books.
I loved both! So much awesomeness! If you liked the movies, you gonna love the books because they explain a lot and fill some plot holes from the movies.
They differ very much from the films, not in a bad way, though.

Next one to read will be one of these:

- The Birds/kiss Me Stranger by Daphne du Maurier
- The Shining by Stephen King
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

Mary Shelley is actually one of my Ancestors! I've yet to read one of her books, (I really want to, though!)    :'(
Title: Re: books
Post by: Kasumi on July 17, 2019, 10:48:23 AM
Guys! Did you read any interesting new stuff lately?  :D

I'm currently reading "Crime and Punishment" (i like the german title better "Schuld und Sühne" sounds more poetic) by Dostojewski. And damn this is so good. Would recommend. I'm still not done reading it. So no spoilers please. I might finish the book today, if I got enough time. Looking forward to it.  :)
Title: Re: books
Post by: hatsor on July 17, 2019, 10:52:53 AM
What a great choice Kasumi. Dostoyevsky is great and I also intend to read Crime and Punishment in the near future. I've gotten many recommendations on how good it is  ;D

I'm currently reading "Blindness"(Ensaio sobre a Cegueira in portuguese) by José Saramago, a portuguese writer who won the nobel prize of literature. I recommend the book to everyone, it's really good  :)

Also finished Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion last week and recommend for all sci-fi fans  :)
Title: Re: books
Post by: nb on July 18, 2019, 07:15:21 AM
I like this topic,

I once read the book "Perfume" which is really ... uhm... strange in a way. It is originally from a German writer named Patrick Süßkind. The story is about Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, an unloved 18th-century French orphan who is born with an exceptional sense of smell, being able to distinguish a vast range of scents in the world around him. Grenouille becomes a perfumer but later becomes involved in murder when he encounters a young girl with an unsurpassed wondrous scent.

Also I want to read "We" by  Yevgeny Zamyatin. The stroy is set in the future. D-503, a spacecraft engineer, lives in the One State, an urban nation constructed almost entirely of glass, which assists mass surveillance. It is a dystopian novel written in 1920-1921.
Title: Re: books
Post by: kayabee on July 18, 2019, 09:41:50 PM
 im currently reading  helter skelter by Vincent Bugliosi, Curt Gentry. It goes into detailed about the manson family if anyone is into murder/gore like me

i've been needing some recs because all i really have read is teen fiction and anna karenina once, but that chapters were too short and it was kinda boring