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Messages - ReiMISERY

Pages: 1 2
X JAPAN World Tour / Re: X JAPAN's world tour plans for 2011
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:32:28 PM »
OMG!!! I hope they come to Toronto again!!!  I bet they will!! because Yoshiki said it was one of their best nights XD  (twitter)
and "In addition to the album's North American tour in March 2011 the "second" time, South America tour in April, are planning a surprise plan in Japan."

they said second!!! *__*

I cant waaaaiiiit!!! ><


my gosh,  was the best thing that ever happened in my life (this concert) WOOOT!
I remember I stood on the seat when X came out!  good thing the security didn't come get me...
Although when I ran up for the song "X" I was all the way in the front,  and after the song the security was all mean with me :c asked me "Show me your ticket! Wheres your ticket? Show me the ticket!"  I was like..."TwT okok i got it..."
I wish they would have let me stay in the front. =_=;;
but besides that,  OMG best thing that happened in my life!

I get all shakey and teared up about this everytime i think i got to see them!!!
Toshi waved at me and I got sprayed with water by him.  @-@ i can die happy.
The ride was worth while.  -w- <3

I have been officially Xed!!!

ThanX!!!! <33333

The Concerts / Re: Has anyone ever met any X Japan members?
« on: October 26, 2010, 01:05:53 AM »
no,  but  in toronto  TOSHI  was right in front of me and waved back at me XD

The Concerts / Re: Best Live versions of ALL songs?
« on: October 26, 2010, 12:32:49 AM »
Well,  I can't really choose which one is the best but,  the one that touched me the most
was ENDLESS RAIN.  idk which live version though.


and wait,  what?! you can give presents to them?
:O  I want to make a homemade card for the whole band!!!!

quiet conversations, whispers, singing, and humming and crinkly candy wrappers as the acclaimed acoustics of this auditorium carry your conversation and disruptions all the way to the stage as well as to the patrons around you. " XD

LOL first thing I want to say  why would someone be having a conversation during a concert? XD
and well people will obviously be singing or humming lol  AND take pictures.  cuz theres always those people who do aha

BTW I'm going to the concert,  i'm on the main floor section "O" in the 50's  which im really disappointed cause I have been waiting a couple years for their arrival and love them  so friggin much  (has hide hair lol)...oh well.
the Xperience of X is great enough that im sure everyone will have a blast C:

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